259683 � OR161NAL TO OITY GL6RK 259f�3 . ft , CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL NO. . ' • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' OU CI ESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DAT� WHEREAS, The City of Saint Fau1 acting -c�nsough its Valuation Engineer has secured an agreementi for the puxcnase of certain easements for street and highw�ay and slope purposes describe�. as follows: Easemen�s for street and highway purposes on, over, and across a strip of land 80 feet in width in the following described parcel of land: All tnat part of the West 1�2 of the Southwest quarter of Section 35, Township 29, Range 22 lying South of State Trunk Highway No. 12-108, now Interstate 94, except that part described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Southwest quar�er of Section, thence North along said West line, 380.0 feet; thence South 89° 22' �+5" East, parallel with the South line of said Southwest quarter, 97.7�+ � f'eet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 3° 25' �+5", East 121.28 feet to a point 105.0 feet East of theWest line of said y � Souti7west quarter, tnence Nortn parallel with said .� � Wes� line of the Southwest quarter 129.02 feet, thence . � North 70° East, 202.19 feet; thence South parallel witn the West line of said Southwest quarter, 321,37 feet; �,, � thence North 89° 22' 45" West, paxallel with the Soutn Q � � line of said Southwest quarter, 197.26 feet to tne point !�.. �,�, � of beginning, ' .. . ' .�hy . ".. . ... .. :i � - ti�e eeriterline of said 80 feet wide strip of land being described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the east line of the 1VW,i–, of Sec. 2, T.281V., R.22W. , with a line 10 feet south of and parallel to the North line of said Section 2; t��ence westerly along said last described parallel line a distance of 980.8 feet to a point; thence NWly along a curve to the right tangent to last described line having a radius of 300 feet and a central COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approve� 19` Le�ine _In Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� � ORt61e AL TO CITY CL6RK 'J�y��� . � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. ` `'' . ' • • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER npT� -2- angle of 50 degrees, a distance of 261.80 feet; thence NWly along a straight line tangent to said curve, a distance of 190.16 feet; thence NWly along a curve to the left tangent �;o the last described line having a radius of 300 feet and a cen�ral angle of 50 de�rees, a distance of 261.80 feet; thence westerly along a straight line tangent to said curve 350 feet distant north of and parallel to the south line of Sec. 35, T.29N., R.22W., to the west line of the SW4 of Sec. 35, T.29N. , R.22W. , and there terminating. Also, an easement for street and highway purposes on, over, and across that part of tne hereinbefore described land, lying north- easterly of the heretofore described 80 ft. wide strip of land, south of the south line of Suburban Avenue being a line 320 feet north of and parallel with the south line of said Section 35, and northwesterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a poi.nt on the said south line of Suburban Avenue 200 feet distant west of the northwest corner of Block 20, Scenic Hills No. 5; thence Southwesterly along a straight line at an an�le of 55°00' with said south line of Suburban Avenue to the northeasterlyline of the said heretofore d'escribed. 