259722 o�.t so cia c��
� �� � � � ORDINANCE 259'�22
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled:
"An administrative ord9.na.nce fixing the com-
pensati.on rates of certa�.-`city posita:ons �.nd employments, "
' approved Jan.uar�r 23,: 19�5, as �.rnerided.
Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925,
as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out �
of Section II, where they appear under the heading Group A, the following
line s:
"Plumber 7. 6 g"
"Plumber Foreman--Board of �ducation 8. 33"
"Steamfitte r 7. 6 9"
"Steamfitter Foreman--Board of Education 8.33" ;
and by substituting in lieu thereof the followi.ng lines, respectively:
"Plumbe r 7. 9 0"
"Plumber Foreman--Board of Education 8. 53"
"5teamfitter 7. 90"
"Steamfitter Foreman--Board of Education 8. 53" .
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on
the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its
passage, approval and publication, in accordance with Council File No. 256707,
approved December 10, 1971, which authorizes these wage rate increases
to be retroactive to May 27, 1972; subject to the rules, regulations and
provisions of the Federal Economic Stabilization Act, if applicable.
� �
C►' V
Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �CT 6 1972
Butler Hunt
��� Konopatzki '� Tn Favor
� � d ° Against
Madam �i President ��a�� (Butler� � ,97�
At t:
ty Clerk � - Mayor
�� .
�orm approved Corpor��ion Counsel By �-w-,r�
RUBLISHED Q�T 1 4 �972
aqlle�t.a r�e
" . . .:� ORDIN, � IITCE 259`722
cou�L�� No
� or�et amam�� �Jsd�� No. b4l6, �tlyd:
"�Aa a�fstrati� or�ti�ea � �L,s c�-
p�asali.a rat�s o�f css�sia e� p�o►�it��u aad ��ta."'
sppsotrrd Jaanss� 23, I925. as sm�disd.
. Sectiaa. i. That �rdiasssf I�io. 644b, app:o�nsd Jaawur�r �3, i92?i.
ss_a�+di�d. be a�d th� sas+� is hes�ab�r fnrl�ss sm�d�d � �s�ds� o�t
+f�art'Ti. �r1a►r� t�r! sPpsar ad�r t'1� �� Gro� A, tlia �33o�r#sg
"Fl�mbsr 7.69n
"�'I�emb�s Fos�moa�a--�osz� ot ��Meslf�t 8.33r'
"Sq�as�fit#�sr � � T.69" .
��er For�ss--S�rd a�E �d�wtsti�o,t 8.33'� ;
a�el ir� s��Eitatis,� ia lis�th�srof�r �e�I�o�r�� li�as. s+�sp�e.�E�nrt�:
"Plmnber T.90" �
"Pl�ai�es �"fsa:nan-•Boasi� of Ec�a��ie� 8.53"
"Saamt�t�er ?.9Q"
� •'�lt�r Fo:emsa,--�srd af Ed�caRiva 8.�3� .
�tio� a. Tbfs ore�a�e4 �bal1 tslce e��et aaAl be ia fose� aa
t� Ssst d�►� oE � �rst 1�l��� �+��i ��7 �'n a�s #ts
puss��f ro�rl a�i pstiltcstio�.i ia ueorda�ce w�th � �`iL� lte. ?.SbT+D9, '
apprsrr�d ��s 1�. 19?l, �5 s�osLses l�is� wa�t r�#a f�esiss�s {
�p► till� 1'itl�!'tO jti� �� ��a+i�1�I�iC! !O !h+! l�is a Yr��,�t#�0li itl�
j1t�'�a�Odi O� � I''��l��b�p�,C ��ia'�OII �� �i��Ci�f�t. �
Y� co,��►� Naye Paeaed by the Co»*�l OCT 6 ta�2
B� xe�ot �
L�e�vi�n�e•'' ��� Tr Favor
i�iC{/�i.A . V . roOII�� .
T� O CT 6 1972 .
� � President � ��t1�s'� APPrnved: "
Cit�y G7erk Mayor
�� Form approved eorpor�!�ioa Couaeel By __.
.T. , � �'�a . , ..
