02-482�R Council File # �� � �Q'�. Green Sheet # ��� t�� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To �� Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 W��REAS, the City promotes and encourages volunteering in our and other communities, and WFIEREAS, the Habitat for Humanity project is one program that relies on volunteers, and WHEREAS, the Ciry supports the Habitat for Humanity project and encourages Ciry employees to participate, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City may accept a gift from HealthPartners and Regions Hospital to pay for t-shirts for City employees volunteering for Habitat for Humanity estimated not to exceed $600. Requested by Department of: Adopted by CouncIl: Date O O�.�. Adopuon Certified by Counc Secretary + By: .. Approved by yo : Date � d" By: �1e�Lt-tr.�,. � Form Q�ro d by City Attomey: r B Aunrov avor for Snlamissic Appxoval Recommended by Financial Seivices D'uector: B �.-��i�t,L.> `'���� GREEN �� � TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES �.:,�;,-�.�,-� � � oi-���- No � v ._�'.' � � �t- Q �.,.�, ❑ �„«� � ❑ .,�,�,�, �. ❑ .«,�,� Q.�,��.,�,�, ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� APPROVE RESOLUTION ACCEPTING FUNDS FOR SHIRTS FOR THE CITY EMPLOYEE VOLUNTEERS WORKING ON THE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY PROJECT. PIANNING COMMISS�ON CIB CAMMRTEE dVll SERVICE CAMMISSION Has thic ce�rm eeer varked wiau a cantract rorthie deoa�t4 vES No Flas Mis PeisoMrm euer 6em e dlY emDbY�9 7ES NO Daecthie P�um D� a sNW not �meI�YP� M�Y q+� �M1Y �PbY�T YES NO b tliin pemoNfi�m a targeted venCaYl YE3 I�p ` end aCach to araen shcet OPPORTUNITY TO RECOGNI2E CITY EMPLOYEE VOLUNTEERS FOR THEIR EFFORTS. ���� Mt�Y' � �` G�U2 ���"''` .������}�� iVANTACaES IF APPROVED SHOW A PARTNERSHIP WITH THE CITY, REGIONS HOSPITAL, AND HEALTHPARTNERS SUPPORTING AND RECOGNIZING HABITAT FOR HUMANITIES VOLUNTEERS. NONE FAIL TO RECOGNIZE THE EFFORTS OF CITY EMPLOYEE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY VOLUNTEERS. OF TRANSACTION f � SOURCE WET/ItEVENUE BUDGETED (GRCLE ON� ACTNITYNUMBER YEE NO INPoRMATION (EXPLPIN) ` ��$aC�h C8s�:er . ;k.E1�?