259726 �Orisina�to C1t7 Clerk ` �: '` ORDINANCE ��9��� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ' ORDINANCE NO ����� An ordinance amendi.ng Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An admi.nistrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAiNT PAUI.jDOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordi.nance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section II all of Group F, which reads as follows: "Auto Body Repairman $6. 12" "Auto Body Repairman Helper First year of employment 3. 67 Second year of employment 4. 04 Third year of employment and thereafter 4. 41" "Auto Mechanic 6. 12" "Auto Mechanic Leadman 6. 27" "Equipment Maintenance Foreman 6. 62" "Fireman-Mechanic 6. 12" "Fireman-Mechanic Foreman 6. 62" "Fireman-Mechanic General Foreman 7. 62" "Machinist 6. 12" "Mechanic Foreman--Municipal Garage 6. 62" � "Mechanic Foreman--Water Department 6. 62" "Mechanic Welder �� 6. 12�r "Tire Repairman 5. 78" "We1d�Blacksmith 6. 12" ; and by substituting in lieu thereof the followi.ng: � ..1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Hunt �� Konopatzki Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mad�m�F. President ��y� (Butler} Approved: Attest: City Clerk n Mayor °�� b ' Form approved Corpor��ion Counsel By _ z Oti�tas3 to C[t�Clerk ' � � �` ORDINANCE ��g��� .� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO C�°�� "Auto Body Repairman $6. 37" "Auto Body Repairman Helper First year of employment 3. 82 Second year of employment 4. 20 Third year of employment and thereafter 4. 59" "Auto Mechanie . 6. 37" "Auto Mechanic Leadman 6. 52" "�quipment Maintenance Foreman 6. 87" "Fireman-Mechanic 6. 37�' "Fireman..Mechanic Foreman 6. 87" "Fireman-Mechanic General Foreman 7. 87" "Machinist 6. 37 t' "Mechanic Foreman--Municipal Garage 6. 87" "Mechanic Foreman--Water Department 6. 8?" "Mechanic Welder 6. 3?" "Tire Repairman 6. 03" "Welder-Blacksmith 6. 37" . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval and publication, in accordance with Council File No. 256707, appr�ved December 10, 1971, which authorizes these wage rate increases to be retroactive to June 24, 1972; subject to the rules, regulations and provi.sions of the Federal Economic Stabilization Act, if applicable. 2 OCT 6 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Hunt ���� Konopatzki `S Tn Favor � � U' � A gainst Tedesco Madam 3dK president ��) (Butler} T �j 1972 roved: At � ty r � Mayor �� Form approved Corpg�i�n Counsel By _ "`" OCT14 iy�� . ; r3�e.a re�ar y . . ' �e � r O1� DII�TANCE 259'72� , . COUNqL HLE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO l So�-¢� �'An#o Bod�r Rapsiz�erisa $b.31" "A�to �o$� Rfpsira�aa He�per Ff rst �^sss o� asnplo�me�t 3.8Z F�EOS�I �es! of emplb�nemt 4.2A T�rd yesr o� �plo�s+aeat sad tl�r�ltr 4.39" "A�to lr[aie�ic 6.37" �'�i�► �itha�fe I.�sdmas '', 6.5Z" "Eq�dp��at lLsiete�aae• I+��rre�a 6.8T" "Fls�s*•�+t�c�c b.37" �'F�ssns�s•�CecLsait I�'o�e�qnaa 6.i7" aF'itemsi-lydeehaaic G�tatt �"sssmss 7,a?" "lwisehfnii�t b.37" "l�[et�sa�e For�mnaa•-�aaicipai G�ragNr 6.87" "�Eecl�aic Fore�aa--Wster T,�rga�ztm�st b.a'T" . "Meehss,�c Welder 6.3T" "T� �t�si,�sa 6. 03" "W�1d�r•Biacks�ndti� ' 6".37" . Seetio�a 2. Tbia ordinsa�e shsll take e�set a�d bs #a force oa the , ffret e3�a� o� ths $rst psTsoll paric}d follawing thirtp dsps alter its pss�tge, sppro�ra! �md publicstim. #a scto�rdaaee wfth Coa�sMl File l�o. ZS6't07, spgre�ed D�ceaiber 10, 1q73, wl�eh sathor�sses th+e�ae wsgao-: ra#e iaeresses to bs relro�r�cti� to d�me ?.�l, 19T�; snbjett to the rates. regvl�lioas and pro�fsfaas oi t� F`edersl Eevnom►.ic S�sMlizstion Ast, 3f sppltesble.. 'Z` OCT� � 1972 Yeas Councilmen Naya Paesed by the Council �� Huat �� Konopa.tLki `� T*� Favor �� � Anninal: Tedeseo �m �President � �B�tl�r) APP�coved: _—�.�T 6 �972 Atteet: City Clerk Mayor , +�� : Form a�praved Corpor�tton Couneel By r � DqLsq t�PelaNe . � ` +ORDINAIITC � 25�'72� . ��� p� � PRESENTED BY OitDINANCE NO l��6 � Ai ordi�iac� aaa�adimg Orjdiuna� No. 6446. �: nJy► �imisist:a�f�re orjdissace fiztag the com- �. `" p�asst�oa satsa o� c�stsia citT �oait3�oas asd empl�aets." a�pro�rsd Jaassr�r;�•3, �925. ss san��d. � TH]'r CO�tCIL �F THE CIT'Y QF �AI�TT PAIIL�ES OZtDA1N: S�ctioa 1. Tha� Ord�aa�� �+io. bl�46, appr�l�d Js�sas�r 21, 1923, sa aaa�isi;� b� s�d tla saa�u► � hos��itstha: ams�d�d b� strl�da� oat �E 8�0�II sll ot Grarp F, wtiit� r�ad� ss foll�o�ws: u�to Bod� ltepsirmsn , �6. 12" "A�to Bod� R�paisa:an H�lpi�: Fisat yeat of empl��t 3.67 Secod�d �esr o�f e�r�p 4.�4 Ttiird �rsar o�f �mplo��a�tl�ssea�t�r 4,4I" HAaba 1[�cLaa�tc ', 6� 12" "Aa#s ]�t�cl�uie Lasdm,aa 6.Z7 p ►'�ipm�t l�taitttqaaca F�re�aasa 6.62'' , "Fisa�msa�l�f�sel�aaie ' 6. ltn "Fisymsn�►l�r�s�it Forem�ts ir.�,�" "Tir�a�as-��anic G�u�raEl Foreaasa T.b2" "1[acMaiat ', 6. Ii" "l�eL�c Toramaa--�4o�ipsl Gss�a� 6. 62" "�[echanic' For�msn•-1lits� Depsrtmest b.6tK �'I�[�c�snic W�: ' i.1Z'� '"Tirs 8apairasa� ' 5.78'� "WtLi�tn►Blsc�csnoitl� 6. 12" ; . s�d b�r snbs� ia li� t�rete�f th� feltow#�`: _l. Yc�aa Councilmen Nays Paeaed by the Counc;� Butler g� � Ko�Opsu�i T*+ Favor s� A�ninat Tedeeco �,�;��. P�ident�(E�tl+�rj Approved: A t• • Ci�,y Clerk Mayor �� �,� Form spprov�ed Corpor�n Co�asel B�► . ;:_ ls�. ' .� . 2nn ��'� � .ird ��� � P.dopted �� Yeas Nays I:UNT 259"726 xcr:o��,�zicz LEVINE � �� �� v TEDESCO • ^�.me P�;SIDEPJT .;BUTL�:R)