259684 , ORIG:NAL TO CITY CL6RK 2596�4 , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � C UNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WI��REAS, The City of Saint Paul acting through its Valuation Engineer has secured an agreement for the purchase of certain easements for street and highway and slope purposes described as follows: An easement for street and highway purposes on, over, and across � -� that part of I,ot two (2), Block one (1) in Clapp-Thomssen Battle �n �� Creek West, except Ruth Street, lying within an 80 foot wide strip � � of land, the center line of which is described as follows: � •'� Beginning at the point of intersection of the east line of � ��^' 1 � � the NW,� of Sec. 2, T.28N., R.22W., with a line 10 feet south �"`a�" --� of and parallel to the North line of said Section 2; thence � m westerly along said described parallel line a distance of � j��-� 980.8 feet to a point; thence NWly along a curve to the right (__ tangent to last described line having a radius of 300 feet and a central angl.e of 50 degrees, a distance of 261.80 feet to a point and there terminating. Also an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts, and fills including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading of Suburban Avenue in the hereinbefore described tract of land, the extent of said easement being as shown on Dra�ring No. 2172, Drawer 2, on file in the Department of Public Works. _ .,.ww_.. .., .. ..,.-�_,_ . . ; <;�.;,�' WHEREAS, The ,eas�n�nts described therein are necessary,for the openin�, widening, and construction of Burns Avenue and Suburban Avenue from White Bear Avenue, City Project No. 'P-0495R, and t�e price at which the easements may be purchased is in the total asnount of$8000.00, a fair and reasonable price according to the appraisal obtained by the Valuation Engineer; and WH�REAS, The Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of the said easements at the price stated above as evidenced by his report submitted here- with; now, therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeas Nays Butler Caxlsan Approve� 19� Levine - T.+ Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ' . 2.596�4 O�IG►NAL TO CITY CL6RK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL NO � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF -2- RESOLVED, That the purchase of the hereinbefore described easements is hereby authorized and the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to �a,�y to Cross Companies, Incorporated, vendor of said easements, the sum of �8,000.00, said sum to be paid to the aforesaid vendor from PIR Fund Code 6000-745, to be reimbursed from 1971 MSA Fund No. 6�+-216-07, upon its furnishing evidence of good marketable title in the aforesaid vendor, and the total payment to be made upon tender by said party of appropriate deeds conveying title to said easements to the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council SEP 15 191�9_ Yeas Nays ler �-funt SEP � 5 1972 lson Koropatzk� , pprove 19� L vine Levine S �� Tn Favor � reditlg�--- rafka Tedesco � Mayor e esco'��'�esident� Butle� Against Mr. President, McCarty �� �UBLI�HED SEP 2 3 197t - �596�4 o�c�►n���e CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCi� NO �� �, OFFICE OF THE' CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIOW-GENERAL FORM PR�EPR��Y COMMISSIONER �ATF i�l118, Th� City o! Saint Paul aia�iag t2nroro�t its Valunt..ton lr�ia�rtr hss alaur�d an �Snt for tlle purah�►se o! c�rtain �a�asRat� to� strret snd hi�yr a►ad slape purpoaes Q�aarib�d eu� tallara t An �as�a� !or str�t� snd h�ra�r aM �►, o�v�r, aad u�rosa tb.t prurt cs I,ot taro (t), atbck o�t (l�sn c]rapp-TLa...� Batt1. Crs�k Wtst�, �zeept �ut�t Str�t, lyis� nithia an 80 toot � atrip o! l�d, khe c�nt� liae o! iwhiah ia d�scrib�d u tollws s Bi�inning st �e poiat qt iat�rss�atioan oi tht M�s't lime e�t tbe 11K� o! Sae. i, T'�.28�., H.22�T., xitb a linie 10 ls�t to�th o! snd parall�.a1 to th� �orth lia� ot said �tiou 2; theaae r�st.erly aLo� said d�simrib�d para]1�3. 3.i�e a distanc� o! 980.8 teet to a poiat; th�nce 11M1�r aloaa� a eurw to th� ri�t tanguit to lsst d,tsasibl�d line hs� • radius of 300 !�t and a e�atral angt� o! �0 d�rN�, a di�tana� o! 2�1.80 !�t to a point and tlur� t�aiaating. Also an �sae�ent in the land� n�a�aaaty lcu� slop�s� cuts, a�rd lills inalvdin� sight o! r�o�val oif lat�ral st�por't l�oo wb�ect lmnd or raraiada� th�sof oocaaioa�d by �oc��rations t�o! or c�sfiacc�ctioa of slap�a in ths ��diag o! �tuburban Avran� in tht h�inb�rlc�rre describ�d trset o! land, th� uct�at o! said �sa�at 'b�ing u sbaMn on Drsri.ns lto. 21'T�, Draa►�r �, o� file�in tL� D�rpar4Mnt o! Pnblic Norka. � � �AS, Th� �arla�sats d�tserib�d 'tLa��in ar� aac�ssas'y tor tl�t ap�nsn�s �►��is aa�d constrnaticn of Bnras Av�M�su� a�nd 3uburbaD Awmv� !'raa libit* D�ar Awnw, City lro��ct Ao. P-049SR�i affi the pria� at �rhiah tla �aa�ts a�y 1» purabss� is in txa tctal aaou�t of��.00, a t�.tr aod rwc�nsbli p�i.ce a�aard,ias t.o t�s appssi�a7. obtain�d by� f.�e Yaluatiaan i�in�r; aac�! MI�AB, Tb� Yaluation �iaess 2�It r�co�d�d tl� p�a'al�ll o! thrf ssld a�ase�ts a� tbo pric�e ste�t�d abavr aai evid�ac�d by b3.� rfport sub�itt.�d l�- rlth; aav, th�rtlore� be it . � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�!+cil 18— Yeae Nays Butler Carlson Appmved 19� Levine Tr Favor Meredith �� Sprafka Ag�ains� Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� . D1�9E:ICSIS TO FltINT�R , CITY OF St. PAUL �uNC�� NO C'� .��� OFFICE OF THE'CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTIOI�-GENERAL FORM PRBENTED{Y COMMISSIONEo DATE -a-,� RE801L9II1, That the pnrcbsse o! t� l�r�ia'b�lor� d�saribed �asarnt� is l�urt�y authoris�d and t2� prop�r C�ty olticf,�,1r asy 2�by autl�is�d aod dir�t�d #.o peyr to Cross Ca�airs, eorpa�at,�d, wador o! said �s�ats� th� st� of #8,000.00� ssid stat to b��aid tc� th� a�o�saia v+endor �hra�t I+'IR rum coa. 60oo-7�g, to be r.isburs.a f�ra. Z9R11 lf�n �'uad ifo. 64-a�.6-o7, �► ita itianishing svids�nce ot good aar +� title in the sto��aird v�ndar, and t� total. p�q�uat to be ae►dt upoa�t�d�r by saird pu�ty c! appa�o�ar3,af,� dNlLs conwying title to ssid ess�at�s to tht City o! l3tiat 1'�tu1. , � '�, SEP 15 191a COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Council 19.— Yeas Nays �j � � Huti� �'"���� A�rov� SEP i 5 1972 19` C n Konopa� .— Le ne Levine �� � Tn Favo� Me 'th�� Ma Sp Tedesco � � Te co ��e� PXesider�t, Butle� AS�et Mr. President, McCarty ^��