260397 WHI7E — CITV CLERK 1 ((('''��� ■!�� yrn,�/ PINK — FINANCE C011I1C11 ��E��;�� ( BLUERY — MAYOFiMENT GITY OF � SAINT PATTL File NO. '�Y��� r � . � - - Co ncil esoluti Presented By LIC�TdSE CONfI�1IT�i�;i:; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Ri�SOLV�D: That Application � 4893 for the transfer of Un Sale Liquor License Tdo. 8030, expiring January 31, 1�73, issued to `:�alter G. Awada, at 120 S. ��•:�abasha Street, be �,nd the sarne is hereby transferred to �'�wada, Ir.c. at the sa.me address. On �ale Liquor Lstablishment Transfer (Individua.l to Corporation� COUI�ICILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith `� Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Adopted by Council: Date �EC ZC� �972 Form Approved by City Attorney Certi ed sed by '1 tary By By JA N ppproved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appro by r: Date . By By PU8LI3HED �aN 61973 � � /'�?�����k����� � D E�PA RT M E N T R. H. ROWAN CHIEF OF POLICE � � � OF POLICE � .o.,�. C ITY 0 F ST. PAU L 101 E 10TH STREET ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 (612)-291-1111 Lecer�_�er 2g, 1�72 _ionora,�le I^�a.yor and City Council Saint Paul, i�::irnc:sota. Laciies �!rd izen-tlec��en: i���.ada, Ir.cor,_orated �.n.d :a,lter u. �;.�;ad�, :�,,ne applica.tion for the tr�_^_sfer of Gn �>a,le Liquor License �;o. 8030, �1.pirint or. J�_nuuxy 31, 1y73, fror.. the _.se:sent licersee, ":aLt�:r G. 1.�-Jada to 1��t�;a.�i�., Incor?or�tec�, a.t '���?e sa;n� �,dclress, r�_.:^,ely 1�0 . ",�,a�a,sha ���r� �y» .l-, L- � _L �i 3 �ye.et. ilis est�.,,lis.�r��e-_Zt is loc�.:.�ea on �ne eas � side of tL�e st_�eet ';;etv,�eer� '�.irfielc. _.;�.�: ;1�:to. '�'he oflicers o£ `�.i ���.� Ircor„or2.ted are ��ouert J. `�afiz, ��r�sicen�;; <:lter G. T,r�;i�,� "Tice-''reri:�er_t; ard F:elen .'`.T�,12�.da, t�@CTEtGI";� c`32"1Q� a�i@�:,SUrer. `�}lE StOCK.�101!'..E.'?_'S �.1'E i'O'�,'C'Y't u• ��r.f7-G� ,-�,lter G. 1'_;:�cia <,r,c; Iielen ..`.t���a,c.a,. .::o� �_�± :��..fiz l��.s �een. a:ssociated �-:;it.� �ihe 1��1�� Inc. , �n On ;��.ie _: 7_c�uor license irom 1;55 un.til tt�e y�re�ent. ''�_iter G. _.. ='.C�_a, }� . ';'E:F� r^., �.r.1'L�O;!CtE7_' _;ii' l�il@ _'.-7'�� ZY1C. iY'Oi1 l��'.� �,O �'Ll@ p-resent. i:icie.� _ � ^.ca 1�:�,s bee�: associ�, Led �.:ith ir c; �i;�:r,?, lnc. <.�lso. VE,r;; trul� �-ou�^,s, 1i",, L'C e%�fl.� . I,icense I�_-�.spector D.J. BLAKELY J-S. GRIFFIN R,F. LABATHE W.W_ MCCUTCHEON DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE PATROL DIVISION SERVICE DIVISION INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION O CI�'�' �..' ��,IP�:Is P:%t�i • �:��'�i�Z.'�I�ii�'i'� C� 1`'IJ:�.IC a:°:��TY • • Z,I��?:;"�� DIUI."-.IQi,; �ate 19�_ 1. �lppl.icaticn for License 2, ilame o� ag�p�3can� 3. �usiness ar�r�r��:� �e�;icl�nce �Paul �-. Trade name if �n � �* S�l��r 4o12�r Ca�a 5. Retuil Eeer redera� �ax S*�arp��e��il Li��uor �ederal ��x S�amp�_etiri3Z be used. f. On �yhat floor loc�tec� Stz��t ��^^� �'url�er oi roor�s used On� 7. �et�tireen �r�zat cross street �+�aich side of street E��� 8. Are premises noti� oce�apied�'�liat business__an—sp,�� �.it}Va� FIow long ���� 9. Are premises noer unoccuyaiec��?.o.� 3ong vacant �� Arevious Use Ma 7.0. Are you a nesv o�+rner�_�Iave you been in � similar business before Yo• Where T�_ �_ t�._ �J�gen .". „o s�,—�.