^ • ' r �C:JII ■ MM , �'. ':
June 27, 1972
Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen
Mayor. City of St. Paul
Room 34? City Hall
Uear lviayor Cohea:
Approximately two yeare ago the Mayor a.nd the City Council abolished the �slary
formula which esieted at that time aad eerved as a guide in establfshinQ salary
increa�es each year for the City employees. After the formnla was sboliohed w�
were fnatructed orally by the Mayor to contiaue the procedure which provided tos
sslary increaaeo for tftles in the Ungraded Division. with oae chsn�e whic6 �ras
thst we were to aubmit. as new rates, 85% of the total packsge •et forth in con-
tracts negotiated by industry. instead of the 86. 5% that had been provided for by
the salary formula.
As we received evidence from the varioue unions attesting to chaages in their
. contracts with industry, we calculated the rates aad submitted them to the Cot�ncil
for their consideration.
In the lsat month or two a number of the unioas have aegotiated new contracta with
regard to wages and fringe benefits and have submitted evidence thereof to onr
office. I have contacted Mrs. Butler, Pr�sident of the Council. ss to what pro-
cedure should be followed uader the new form of governmeat ia regard to eub-
miasioa of thie information to the Council. since the Council ie the salary-fi�da�
bodp. Sh� has informed me that it ia her wish that theee salary recommendations
be submitted to the Council through the Msyor.
We are therefore respectfully requestiag your direction in this mstter, aad afier
to meet with you and review the method and procedures used in translatiaQ ths
negotiated wage ratee aad friage benefits into recommendationa to be consider�d
by the City Council when eetablishirig rates for the reapective titles coacerned.
We have ia hand contracts receatly negotiated for a large number of titles and
have received reque�ta from the buaines� agente ss to whea thesa nutters will be
considered. The City Council has on record a resolution of intent which it msy
utilize to make such rates retroactive if the effective date set forth ia the fadu�try
contracts occura before the Council takes action.
Very truly yours,
John S. Hsider
Director of Per�onnel
, •
Civil Service Commission a �� '� Director of Personnei
Mrs.Ruth D. Schwarzwalder, Chairman $A � , UL 259`722 John S. Haider
Mr. Harry H.Gaston � �
� � , ��
Mr.a R.����k�za�s CIVIL SE ' � OFFICE Assistant Director
� �� '' Thomas D. Gleason
� ��
r t r e � t �����
September 20, 1972
RE � EIV � D
Hon. Lawrence D, Cohen � SE�' `�� ����
Mayor, City of St. Paul MAYOR'S OFFIC�
Room 347 City Hall
Dear Sir:
In our letter of June 27, 1g72, a copy of which is herewith attached, we alerted
you to the fact that a number of building trades contracts had been settled in the
building trades and other mechanical trades. We indicated at that time the pro-
cedure that has been used in recent years in the establishment of wages for the
concerned titles in the Ungraded Division. After each contract was submitted
to this office the new rates based on 85% of the total package were calculated
and put into ordinance form. We have been accumulating these ordinances
si.nce last May, si.nce we have not received direction from your office as to how
to proceed.
We are now attaching herewith this group of ordinances, as a result of a recom-
mendation of Mr. Smythe and Mr. Obermeyer, the consultants on the Mayor=s
bargaining team. ., ' � � ,, � ��
_ , , ,
. ,-. ..
, . :. . ,. a
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We wish to note that in the case of the Auto Mechanics and Machinists there
have been two changes in their contracts. We further wish to note that in the
case of each ordinance we have provided a section which vyp�,u.ld make these in-
creases, if granted, re�s�'s���� , ., . n,z. , ,.. x.� ,$'
outside contract. Th�;=.i�;�M�t� _ ,
We respectfully request, if you are in agreement with the recommendations of
the consultants, that you submit these ordinances to the City Council for their
consideration. If it is your intent to proceed with the recommendation of the
. ......... .� ,�..:,.�r, �.. .y.p a, ...I'. . .. ..
consultants, it would appear prudent to�x ` ` �� ° � '
=: ... . ,,,. ,_ ., ,<,.,,><„ . •. .:, � ., a
Gr����!`�'��.''� �: _ a, �-i.,
tinually accumulating b�.ck p�.y iri'�ie various �departments in which these em-
ployees are employed.
Very truly yours,
Att. . Haider
Director of Personnel
P�blie '.nonnd Auoeiation
� • .
ist �'��� ` zr.d � '�Z8
3rd ���"9 �dopte� l� (� _
Yeas Nays �
"' ��