259749 �j�
O 161NAL TO CITY CL[RK I.������
COMMIS51 �TE Sc�n -r�m�r 21� 1972
WHEREAS, fih� City Council of the City of Saint Paui is informed by the
Department of Parks, Recreation and Public Buiidings that the vacant �nd open
huilding(s) located at:
365 Aurora
ln the Ctty of Sa�nt Paul are a proximate hazard to the public heaith,
welfare and safety; and
WHEREAS, the last known record owners of said property are:
Anastasia Robinson Cora Anderson Carr
Missouri B. Robinson Charles A. Anderson
and said owne�s have faiied to secure fihe same against enfiry by unauthorized
persons i� viotation of Section 192. t8 ot the Saint Paui Legisiative Code,
and said vacant and open building(s) have been faund and determined by the
Cauncil of the City of Salnt Paul to constitute a menace to the public fiealth,
welfere a�d safety and a pubiic nuisance which must be irtanediately abated to
prevent loss ot life or property; now, theretore be it
RE�OLY�D, that the Department ot Parks. Recreation and Pubijc 8uiidings
is authorized and directed to immediately secure said buiidi�gs by the use af
co�tract labor under contract �No.-?�34H pendi�g p�oceedings unde� the Nazardous
Fiu i 1 d i ngs Act; and be i t L 7 5 25
� � FURTHER RESOlYEO, that the expense of securing such buildings be paid
from Fund No. Q4�-�Zb9�. Summary Abatement, and that the Corporatjon Counsei
� d be directed ta take r�pp�opriate action to �eimburse sald fund by action
��, ��aga i nst the owner of sa i d praperty. Est imated c�st $57.25
g � 0756-269
�+- � � � (New) _
SEP 2 6 197�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� . 19—
Yeas Nays
ut e� .�c--.� ���" _ _ _ . Sf P 2? 19��
son Konopa}zlc7 •� �= pprovecL 19�
Levine �r �
L ine Mereditfi j -In Favor
M �edithSprafka U Mayor
S�r�fka Tedesco �
Mme. Presider�B� Against
Mr. Pres�dent, McCarty
. �
pUBtISHED S[P 3 0 �972
� 259'749
.o��.�„�„���„a -
� � CtTY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO
WHEREA�, the City Council of the Clty of Sai�t Paul ts info►�med by tfie
Depat�tinent of Parks, Recreat;on and Pubiic 8uildings that the vacant and open
buildingts) located at:
�� ��
in the City ot Safnt Pau! a�e a proxfnr�te hazard to ifie pub{ ic health,
Metfare and safety; and
MIHERE/1S, ifie iast known record owners of said property are:
lla�tassia �Mares t30a�a ��t �`�'
ILtsea�ts'i e. �c►� Cl�sl�r �. �� '
a►nd said c�r�s t�ave tailed to secure #he same against entry by unauthorized
perso�s i� violatio� of Sectfon l92. 18 'of•the Saint Panl leqtsta#ivs Code,
and safd v�ca�1� and ope� buildingts) have been found and determdned by the
Counc�l of tAe City ot Saint Paul to constitute a aienace ta the pubtic fiealth,
we�fars and safety and a publi� nuisance which must be. tmmediatei� ,abated to
preve�t loss of tife o� property; now, therefore be it •�'
RES0I.VED, #hat the Department of Par�CS,� Recfeat i on a�d P�b 1 i c Bu t l�:i�s
i s au�!lwr�I�zed and d I rected to i mmed Fate 1 y secure sa td bu i 1 d 1�g,s by tt�+a use o#
contract labor under contra+ct �k�,,.�, pendi�g proceedings under the Hazsrdous
suildtngs Act; and be it � 75�
f#Nt�'HER RESOlilEO, that the, expense of secur�rig such bu i Id i ngs be pa id`
f rom fund 1+10. ����R Sr�mary Aba#ement, and tha# the Corporat f on £c�nse t ,
be direc#ed to #eke apprcapriate action #o reimtrurse said fund by �etian �
aga i r�t the a+�er� o# sa i d prcperFy.
� lit.lsra�►�rd a�ori �7.�3
07 Si�l61 - .
SEP 2 6 1972 , ; ,
COUNC�L�EN Adopted by the Council 19:,,._.
Yeas Naya � �
R �
u � ...�--^ � ---: � . gEP a? �
lson Konopai�l "�4�:�, Approv�� �,19.�'T
Levine ��
°�e Mereditfi Tr Favor ' � `` •
eredith gprafka `
r� Tedesco ` . ��
Mme. President,,Butle� � Aon►;nat � ,
d� , .t.
Mr. Pres� ent, McCarty �', �
, f�
. . .. � ��Ft..
� .