80 ft. wide strip of land, and - there terminatin�. �Z� Also, easements in the land necessary for slopes, cuts, and fills �=� including right of r�moval. of lateral support from subject land or -K��� - -�-��-- �-- remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading of Suburban Avenue in the hereinbefore described tract of land, the extent of said easements being as sho�m on Drawing No. 2172, Drawer 2, on file in the Department of Public Works. Also, an easement for street and highway purposes on, over, and across that part of the following described land: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor ' A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� • 2596�3 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK � , ' • � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. , , • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY COMMISSIONER �ATF -3- Al1 that part of the East 1�2 of the Southwest quarter of Section 35, Township 29, Range 22 lying South of State Trunk Highway No, 12-108, now Interstate 94, except the East 1070 feet thereof, lying within an 80 foot wide strip of land, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the east line of tYie NW,�–� ot' Sec. 2, T.28N. , R.22W., with a line 10 feet south of and pa.rallel to the North line of said Section 2; thence westerly along said last described parallel line a distance of 980.8 feet to a point; thence NWly along a curve to the right tangent to la,�t described line having a radius of 300 feet and a central angle of 50 degrees, a distance of 261.80 feet; thence NWly along a straight line tangent to said curve, a distance of 190.16 feet; thence NWly along a curve to the left tangent to the last described line having a ra.d.ius of 300 feet and a central angle of 50 degrees, a distance of 261.80 feet to a point and there terminating, except existing streets. Also,an easement for street and highway purposes on, over, and across that part of the hereinbefore described. tract of land, lying north- easterly of the heretofore described 80 ft. wide strip of land, south , of the south line of Suburban 7�venue being a line 320 feet north of 'Y and parallel with the south line of said Section 35, and northwesterly of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the said south line of Suburban Avenue 200 feet distant west of the northwest corner of Block 20, Scenic Hills No. 5; thence south westerly along a s-trai�ht line at an angle of 55° 00' with said south line of Suburban Avenue to the northeasterly line of the said heretofore described 80 ft. wide strip of land, and there terminating. Also, easements in the land necessary for slopes, cuts, and fills in- cluding right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ^ Butler d'����t� Caxlson Approve� 19� Levine _jn Favor Meredith Sprafka • Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, 11IcCarty �� OR161NAL TO CITY CLCRK ?596Rt./ . • � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO � ' . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E — • � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER °�►TF -1F- of slopes in the grading of Suburban Avenue and Burns Avenue in the hereinbefore described tract of land, the extent of said easement being as show�n on Drawing No. 21.72, Drawer 2, on file in the De- partment of Public Works. Also, an easement for street and highway purposes on, over, and across that par-t of Lot 26, Block 20, Scenic Hills No. 5, lying within an 80 foot wide strip of land, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the eas� line of �he NW4 of Sec. 2, T.28N., R.22W. , with a line 10 feet south of and parallel to the I�Torth line of said Section 2; thence westerly along said last described parallel line a distance ot' g80.8 feet