� --�46� t e—p����n= 11. Are you going to operate this busines� persoa�a3.ly �__ -�-�s If not� �:*ho `�rill o�erate it Mw 12. Are ;Tou in ar�y oth�r business at the present time d� 13. Have there been any complaints a�ainst your operation of this typ� of place ae When �a : Where N� . 14. Have you ever had any license revoked ea i�at reason and date �e 15. Are you a citizen of the United States Y�a Native yp� Naturalized 16. Where �vere you born Date o� birth F�br��trT.23�y lQ.?9 I7. I am married. 1�Sy (c�ife's) (husband's) name and address is 18. (If r�arried female) . rnai�en name is 19. Fiosa long hav� yo lived in St. Paul 1929-1968 20. IIiave you ever en arrestec! �$ Vfolation of i�rp�at crir�in�.l laetiT or ordinance�_ 21. Are you a r gistered vo�;er ix� t�ie City of St. �aul �'es x No (Ans�ti�er 11 and co�n �etel . iize�e a lications are thorou hl checked and an falsi ca+aon qvili be cause for d�ni�1. (�V.�;} 22. ��urn�ber of 3.2 �lace� -��.ri��xin t�:o blocics ns • . 23. Clos��t into�ica�ing lic�uor place. On S�. � 8 bloCk• Off Sale 12 blOCks � ��. i:earest Church � b1eCk� =`�'e .rest �chool 8 b2oeks 25. PJu€��er of bQ��.as 6 �,�bl�ti Ciiairu �6 Stools 10 26. l�hat occupation h�ve you :�o�To�°:ec' ior -t�:e ;�.�t :Cive year�. (�ive names of employers ancl c�a-tes �o employec�.) •s s n 5t 1966-1972 2?. Give n�.mes an� �.c'�:re�ses of �tido persons� esiden�s o� at. Paul� ��inn.� cti*ho can �;ive inforr�ation co�icernin�; yoti. Minnesota 5tata 8ank hTa°1e �=ddressgt. Pau�. Minn��ote 55107 , � Name "�adres� 444 Clinton Av�nue � ��� � �igna ure of �'�ppl' nt State of Aiinne�ota) )ss County oi' 1^�.msey ) .—_�t r+h e r t 1, M w�i� ?��i � f irst duly s��orn� deposes and says upon oath td��.t &�e 4z�� .ea� tPie foregoing s �-tement be�zrin�; his signature and knotirs th� eontents thereof� a�d that t�e ��.n� is true of his ot.�n knawledg� eaceept as to those matters tlaerein s�ated upon inform�.t on and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. � Signature of Ap 'cant Subscribe�and sworn to before me this � day of -Ec:Q Yn-e*-��c.- Zg` Notaryr Public� R�msey County� A4innesota My Corncnission expires (Note: �hese statement forms are in duplic te. Both copies must be fuZly filled out� notarized� �.nd returned to the Licens IDivis�.on. ) ?��1�AA�.�rL.A r �r � �,•.n ��.�.�tt,'�,a�( � . � � � � �b'� !' I � �., t i ,� ( . 8-23-71 � ���� nc�.i � � : �s_ ,r:, ;?' 1"i' A .�.V .l. .j..� S� � ,� P+iy Ga,-: ,�.�r�.,, �.dr;.� ,1�73 � ��"YC`Y�"r�f'�4''�'Y'�",w'Yi � ly i a lY�1".�JIT �Y ���'PLICt1NT ' • i+'(3�d � , d��l"►3L ;E�;R OR LIQU(3; LIC�St�� �:e; _�_Sale_�iQUOr License Name of ag�lic�.nt Rob�rt J. Netiz Business adc�ress 120 South Wabeai�a �,t, Are you the sol'e otrner r�f tf�is �usia�eus?�. If no�� i� i� a partnership? Y e corporation? Yei 9 ot��er? Others inter�sted i� �u,iP.cu�y bnc�.ucle those by Io�n of r.lone;r� property or oth�rwi�e: rda�ne N�l�n AWade +c��resu g�Q Chinn�We �kot°+ StOCkhO1d�T Ylalter AWada 245 West �lorton Stockholdar If a corporation' give its nan�e p Wsda� s I�c. Are you inter�Nted in �ny ��ray in an�r other retail beer or lic�uor business?