259741 � - .. . .. . . �"..-;. '-„ . .. � . . . . . � . ' . • 'h. . ' .. . iT . : � p � t � 259`741. ' +F�NAL ORDER �oUNCIL FILE Na By File No ��� In the Matter of �t� �j�,=, _,,��� � si�hwllF � t'�s �wtl� sire i ot i�e�wi =tca�t !sr labasl�+� StsMt tas �a�u�itriws`r �etf+A� � iidt ritl br rM2ac�i ottl� i�t�,ral emi aM •ii�wli� �si !►� i�ia� a�l etir�r t�r�th �!� is �a- ar� a�d laei�tal to aw�#� a�sLi �zo�rt. under Preliminary Order �7'�2 approv��—� �- j� Intermediaiy Order approv� A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is t� eo�r�! a�i/�r �ric�■atr�aE tiN si�lk ia #i�e s�it rLM ot �i �tMt �stia -_ iia�a�6s �trNt to J�cksoin �, pssti� of �h vil� M s+���ort vitr t�sa! . a�sb awi at�sl�c a�d ►� aota� �.�13 .t6�r Mo9t�k �ie6 is a�e�a� a�d ioeti�atal te �a�2� sai� i�►s'o'w�wrEs � +�Yt:'r it is �trd tdst y�o�ei +iai s�!#+eL�t pas+�i siaswik� oar �t, and the Council hereby ordera said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FUftTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and d�irected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. COUNCILMEN � � � Adopted by the Council SEP �s �9� Yeas '-=-�"�'- Nays � ,;'�,f ZKl APProve SEP a� 1972 T:TH � , ,.� T*+ Favor Mayor , . �i��' � ro�;nst j J � �I �,.•. � �1 PUBLI�FIED �EP 3 01972 "��'J� '� ? U . / •+j Dist. No. 4 � �1� . S.S. Second St. - Wabasha St. to Jackson St. . "���'y � „ _ / � -r 259�741 OFFICE GF THE CGr�TIISSICNER OF PUBLIC WGRKS � < 7�3 REPORT TO COr�iISSIONER OF FINANCE June 6th. 19 7�_ To the Cornmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council kno�-m as Council File No. 258781 approved M�y 25th. 19�_ relative to constructi��,and/or reconstructin� the sidewalk on the s�uth cidp of Second St from Wabasha St to Jacks,Qn St Aortions of which will be rpp]arPd �irh integral curb and sidewalk and bq doing all other work which is necessarv and in- cidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: �� 4.90 1. The estimated cost thereof is $�A per lin. f t. f or standard sidewalk S f t 5.85 � � wide and $��1 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. , $1.50 per sq. ft. for integral curb and sidewalk. �°'� 2. A plan, profile or sl:etch of said iraprovement is hereto attached and made a part thereof. ' ��"� . 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X ' �� 4. I�aprovement is asked for upon petition �,,��R.������,����i ,� � c� " .�� � - . � �s � � of Publi Worlcs � � ;�.� � �-, ` - � �.f+' �vA�� �a� � i`�¢° . ! ' A.: � 1i .��,Q�, �,�Yti . 4 � ��V� I� � , ■se .ee�e •reveeeaeee �l�e� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL OITY HALL AND COURT HOUSSE MRS. RUBY HUNT SAINT PAIJL, MINNESOTA 55102 MRS. FRANCES BOYDEN Councilman P a o iv� 61 2 / 2 2 3—5 3 7 O Legislative Aide September 25, 1972 COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: The Council Committee on Public Works submits herewith its report on the Final Order for reconstructing sidewalk on the south side of Second St. from Wabasha St. to Jackson St. After viewing the location the Committee recommends that the sidewalk be reconstructed. It further recommends that no assessment be made against the abutting property because of the difference in grade level and the fact that the abutting property has no access to the sidewalk. Yours very trul , Ruby Hu , Chairman Sept. 5� 1)72 rion. hirs. Ruby Iiunt Chai,rman, �ublic Works Com�nittee �ui.ldin� �ear Madrtm: `:L'h� C;ity i;�uncil laicl c�vex to September 26th and r�fei°red to the Public Works Ca.mmittec a Finral Order fbr constructin� anc:�or recon$tructin� sidewa.lk on the south eide of 5econd ;.�t. from t�ab�eha St. to Jackeon St. in order that the committee eould di�cuss ownexship factors and determin� benefita to abutting p:roperty owners. Very truly yours� City Cl.er� AO/ng S�pt��bCr 26, 197� °+Ir. Rober� Trude�u Acting �1ead F3nance Uevt. Dear Sir: Th� Ci�y Cavuiaxl today adoptad a r inal prder, C.F'. 2597�1, to reconstruct a� sid�ralk a�z 6�con�. St. from Wabasha to Jacksa�s St. und�x P.O. 2587�1, �.pproved P�ey 2�p 1�7�. '�he �rfler waa adopte3 in accor8sncc� �rith the reco�m.eudation oP the Pul�ltc Work� Co�un�.tt�� that no a.ssess�ent be ma�l.e a,�aittst the abut�ing property bece�use of the difference �� �re�d� lev�1 sn8 th� fact that thea abutt3ng proper�y ha�s no acce�se to �he eidewalk. Very tru].y yours, City Clexk c.c - Public WQrka� Mr. Hurtley