259711 ORIOINAL�O CITY CL6RK � F-+�V��1 CITY OF ST. PAUL �LE NCIL NO. . - � ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLI�TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � C\'� �� COMMISSIONE ` ppTF J RESOLVED, Tha.t pursua.nt to the authority contained in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.71, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the Ma.yor, Head ',of the Department of Fina.nce and City Clerk to issue a registeredlbond of the City of Saint Paul in the amount of $100,000.00 to Michigan Millers Mutua.l Insurance Company, La.nsing� Michigan, in excha.nge for $100,000.00 City of Saint Paul General Improvement Bonds, Series No. 10, 3�%, due August 1, 1981, with 8/1/72 and SCA, Numbered 59501 through 59520 coupon boncls; saicl registered bond to be issued at the Office of the Department of Finance, and to be done under the direction and supervision of the Sinking Fund Committee; provided, however, tha.t such registered bond so issued sha.11 not incur any new liability on the City or extend the time of ma.turity of the coupon bonds which have beeri. -au"tlaorized or issued, and in place of which it is ordered issued, but sha.11 only bind the City in the same manner and to the same extent as bound by said coupon bonds, or as provided in and by Cha.pter 475, Minnesota Statutes; the ma.nner of eancellation of such surrendered coupon bonds and� the form of registered bond to be as prescribed by the Sinking Fund Committee. The Depa.rtment of Fina.nce is authorized to pay current interest on such registered bond by check. FCRM PPROVEC . � � �ss J�City Ai.tr�,��nt� � . SEP 20 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19� Yeas Na�s g p 1972 ��r Hunt SEP _ ��� Konopatzki .— �! pprove 19— �\� Levine s Tn Favor �� (� � ��� ere J Mayor Sprafka A gainat � Mr.�President, 1�t�4i� But le r PUBLISHED SEP 2 3 1972 �� o��.,�„���„� 259�711 . CITY OF �T. PAUL ��� NO • : r OFFICE OF T E CITY CLERK " COUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM ���� COMMISSIONE� �ATF i I RESOLVED, That pursuant to �he authority contained in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.71, the Co�iiicil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the Mayor, Head �of the Departuient of Finance and City Clerk to issue a r�Qistered 'bond of the Citv of Saint Paul in the amaunt of 100 000.00 to Michi an Millers Mutual Insurance Company, Lansing, Michigan, in e�¢chat�ge for $100 000.00 Cit o ° _ Saint Paul General Improvement s , 3��, due �st �l, 1981, with 8 1/72 a�d CA, Numbered 59501 thr h 59520 coupon bonds; said registered bo to be issued at the Office of the Degartment of Finance, and to� be done under the directio�and supervisi�on of the Sinking Fund dommi�ee;� provided, ho�wever, that such registered bond so issued sh�all not incur any new liability on the City or extend the time of maGturity of the coupon bonds which have been authorized or issued, alnd in place of which it is ordered issued, but shall only bind the CSity in the aame manner and to the same extent as bound by said coupon bonds, or as provided in and by Chapter 475� Minnesota Statutes; the manner of cancellation of such surrendered coupon bonds and the form of registered bond to be as prescribed by the Sinking �nd Cocamittee. The Department of Finance is authorized to pay curxtent interest on such regfstered bo�d by check. ' . i I '' sEP a o �97� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Cotm�� 19_ Yeae Naye '� � �it � 0 1972 �s- �t� xonopatzki Approv� SEP Z Levine � rn Favor 1 Mayor "1p�a' V A aninst � Mr.sPresident, M�� Butler �� I .