_ Kp �s sole oi+rner`? NA �'�r����'�' NA atocI.hoZder? pp Q�hertvise? (T�arou�h �.oan of r,�n�yp etce ,�rplain) �� Address of such business ancl n�-�ure o� intere�t an �am� Np . iCc.� - , Signature of a i ant State of �iinnesota) )ss County of R�asey ) ob��f� J. N�fit 'being first duly savorn� deposes and says upon oath that he has read the fore�oing affic�avi�t bearin�; his signature and l�nows the contents thereof; that the same is true o� P�is atirn ernolti�Iedge� except �.� to those matters therein stated upon a.nformation �.nd belief and as to tfliose matters he believes them to ae true. ,� f Sagn�.ture of g►�lica Subscribe� and ss�lorn �o before me th' + $�— day of m-�-c.�`19 J 2.� ��,�.�a��,�n�s,o;n.a.r,.Ara�a� Not ry blic9 Ptia.rrusey County9 Aiinn�sota P�i�R n�. r,n,<,r;;;��; ; Z� NOTARY Plils'IC - .,,if,i;i:;s:';�,; � My commission expires 1g RAA4ScY C�;llflTY � MyCommissian�xnirzsD?c.21,1973 � STATE OF MINNESO'TA) )SS COiJNTY OF RAM�.SEY ) Rob�rt J. MetiZ being first duly sworny doth depoc�� and say that he makes this affidavi�t in connection with application for "�_ Sale" liquor license ("_,Qp__ Sale" c�a�.t beverage license) in the City of Saint Pau1� Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for I�3 years� 1 p months� and is now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said State and that he now resid�s at Address � Minnesota, City or To�+rn �CCi�r-�`"" ` , Subscribed and s�aorn to before me p �G this � U day of ..v" 19� Not ry blic9 R�msey County' Piinnesota N1y commissxcsn expires ��.��na��1��n�r,r���,aN^^n��,:n.a�,.a�. � f� 3�:� >> r,� ,r.���� ��'��,�''i���'� fii'tr;h.! PJLT�?i: - i;i:iil'•it:it'iTfS RF1�9�:�Y ^�3�J�J7Y f�lyCcr��M;ss��r�Ex;,,��;C2r..22,19i3 �tlt4�7�'G"�YG"��i'q'Gc9'�Y'�'� 8-23-?1 � . CI'.�'�' .:a' a�iIt?� ii�L,.: aiL��:�L��'ilaA��:�iL Li �V'�.:.:�iL a`:1�1� ♦ LI�:�".�:,� �I�II�;Zt3t� ��t� D�c�a�b�r 18.19?2 1. Ap�licaticn for OA Sel� Liquot License 2. �1an�e o� a�pai��.�� i�e�t�T G, 11Wad� 3. �usines� acidress 120 South Webesh� I�euidence 2a5 �tsat morton St. 4-. Trade n�e, if an�r Siiver Oollar Ce��• 5. Retai�. �eer r edera� Tax Star.:p � ;�e�L:ai1. Lic�uor �'ecier�1 iax Stamp X F�rill be used. 6. On what f3oor loc�te� St�ast F1op�C �:T.zc.i�er o� x�ooa�s us�d OA• 7. �e��ti�een ti�Il1�t cro�s streets F'air�feld e��1d PlatO ��aich side of street Esst 8. Are premises noc;r occupiec� Y�s �Jfla�t business Qn 5a2e LiOOUP Iiod� long 30 y�e�s 4n� R�etaura�t 9. Are �remises noar unoccupied Np T:o:v Iong vacan�; NA Previous Use NA 10. Are you a ne�,r o��rner �to �Iave you P�een zaa � �imilar business before T Y�s Where Silver pollar CaPe ���en F`sbru�sry , 1972 to prss�nt 11. Are you goin� to operate this busines, peruon�lly Y�s If not, ��ho b�rill operate it NA 12. Are �rou in any other business at tlie present time No 13. Have there been any complaints a�;ainst your operation of this type of place po When NA � W�ere NA 14. Have you ever had any license r�±vol�ed NG i�hat reason and date MA 15. Are you a citizen o� the United States Y�• �Iative Yo� Naturalized 16. Where were you born St• Psul � I�inn�aoteDate of birth N Jenusry 28� 19�6 17. I am marriea�. hfy (trife's) (husband's) rrame a.nd address is Kristfn• L. Awads 245 W�st INorton St. St . Pe�l, dlin�osotia 18. (If married female) my mai3en name is �A 19. How long havp you lived in Nt. P�.L�1 76 yse�• 20. �iave you ev�r been arr�stec? No Violation of c�ri�at criraiaa�l lai.