02-487��r��� ` �:' i .._ t_I Presented By Green Sheet # I�� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Referred To covncil File # �_.�,L — ��� Resolution # Committee: Date MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (NINDOT): CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DISTRICT 11 PLANNING COUNCIL (HAMLINE MIDWAY COALITIOl� PASS-THROUGH FUNDING AUTHORIZATION � WHEREAS, the Haxnline Midway Coalition (District 11 Planning Council) was awarded $20,000 by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) for the purpose of plaTmiug improvements to Snelling Avenue; and WHEREAS, prior to implementing this grant agreement, MNDOT requires the appropriate local unit of government to authorize the execution of a funding agreement, and to serve as the pass-through fiscal agent; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.01 of the charter of the city of Saint Paul, does certify that there aze available for appropriations $20,000 in funds in excess of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and WI�EREAS, the City Council gratefully thanks MNDOT for its support of the efforts of Hamline Midway Coalition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul City Council, that approval is hereby granted to amend the 2002 budget, accepting funds from MNDOT on behalf of the Hamline Midway Coalition, and to execute a funding agreement with the Hamline Midway Coalition in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth by the State of Minnesota, and as required by the City of Saint Paul; and (Cont.) ��� i L �F�L�R�� RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council adopts the following changes to the 2002 33 budget. ()�1•-��� 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Change Amended Budget Grant from State of MN 101-36303 �490-61656 0 20,000 20,000 SPENDING PLAN Payment to Hamline Midway Coalition 101-36303-0547-61656 0 20,000 20,000 U�L2%�v y' �l �/%G�-� , DEPARTil1ENT/OFFICE/COUPi CIL: PED CO\TACT PERSO�.�' 8 PfiO�.�'E: Joel Spoonheim 6.6614 DNST SE ON COL'NCIi AGENDA BY (DATE) NiA DATE INiT1ATED I GREEN SHEET NO.: I113R3 5.03.02 O ' � t. T ATE � TMENT D[R. ASSIGN 5 CITYATTORNEY NUbIBER 4 FINANCIAL SERV DIR. FOR 6 YOK (OR ASST.) ROUTINC PED AGCOUNTING� ORDER PED TEAM LEADER 1�.�'I7fALNATE 7 C[TYCOUNCIL CITY C[.ERK 8 FINANCIAL SERV/ACCTG CIViL SERVICE COMMISSION_ TOTAL X OF SIGYATURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIG\ATURE) acrio� xeQUesreu: Resolution to approve pass-through funds from MNDOT to Hamline Midway Coalition for the Snelling Avenue Study. _ RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIV[L SERVICE COivIMiSSiON INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSOE, OPPORTINITY (�Vho, What, When, Where,�Vhy): Hamline Midway Coalition was awarded a$20,000 grant from MNDOT to pay for a study of Snelling Avenue. However, MNDOT is not able to make grants directly to a non-profit. The City in such cases provides a pass- through for our existing contracted partners, like the Coalition. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Snellina Plan is released for public review. � �' �f DISADVANTAGESIFAPYROVED None �i���t' �, � ������° DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED Hamline Midway Coalition faces a$20,000 shortfall. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACl'ION: $ 2Q000 FUNDING SOURCE: D[N Dep[ of Transportation COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: ACTIVITY \UMBER: FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Financing Plan (Grant from State of MN) 10I36303-3490-6I65 Spending Plan (Payment to Hamlme Midway Coalition) 10136303-Oi47-616i6 �_ , a „ +K: . �?�� � � ���