259707 cs jrlsiaal to C1h Clerk � . . � � � ORDINANCE n ry � COUNCIL FILE NO. ��"`��� ` PRESENTED BY "r' ORDINANCE NO- / �� d � -- An ordi.nance amending Ordi.nance No. 7607, entitled: "Aa ordinance fixi.ng the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1g35, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the title and specifications for Janitress; and by substituting in lieu thereof the title, and specifications �for, Matron � �� ��� ��� -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Hunt � Konopatzki Tn Favor Levine Meredith Againat Sprafka Tedesco Madam�. Preaident )(Butle r) Approved• At �j'" � � ity Cler � ayor , � Form a�proved Corpor�#ioM Counsel By � - v �59�n� T�c-T� C�f �L�SJ� I�i F'�'�' � 4 N Duti�s and re�pansib�.iiti�s; :Jnder �upervis;cn, to clean th� tivomen's areas during hot�rs of hz;h e�ee and to a�sist jani2�x s azid cus±odians in light dutaes �uch as d�.stin� �.nd �;mptyin� basket�; and to p�r�orm :^�la�:�d vJork as as:ign�d. �xampic s of wG rk �e rfo rxr�ed; To Cl��:�n �nc( mc�p �irls' la�kc.r rooms, shov���rs, and 1�vatories, ?'c� �:l�ar.�z th!� t=�o�ncn9s loun�c� and xh� ntirses° offices, To w�i:�h *_oai��s an� �inke, �o r•c�i.enish t�ilEt �u.rplins �nd p�mcv-e soi?ed towels: ?'o ���e��,�m r�mgs and carp�ts 'I'o c��t f�xrr..i�ure and �mpty �v�si:a baslcets, I�i.nixn�sm qu:-ztizi�ai�ons� Gco�? phy����l �anditione _20 � � 4 / �r.K4�� a� r�.��s: 259��7 �������•F� � v�v �uti��s an4 r�s�-�ons;�zl.iti�s;: '•lnrleY �uper�,�a.sicn, to cle�an ,:hc w�r��en°s arcxa� t��:r�,n� ho�r� of hz�h 13s� �znd Co �ssi�t j.xcz;:��?°s �nd :.ustodians in 13�ht cirat:�s sa�L?z as d��stinr and �,z.�pt�ir:g �askets; antZ to p�rior:��n :related v�ork as <�ssi�ne�3.. �:sampi�5 �f 4J��rk pr;s~for�ned� To �l.e�z: ane mo� g:.rls' lo�lci>r rcoms, st�c�w�::��, �nd l�,v�.tox���;s: �c �-��,=�r: thc women°� louz���� and �h� nurses' a�'f�r�:s, Ta w�c5h tcilets an� sinks. 1�o r��i�ni5h tail�ti ,uppl.}.t.� ��nd ��mcv�: tioil�d towels- ro tr��..��:'trn 1•ubs anc? E;:�,��e:t5. T'o d�^t f�.rni�ure 3nd �s3-s��ty w:asl:e �ASlc�;ts, ?.Ai�imum q��Ii:'i�at}r,n�� Gco;� pi.ys��.��.i �;onc?ition„ -�_ � -n.�tste.t a cnr ca�t , . � ' � � ORDINANCE ��9'��"� COUNCIL FILE NO -- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO_ ���� Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approva.l, and publication. "3- OCT 5 �d�� Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Counei� Bu� Hunt � S Levine Konqtratzki � Tn Favor Meredith � A gainat �' � 0 CT 6 1972 Madaml� President ���� (Butler) roved: A t �/ � ity Clerk Mayor �� . �orm approved Corpor�u�ion Counsel By RUBLlSHED OCT 141972 _ � . , ��� . , . . I � * � � ORDI1'�TANCE � 259`7t1"7 ' COUNCtL HLE NO PRESENTED BY I ORDINANCF NO. /�/�'�� II►s ordissac� a,m�diaa O�r$fasae� 1�'0. TlsOT, aeetftled: "Aa ordinance fi,tia� � e duties aad �rsspo�i#iItli�a aad thi m�mo� qtialtt for t� �sriosa e]sssr* c�f ' posftiau 3a the Clsssffi�d S� ce of th� Cit�." : sppro�ed F�bsoss� 13, 19�5, u �ait�sd. , THE Ca►��Ii. OF TH� C3?Y � F &�1�T PAUL �8 OxD�A�l�is . . Se�+oa 1. Thst Or�tasrte �o. 764T. appso�►�d �'�l�sass�r 1�, 1935, ss s��edad. b� sad tl�e l+rr h�rtebr fitrths= asa�ed�d b� sts�� oat !h� ti#ie a�d !pe!ei�ca#oas tor �Ja�its�sst a�d b� snbr�t�a i�n li� t�es�t llts t!lle. snd apecificatio for, �x� I ; � ! ; � � i � "1_ OCT 51972 Yeas Councilmen Naya Passed by the Coun�i�_ Butler g� ' .� �� I�oug�stsld Si Tr Favor S �� � d ro�inet � ' . �ia �t 'I OCt 6 1972 l�adsm� ��tastl�r) I Apprnved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor f� �'orm a�prov� Corpor��ion Counsel y . �. i b�.�.r� � , , n .. , 259�7�1"� �` � ., � ORDI A11TCE � COUNCIL HLE NO PRESE�ITED BY ORDINANCE NO ����0 i Section 2. TMs ordiaan�e s��sll talce r,ffect and be ia force os the #ir�t day of the first payroll ' riod follawing thirEy days a�t�r its puas�►��. sppro�al, and ptbli . � I i ; � ; ; `�� � g t�72 Yeaa Councilmen Nays '� Fs�ed by the Counci� Butler �� ' � �� Rot�e�s�sk� In Favor ,/ �� � I � b�.�na� �+ ' �'I Q.�e�w► � Preaident (!�i■■i�)C��,U�) ' Approv�: Attest: City Glerk I', Mayor �� Form ap�►rnved Cbrpora�oa Counael B�► r , , - `' �D _ ` '�. �: , ----��� �� S.i t + 3rd M �/�� _, :`.� .:,r:��_e�.�� _�l�i � Yeas Nays . ixlilirl_.._.. . xc�aPA��zxz �59,�0,� J�EV II�?r� � �':E�DI�'ci �� � � ��Q?S .� SP:^�"iCA � , T�D�SCO Mi�ne P�.SIDLNi (BiJT.T�i.R)