259709 � � OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK . ��y" /�l. , , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� " � �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. ' � . COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE \ � � ATF . RESOLVED, That pursuant to the authority contained in Minnesota Statutes, Section 475. 71, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the Mayor, Head of the Department of Finance and City Clerk to issue a registered bond of the City of Saint Paul in the amount of $10,000.00 to Brown Brothers Ha.rrima.n & Co. , New York, N. Y. , in excha.nge for Registered Bond No. 3333, $10,000.00, issued in lieu of City of Saint Paul School Improvement Bonds, Series No. 3, 2.10% due November 1, . 1979, Numbered 86021 through 86030; said registered bond to be issued at the Office of the Department of Fina.nce, and to be done under the direction and super- vision of the Sinking Fund Committee; provided, however, tha.t such registered bond so issued sha.11 not incur any new liability on the City or extend the time of maturity of the coupon bonds which ha.ve been authori�ed or issued, and in place of which it is ordered issued, but sha.11 only bind the City in the same manner and to the same extent as bound by said coupon bonds, or as provided in and by Cha.pter 475� Minnesota Statutes; the ma.nner of cancellation of such Registered Bonds and the form of Registered Bond to be as prescribed by the Sinking Fund Committee. The Department of Fina.nce is authorized to pa.y current interest on 5uch Registered Bond by check. FORM �PP ED: • AS'st. 'ty � o n sEP a o �9�g � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Yeas Nays �xunt SEP 2 0 1972 �4� Konopatzki rove� 19_ Levine �n Favor �-�,rR,mr+�, t�-� ,�--� Sprafka `J Mayor A gainst �[� MrS President, �5�� Butler Pi�BLISHED SEP 2 3 1912 �.� " 259��9 DYlLICAT[TO lRINTSI! . . ' .. , j CITY OF IST. PAUL �N�� NO � � ' OFHCE OF '�E CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTI4N—GENERAL FORM nes�er COMMISSIONER �/►TE RESOLVED, 'Th�t pursuant to t�s authority contaiaad in Minnsaota Statute:, Section 475.71, the Cou�cil of th�e City of Saint Paul does her�by authori$e the Mnyor� of the Dagartment of Fins�ce an�d Citq �lark to issue a re ista ed bond of th� Cit of Seint Paul 8 , Y iri the a�ount of $10,000.00 to Br��wu Brothier� Harriman & Cc�., N�v York, N. Y., in axcha�g� for R�gi tsrad Bond No. 3333, $10,000.00, issu�ed in lieu of City of Saint P�iul, �chooi Laprova�ant� Boridi � Series No. 3, 2.lOx due Nov�ber �., 1979, Numbar�d 86021 thraugh 86030i said registered bond to be isausd at the Office of the Departmsnt of Finaace, an�d to be c�on� tmder the diraction snd �uper- vision of the Sinki�g Ptu�d Co�it ee; providud, ho�v�er� that s�h e r�gistar�d bond so issued st�nll n t incur any �ew liability on tl� City or ext4nd the time of mnturit�y of the coupan bond� Which have be�n authorized or ias�u�d, a�d in 'place of �vhich it ia ord�ed is,��d, b�st shall anly bind th� Ci�tq in the sam�t me�r and to the aama �xttnt as bour�d by said cau bond�r, or as parov3.d�d in aad by Cl�apter 475, Minnesote Statutesi� �rn�ar of cAncellation of s�ch Registered Bonds at�d the form of R�egi�ter�td Bond to be as prascribed . by the Sinking Fu�d Committee. Th�e Dspartmoat of Fitsanc� ie authoriz�d to pay current interest on such Ra�istsred Bot�d by check. ; � '' SEP 2�0 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councfi 19_ Yesa Naya ' �Hun� � SEp Z 0 1972 �#�Rot�opatzki Approv� 19_ �°� `!�n Fa�nor ��r-- � Sprafka (� �°r A oaina� � M� President, ��$utlaY' �� i