to a point; thence NWly along a curve to the right tangent to last described line having a radius of 300 feet and a central angle of 50 degrees, a distance of 261.80 feet; to a point and there terminating. Also, easements in the land necessary for slopes, cuts, and fills in- cluding right of remova.l of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction . of slopes in the grading of Burns Avenue in Lot l, Block 18, Scenic Hills No. �+, and in Lots 18 to 26 inclusive, Block 20, Scenic Hills 1Vo. 5, the extent of said easements being as shown on Drawing No. 2172, Drawer 2, on file in the Department of Public Works. WHEREAS, The easements described therein are necessary for the opening, widening, and construction of Burns Avenue and Suburban Avenue from Whi'ce Bear Avenue, City Project No. P-OZF95-R, and the price at w�hich the easements may be purchased is in i,he �;otal amount of $�+6,100.00, a fair and reasonable price accordin� to the appraisal obtained by the Valuation Engineer; and Y1HII�EAS, The Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of the said COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Spra.fka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCaxty � �. oR�c�w�To c�rr c�ereK �FJ V 6:lt� . . • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. , • � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER oAT° -- -5- easements at the price sta-ted above as evidenced by his report submitted herewith; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the purchase of the hereinbefore described easements is hereby authorized and the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to pay to William D. Clapp and Rohland "H. Thomssen, Rohlwill Development Corporation, and Cetum Realty Corporation, vendors of said ease- ments, the sum of $�+6,100.00, said sum to be paid to the aforesaid vendors from PIR Fund Code 6000-7�+5, to be reimbursed from 1971 MSA Fund No. 6�--216- 07, upon their furnishing evidence of good marketable title in the aforesaid vendors, and the total payment to be made upon tender by said parties of appropriate deeds conveyan� title to said easements to the City of Saint Paul. SEP 15 i87� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeae Nays �B tler Hun� `�_ ..,�,� ,:. SF Konopa�l� �`R�����(' AAArove�P 1 t9� 19— lson Levine ! JF� � � �" evine ���. S Tr Favor , �t��v�! Q eredith�' Tedesco � Mayor rafka Mme.P�e�idgp�, But�ec a gainat T esco Mr. P si nt, McCarty �UBL13HEfl SEP 2 3 1972 �� J. WILI.IAM DONOVAN 223-5317 , Voluotion Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L • Ass�t vdi"a�;°� E�g�"ee` BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 296 Cify Hall S�int Psul, Minnao4e 65102 ��t� ,�.� �� 9 September 1�-, 1972 The Honorable h4aycr Lawrence Cohen ' Dear Sir: The Council of the City of Sainti Paul �er Council File No. 257212, approve�. Pdarch 6, 1972, adopted Ordinance No. 15037 authorizing and directing the acquisition of certain easemen�s for street and highway purposes and con- s�ruction of slopes for the opening, widening, and extending Burns Avenue and Suburban Avenue f`rom White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street, City Project No. P-01�95R. Pursuant to such authorization and direction, I, in �y capacity as City Valua,tion Engineer, have negotiated agreements with each of the property owners involved for purchase of such easements in their land. Submitted herewith are resolutions prepared for Council consideration and � action. Set forth therein are the legal descriptions of the easements to be acquired and the amounts of compensation to the owners negotia-�ed for tihe