259673 OR'16fNA�.'TO CITY CL6RK 2596'73 � . CITY OF ST. PAUL H�E NC�� NO. � , •� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF NB��, th� City, by �greeme�t dated J�me 28, 1972, agreed �p , to r�lease a certain egistiag se�r e�asesent ia euclaange for tY�e � l� conveyance ef a new sewer easement, aad said agreem�at provided that the releaae of ea��nt wot�ld take �ffeet t�pon cospletion af conatr�tetioa �f t'he new se�er o� �amnarg 1, 1973, whielsever oect�rs firsts aad WSE�S, the Departmeat of Ata�lie liorks hsa notifi�d the City �ittoraey and the i9.syor'� Office that the ��wer will not be cron- structed prior to �'aauar.y 1, 1973, a�d therefor� a�ks fcr an �ztension of time t0 Jaauary 1, 1974; a8d WHBRSI�S, th� vwnera of the land iavolved haqe a�reed to snch eztensicn; aow, therefore, be it RESOL�D, �hat the �roper City �ffic�rs a=e �ereby a�thoriz�d to execute oa ]�ehalf cf the �it�r, a�ea�ent ta original 11�re�ment pertaining to the c��veyance t0 th� City of easeaeats for th� Cypress �treet Relief Sewer Spstem and relea�e by the �ity cf a pre-existiag eaammeat, �o as to extesd the tiee �f c�tmpletion� to Janmary 1, 1974. _ �� � � c.JLr��.. F'ORM RO D: � . Asst. ' Att rney � � V COUNCILNfEN - Adopted by the Co»��P 1 4 �7� 19— Yeas xa�8 SEP 14 1972 u ler Hunf �'�'�` lson Konopa�ki ��` Approv 19— Mereditli .. �; �� _ _ 6edmo--,.� L ine Tn FavOr reditl�prafka �y S afka��� ayor V T sco�C e eSlde�lf„Btltl�—' A gainat ,L e VL yJ� Mr. Presid t, McCarty ^�� FUBLISHED gEp 16 1972 o�.�,�,�,���� 2596'73 � , , , • CITY OF�ST. PAUL �unc,� ND OFFICE OF TF;IE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIQN—GENERAL FORM ��.� COIAIAISSIONE� j �Ax , L i � _._,. 11H���, t� QitY, by �s���t � Jm�t �t. 1973. �d to sr1�aN a osstaia s�d.�t#a4 �as�n►t i�► ��aaqr tor t1N e�o�v�a� of a a�rM �wr+ts t. ao�d �aid aqs'w�ttt p�crvid�d that t� r+�],�aN of �uwst rNO� t,a]c� •t:hot v�aa ao�pl�tioa �! oo�t�tsntotiea Of thi a�r �s a►� Ja�asy 1. 1973,� �ial�ns oc�ws� lis�tt aad i i 1�iu11�, th� �pts'lsr�nt ot' ia NMtics bas n�c►tifs.�d t�a City 1►tt�orn�y and th� �os•s 0ltie� t tL� �r �riil uvt b� aoa- �tsnat�d prior t4 �aaa�sy l, 197 , aa�! �r�tlon+� a�ks �ios m �xt�nsion o! tf�s t+o Ja�►r►ary 1, 97�t aad 1�Dltlill�. � a�ra oE tlt� �.and iavolwd h�w a�cwd to nzoh sst��iont aa►, �s��osr, b� it� ; : �i�OLVm. lhat � �rap�r C�.t7 oltia��cs as� �s^�by aatlwri�d tro �acat� ou b�balf o! t� Cib� a�raslh��at tv oriqinsl llqr�at p�rtaininq fi�.o th� a^�wyauee to �a �ity o! �ao�nt� fos tl� Cypse�s AtrNt ltsli�f �earer Sye a�d r�leaa� by fil� Cily ot a pr�-wcistiuq sa►��t, so ae to d th� ti3a� o! av�pl�tion to Januas�r l. 1974. ' I SEP 14 �q,� COUNCII�EN � Adopted by the Co�m� 19_ Y� xa� , SEP 14 19� . � Hur� � .�..;;� � C Ison Konopai3� ; APP�°� 19 L ��'' � � Mereditfi 'Favor � •�Sprafka `� �r S �' T co ,� � reside � �- AB�st Mr. Presi M ' �� f . �,� . 25ss�� A G R E E Ni E N T THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into as of this day of , 1972, by and between Theodore G. Reich and Florence E. Reich, husband and wife, hereinafter referred to as parties of the first part, and the City of Saint Paul, a mtxnicipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as party of the second part; WI TNESSET'H: WHEREAS, the parties, by Agreement dated June 28, 1972, filed � in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Ramsey County, Minnesota, in Book 2353, Page 358, Document No. 1831909, agreed to the conveyance of a certain sewer easement to the party of the second part and the , release of an existing easenaent to the parties of the first part; and WHEREAS, both parties wish to extend the time specified for con- struction of the new sewer from January 1, 1973, to January 1, 1974, NOW, THEREFORE, the parties of the first part and the party of the second part do hereby agree that tlie above-referenced Agreement by amended so as to delete the date January l, 1973, wherever the same appears th�rein and substitute and insert in lieu and in place thereof the date January l, 1974. IN TESTIMONY Tr]HEREDF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. 6n7itness Theodore G. Reich Witness Florence E. Reich t=��tPv1 i P?^01I�D; �:' \` r ' � �s;�Titj� h io ey A � � ` .. ri r STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAA+iSEY ) On this day of , 1972, before me, a notary public within and for said County, personally appeared Theodore G. Reich and Florence E. Reich, husband and wife, to me known to be the persons described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that they executed the same as their free act and deed. Notary Public, Rainsey County, Minn. My commission expires CITY OF SASNT PAUL Witness Mayor City Clerk Witness Acting Head, Department of Finance STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this day of , Z972, before me, a notary public within and for said Gounty, personally appeared Lawrence D. Cohen, Ha=ry E. Marshall, and Robert W. Trudeau, to me personally known, who, being each by me duly sworn, did say that th�y are respectively the Mayor, the City Clerk, and the Acting Head of the Department of Finance of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of the City of Saint Paul, and that said instrwnent was signed and sealed in behalf of said City of Saint Paul by authority granted pursuant to formal resolution of the Council o€ the City of Saint Paul, Council File No. , passed and approved the day of , 1972, and �h� said Mayor, City C1Ark, and Acting Head of the Department of Finance acknawledged said instru- ment to be the act and deed of said City of Saint Paul pursuant to said resolution. �tatary Public, Ra:nsey Connty, atiiinn. My commission expires 2