� or ordinance MA 21. Are you a �e�ist�r�� vo�er in the City of S�. �aul X �'es No (A�asdti�er fu3.ly and co�p�etely. iize�c � �.ic�.tion� �.re thorou hl checked and an falsification tvill be c�.us� �csr �c�iaz. (�V"s_.�.�;) 22. ��u�ber af 3.2 �lace� :�,�i�,,aan t�:.o bloc'-�s n • �3. Closest into�ica�i�g lir�uor pl�.ce. (}n Sa e 8 bloCks Off Sale 12 blOCks 24. i;�arest Cl�a��ci� 3 block• Toe rest �c�iool 8 bloCks 25. PJur.cber of 'uQO��as b ����le� Cli�ir� 16 Stoc�ls 10 �6. 1��t occupa�tion F�ave you io�so�.::c'. �or L���e ;«�t fivc ye:rs. (Cive names of employers and dates �o ��nployec�.) Ba nc. 1?5 North W�atern St. 1968-1972 27. Give naeae� a�� ��c'turesses of tt�o persons� esiden�;s o�t St. Paul� ���inn., tti*ho can give infornFation coziceraain� ;�ou. Name hn A a s .ddress 24? W��t l�orton St. Name nhof ^�de�re�� 140 f��st Kinq St. ___._______ C�:�c�.�. � , �i�nature of t'�pplicant State of h�inme��ota) )s� County of F',.amsey ) �altsr G. Awada /�ei � first duly sc�orn� deposes and says upon oath tb�ut �ae Iaas reat' the foregoin� s �tement bearin� his signature and Iino��s the contents thereo�� �.nd t�ia� t�ze sar�e is true of Izis ozan knosa*ledge exeept as to tk�ose matters therein s�atec� upon inforsnat on and belief and as to those matters he believ�s them to be true. W Q.�,� �- Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me � � da of�j�-c� �Y�.f'i--r�c.- 197 this _ y _ .... S^�,.i�Qt^�1°a';��nt��„�IA��l�1All;i( d-. p�TE,^, ;1 � F�lS�1'� T ir Notary Public� Ramsey County� ARinnesota �%,�;;; noTr^,:�v �-t!,�� � � � ��: ,,:� a��r.a�G� t��;�;r�'�v My Cornmission expires - n�ycom�,�,:;:�:,F*a:��,�ec.2�,t��t3 ��a�������� (Note: These ,�tatement forms are in dup2ic te. Boti� copies must be fully filled out, notarized� wnd returraed to t�ae Licens �}ivision. ) 8-23-71 STATE OF MINN�SOTA) )SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Idaltsr G. A�rede being first duly sworn9 doth depose and say that he mak�s this affidavit in connection with appli�cation for " 0 n Sale" Iiquor license (" 0 n Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of Saint Paul' Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the State of Minnesota and has resided therein for Z6 years� l l months� and is now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said State and that he now resides at 245 t��st �oPton St• � � Address St, Paul � Minn�sotao City or Toem �'�J C"`�""� -�+ . ����'�'J�r� Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 ������^��h^ ,���� '�• PETER M. M,�NSli;; _..++� NOTARY PUBI!r - P;�;hi:ESDTA Notary Public9 Ramsey County, P�tinnesota �.• RAh1SEY COUNTY MyCommission[xpiresDea 21,1973 h1y commissiQn expires 8-23-?1 ' ��� �ID��VIT EY ���PLICt�1NT . . T'OI2 • �Tt��IL BEE.'� OR LIQUQ�; LICEPdSE Re: _�n _Sale LiQOUS License Name of agplic�.nt �Ieltsr G. A�reda Business adc�ress 120 Sputh 4�ebasha 5t. Are you the sol� ol�mer r,f ���is I�u�iaaeus?