same. The net awards to the property owners are based on the damages for the ease- ments ta.ken less benefits to the remaining lands which beriefits the affected owners acknowledge result from the subject street widening and opening. Such net awards are in r,iy opinion, fair and reasonable. Therefore it is requested that you present the attached resolutions witn appropriate recommendations to the City Council that it authorize the purchase of these easements in l.ieu of condemnation for the compensation as negotiated with the owners of record. Respectf�.il.ly ed, AP . L�i/ (/�' l/L . William Donovan obert Trudeau, Acting Head Valuation Engineer Department of Finance JWD:REF:d.m File No. 17621 o��,�,�.��,� �596�3 . . - CITY 'OF ST. PAUL q�UNCIL NO � ., s M OFFICE O� THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOL�JTION—GENERAL FORM �RE4ENTED 6T COMMiS510NEQ �ATE WF�RaAB, Th� Citr o! Saiat �aul actin� throu�h it• Yaluatiar► �inrer h�sa s�aured au Kre�tnt ios ttu',purct�aa� of ctrtain �a��ents foar strt�t and higl� and slop� purpops dtscriba�! aa� lolla►a t �asamwta !or stswt hishny purpoNS on� ovwr, sad aaross a strip oi ].and 80 le��ia ridth in the tclla�rir� d�rcribed para�l of lands I All thst part oP t�l�u W�st 1/a or the 8outh�n.t qwrt�r oi $eation 35, Ta�ms�ip 29 R� 22 lria� South o! Stat� Trunk Hi�ay Ao. �12-1�, naw Intr�rstste 94, sscept that p�u�t deseribsd aa ',lollw�t Ca�tnaing ati ths South�st �n�r oi �aid South�nst quart�r of BMetion, tl�enc� Rorth alons said W�st line, 380.o tset; tib�nae so�th 89• 2a' 45" East, para,llat rith ths Soutlh lin� o! ssid 8outhanst qu�rt�z, qT.74 P�et to the pioint ot b�innia� o! the land to bt �.escsrib�d; thlena� �arth 3' 2g• 4�", Se►st 12]..� l�st to s poiat 10�.0 lt�t East o! th�eat liue o! said Souttn►est qn�'��rr, thsae� Sc9rth parallel rith said ii�at line o! ith� Southwat quart,sr 129.02 f�t, th*ac� l�a�th 70° aas�, 202.19 r.�t; tnsae. south paral.le]. xith tlu ilest 11n�' o! said Southwve�t qur►rt�or, 321.3? =Nt; th�na North �g° P2' 4g" W�st, p�ra,l].al rith th� South lia� of sai�d $outhx�st quart�r, 197.Z6 lart to ti� poiat of b�ginnin�,� thit c�aterline of �id 8t) ltot v3�d� strip o! land bting d�esarib�d as iollc�ra s Be�i�aniag at �h�s point ot intesNation oi th! �sst lia� oi th� Iwi1} o!I Sec. 2, T.?.BH., a.2l�Ii., xith a li� 10 !Nt south of�aud parall�l, to th� �iarth lint o! said 8e�tion 2; th�nc� tnst�rl,y a1onQ �tid last Qlserib�d para11�1. linels llistanc� of 960.8 l�et to a point; th�nae Pi1�y a�ong a curvt to thf right tanpnt to last at�arib�ef! lin� l�avin� a radius of 3� ls�t and a c�tntral COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Co�M� 19.—. Yeas Naya - But�er ' A rovp� SEP 15 1972 19` Carlson pp . ��e rn 'Favor Meredith �� SprA��A� A�inat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� oufucn��rwN�t . � cinr �oF s�r. Pau� ��N��� No..2.5i��4i� , .. � � OFFICE O� THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRBBRW BT � COMMISSIONER �A� , _2_ •n�7.+ oi 50 a, a distaaae o! 261.80 tset; tbfac�s �,jr alon� a trai�ht lia� tsa�tat to �ai,d c3urN� a distanet ot 1 .lb lNt; tt�c� �i1]�y a1on� a cutv� to th� lstt t to th�e last Q�scrib�d ];iae havin� a radius o! 300; lset atii a csz�tral an�ls o! 50 d�r�s, a distaac� o!i �61.80 last j th�ac� �►sst�r].T aloag a atraiQtit lin�I tang�nt to sa3d rwrve 3g0 tNt dlistant acu�th oi and �arailai to tlu south lia� o! Ss�s. 35� T.29�., 8.22i1., to tt� x�est liaa ot t1� Sit� ot S�a. 35 s T.2qA., a.?.2f�T., an�d tl�e='e tlr�tiaatin�. Al�o, �►a �sa�aat i'o� ��rs� aad hi�hnyr purpo��s oa, ov�r, aad scroa� that part o! tht �h�trsiabeio� dsa�rib�d land, lyin� nc�th- sasterly o� ths h�rttolc�s� d�seribid 8p !'t. Kid� strip ot la�d, south m! th� �outh lin�e �o! 8uburba,n Ay� brinQ s lit� 320 fi�t nosth �t aad panl,�at v�th t� south ls�u o! +�a�d erct�oa� 35, and northwste�rly o! a l�ia� ducrib�t! u fW.lws s B�innias at • point qa the said south ' in� o! Su�irban Av�xtu� 200 latt dist,aat �nst o! the nc�tlm�t co�aK o! B1oc1� 20, Scsaic giLls Aa. 5; t�sc� soutl�n�terl�► ala�o� a atrasaht l.ias st an aa�.t� o! g5°o0� �►ith sa►1d avath line o! �uburbsn Av�w t,o tb� north�ut�l�,i� o! th� �id �sretolori el�rprib�d 80 !`t. �►id� strip o! 1,aad, aad th�r! tl�7tix�lting. � � Also, raseseats in the 11Rad asceswry lbar alap�s, auts, and tills including ri�ht of zi�ov�]. oi ].at�s�1. aupport l5ra� sub��at lanid or r�miain�r th�ceoi o�w�sip�rd by �asvationa tha�eot or eo�nstruction of alapi�a in �h� �ra�Lina'a! �ulrarban Av+wu� in t.he hrreiabetoro d�aarib+ad ts�a�t o! la�d, ths i�tnt o! �aid a�su�ats b�ias as shvNn oa Draxing ]�o. 2172, D 2, aa1 file in th� D�past�t of Pul�lia iiorks. i Alao� an �uwt for and tti�hr�y purpoHS oaa, o�r+�r� and a�ross t.�at psrt ot ths�aArin� �scrib�d lands COUNCILMEN I' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson ' Approv� 19— Levine Tn �'SVOr Meretlith Sprafka Mayor Aeoa�At, Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty , �� DU*LICATt TO!RIl17�R CI I I ��F ST. PAUL couNC�� ND ��9V�� � ^ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �`E . .�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESHiTED 6Y COMM19510NEQ DA*R , -3- All thst pe,rt oY $srt 1/2 0! tlu Sou�thw�tt qvs�-t►er o! 8sation 35, To�as P ^�9, �6e � 1Y�6 �th o! Ste�tt Trank H;igh�y ao. 12-1 , nat Intezstate 94, �accept tl�e �tat 1070 te�t t2�ereo�, lyir�g xithia ta 80 loot xid� atrip o! lan�d,� the aenter liae t�tl irhich is discrib�d eu� lollovat Beginnin�g st {�h� poiat o! #.ntezssctio� o! th� east lia�t o! thlt I9W} ot Sec. 2� T.28A., R.�trT.� vith s liae 10 !'e� �outh �!� sr�d p�aacal,ler. ta the Rorth lia� o! Rsid section.2; thl�►ae xestirly alcmg a`id laat A�escrib�d parallel lia�� �► distaa�w o� y60.8 ts�t to • poiat g th�nce Pfily s ctin•v�e to t2�e right taageat to last describ�d having s ra�diva o! 300 is�t aad s ca�ntrat sngle ot' S0 d�greer, s aistsac� o! 261.80 lert; thenas � atong a trsigbt ].in� te,ngent to sai�d Qurv�, a distsaa� o! 1 .16 le�t; tl�nce Hii'3�y a,1o�g e� otnrv� to tht l�!'t ta�tagent thr� laat desarib�d lia� �►v�dg ` r�lLiva o! 300 le�t s c�tral sr�gl.e of SO d�rser, s diatana� o! 261.80 fet�to s point sad thsro terair�ttiag� e=orpt taisting atare�te. - Alio,atl +'e��eoent !or s t aa�d higt�r.��n•po�td aan� cw�s� +� across t►hst part oi the ha��ore d�e��ribed traat o! land, 3Yiai norttr �aaterly o! tt�e hereto! described 80 1'�t. xid� strip ot lsnd� iou�h ot tlu� south liru o! 8ul�u�rban Awaue beia�g s liae 320 !at ao�h o! aad pa�cW.lel �'ith th�e s th Ltn� ot saLd S�ctioa 35� and nostl�artst�rly ot a l�.ne desoribad as �ill.ant Begiaaing st d poiat on tht sdid sc>uth lirie o! Suburbsn �'+�aw 200 teet distaat re�t o�' tl� �st cc�aer ot Block 20, S�c Hi]a.s 80. 53 tbsnc� south xe�ti�ly along s �traight liae st sn a,�g�.e of g5° Ot)' with taid south line o! Subvq�i�n Avan�e to the �arth�aste�ly liat o! �h� �sid �to�ore described 80 tt. xide s rip o! 3�►nd, sna. t�re te�ai.aatiag. Also, ie�sedetsts iu t.ht ]�d aecessary !or alopss� auut.a, and t'ills in- clttidi�g righ� of remova�l; o! lstes�,7. support i"ra� sub��ct ]�and or z�►indsr thrreo! oecaal�oned by eocaavstiaa�s thersot or con�tructic� COUNCII.bIEN '' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 'i Butler Caxlson APP�°� 18— Levine T*+ Favor Meredith Sprafka �� ro0A7'IIAt . Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� o�,�,�,n,��,� 2596�3 , � cinr bF sT. PAUL ��N��� No �' `• � OFFICE OF'THE CITIf CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED{Y COMMISSIONEf �ATG '. � ,'�',, .�{.� �`ti of slapes ia the gr of Suburbsa Awnut and Buras Av�an�e 3.a tbs h�reinbelaa�e d�aaria�����aat o�' ].a�x�� the ext�:rt o! asid waMat b�it�g as aham oa Dra l�o. 2172� Drw+�r 2, on tile in thr De- perteqnt o! Public Work . Alao, an eas�tnt ior s�et ar�d hig,2�aray p�urposs� on, aws, ar�! a�rosa thst part of Lot 26, Block 20, Sow�3,a 8ills 1W. 5� �yiag xithia an 80 ioot wide �trip oY' lsad, tfu ceat's� line o! �ah i� d�ltdrib�c! a�t fa]laara s � Bsgianiag at t2Le p4�iat of iat.�rs�ctioaa o! the esst line o!' t'he 1�IW� of Bec. 2! �,T.28N., H.22�T., ii'3th d lia� 10 lett souith o� axid para11a1 to�the North liae of sa�id 8ee�ia►n 2; t�tnce �nesterly ala�g ssi�# l+aat clNCribttd psrall+el lin� a di�taact o�' 980.8 Zett to a j point; thence 1qW1,y a].ong a curv�a to the r�ght tsag�at to l,e�st dea�aribed line l�ving a radiwr ot 300 f�aet a�d a c�atral ar�g].� of 5� degre�s� a distance o! �1.8t) t�rt; to a poiat and the�� ta�insting. Al�o, aasatata in the ]�and aecassary =or slapess c�s� and fills in- ctuding right oZ r�aovall o! latexal. �upport t�oe snb�ect 3�ewd or r�� tharsof x�as�cmed by exesvatians t.l�pceo! a� co�struction o! slopes in thR � of Buras Av�+enan� i.a 7yct l� Bioak 18� I�caiic H�� Ao. 4, ewnd in Lot 18 to 26 iaclusive, Bloc,]c 20, S�ie Hilla l�o. 5, the extsat of eai�d �ssamente being ts showa on DxaMiag �o. 2172, ]Dra�raz� �, oai i'ile jin the D�pa,rtaeeut o! Public �iorks. �R�'A8, Tht �asasente descr thereia a,rt ntcesssry faar tlu vP�6, xideain6� atid co�atructioa o� Bu�s �Av�eaae and B�tbtn�baa Ave��te lYom �hite Be�r Avame, City Pro�ec'� No. P-0495-;,�� a�ad the priae at rhich t�u Nasem�ats s�y be pa�rehsa�d is in $l�e totsl aawM1mt o�' $�t6,]A0.00, a !�►Sr aad ressonablae griee scaoo�d.ir�g to t�ae appraisal obtaine� by the Veluat3oa� �ngi.nssr; aa�d WBiR�AB� Th� Va1��stion Eagineler l�s recc�read�d t�s ptn�►s�e o! tlt� aid COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Butler ' Carlaon APProved 19� Levine T� Favor Meredith Sprafka �� A ouiTnat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � , ��. o�"�,n.�.��` 2596 � � , � CITY �OF ST. PAUL �,ncu NO � ` ' `� OFFICE O� THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOL�JTION—GENERAL FORM PRB6NTED tT COMMISSIONEQ �AT� - I -5- �ssa■ient� at the pric� stat�d sbc�ve ss t�ridtne�d by his rspa�t s�itt�d 2urArith; na►, therefore, be it ! RB80LV�D, Tha,t the pttrchsae I ot t.h! h�r�inb�to�'e d�tsaribed �aii■�tats is h�reby authoriz�d a�ad t.he pro�lr City otti.cial.s ers h�bar autboari�ld snd directed to pey to Willima D� Clapp sud Hohund H. Tha�us�n, Bob1xi11 D�rrr�lapa�at Gbrporati�, auad C� R�a�.ty Cwrpc�sts.oa, vrm�3c�s ot' aaid �ast- mfnts� th�s s�n af �46,100.00� sa�d av� to b� paid to t�e aiorssaid v+�adcaes lro� PIR lhmd Code 6000-7�5 s � reimbursed i�ram 19'T3. �A fi�m�d Ao. 64-216- 07, upon their #'uruishiag e�v�idaa of good se�rketablt titl� in �he ator��aid venaors, axd tlu total. payment t be m�►de v�oa t,�ndier bq ssid psrtiN of ap$a�apriste d�ds conveying titl , to ssid osare�nts to the City ot' Satnt Paut. , I I� � , � !� , � '� SEP 15 1972 COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Co��ncil 19—, Yeas Naya ' u er Hun� "'�'`_� � " , SEP 15 1972 C n KonoPa� ''-.`� APP�o'� 19` Levine << : L; , _� - � � �AAereditM� -� Tn Favor M ith�--� ' S a Tedesco � ' �Y�r M me. Pxes�de�,� a p�aingt ede co Mr. Preaiden McCarty , , ��