�. I#' not� is i� a partners4zip? pp corparation? Y�� 9 o�I�er? {yq Others interes�ed in D�u�ia�e,s9 inc�ucie those by loan of mon�y� propert� or otherwise: Name Hslen Ag�ede =Y��r��� 6?A Chipp��re I.o<<r StoCkhold�T Robart Ha�iz 126? Ohio St. Stockholdsr � t�e�t 5t, ��aul., l�inn. If a corporationy givc its name AWade' s. TnC. Are you interested in any �vay in angr ot9��r retail beer or liquor business? No As so�e aivner:' NA P�rtner? p A Stocl�holder? N A Otherwise? (�hrou�h loL n of n�ane�-y etc. :�xplain) t!A Address of such busi�e�s and nature of intere�t in N�.me nA CL. �, Signature of applicant State of Alinnesota) )ss County of Ramsey ) malt�r G. AWade_ being first duly sevorn� deposes and says upon oath that he i�as read the foregoing a�fidavit bearing his signature and I�nows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his oi�n B�no�ti�ledge� except as to those matters therein stated upon information �nd belief and as to those matters he believes them to b� true. �.�.%'�� � • �.►.r� ���t%a�a�af,���m��t �+,a� PETER M. MA�SUR � Subscribe� and sc�orn o be�ore Cii@ ��'��`'_u�`• fJOTAP.Y PU(�tIC - f"it"dicE�OTA , ^' �, this day of ���y,-�s.�,�19� � R.ar��s��r cr�u��rY � � � MyCommir:;icm�:-:src;i�ec.21.1`?73 � __- . �2;1K�'?;��!?�:�;�c?����'x'?rrw�yc �,._ Notary Publi�' Ramsey Count�r' l�iinnesota "�,� FErF�t �.,� „ N01F � � �� . : My commission e�cpires 19 `•`•%�� Myro =� yX�ypy��ltltltl�lCfGVV'JV'V'a"'V"J�'ry'Y"�"�'Y��W i��L , CI'�'�' ::: ��,IP.tg �:�i��. --,�.- , �� �,>,rY; l!, �t� �rT rT�`' - ai-i��.i�.i1'iL'J.�t Vi� S V=�Y�S� �.�'Jli.C��i'�Y 1 ' ' I,I�'::.'":;�� ���I���i� _ �a-te D�c��b�r 18 19 74 I. Appl.icaticn for n��^t� L�„nr License 2. �lanroe o� ag�pgiv��aa, qwlen�a� 'Nl V►� a � � 3. :3usiness acle�r�u� 19t] 5n��th �ebee,�;_ I�e°uicience BTA Ghioo��• Av�. �t. Trade name, i�' �.n�- r�lvwr nn t �r Caf• 5. Ret�il 13eer �.i ec�era� �a�c S�a�e��_;�et��il Lic1uor �'ederal iax Stamp�_�ti�ill be used. 6. On �.hat f3oor locate� ��r.�t tleer _':uA.ber o�' rooms usec� OA� 7. Petc,reen wl��t cros� st�ect� gA3 rl�ivt d �nd p e�_���ich side of street East 8. �re premises noqa• occupiec� Y�,� T�dlazt bu�iness pn Ssl• :iGnu� floev long �(! yiaPi 9. Are pre�ises no�•r unoccupied�t,o.w ioaa�; vacant Nw Previous Use NA 10. Are you a n�ei� oEaner Y�: �I�ve you 1;>een i� �. similar business before ��� Where Th. H�R� inr ���ien 11. Are you going to operate this business persoa��.11y Y,�� If not, c.*ho z�rill operate i� � 12. Are �Tou in ar�y other business at tlle �resent time Mo 13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type of place NO When �t� : W�ere �p 14. Have you ever had any license revoked Me ��hat r�ason and date�p 15. Are you a citizen af the United States Yse Pdative Y�� Naturalized D�.1 �,.�h 16. Where were you born � !Ainnasote �ate of birth Octobsr 6. 190? I7. I am married. Niy (t.�ife's) (husband's) name and address is C�or9• a�eda 674 Chipp*�a Av�nu• St. Peul , INfnn�iota 18. (If rnarri�d female) r.y� mai�len name is Nsl�� �. Ablan 19. Fiow long hav� ymu liv�d in ut. ��.�1 65 y�aPi 2d. Iiave you ever been ar�est�d hp Vioiation of i,rhat crir�inal laetiT or ordinance MA 2I. Are yoa a re�i���recl v��er� in tlie City of St. �aul X �.Tes No (Ans�.rer full,y �nc� co�p�e��ly, aheuc a Iications �are thorou hl checked and an falsifica+ion �vill be cau�e �c�r c�enia2. (OV�) 22, ilu�ber of 3.2 1B�.�ce� :�ri��i.fn t�:o �locl:s l�on• � , 2�. Clos�st intoxica�;ang tic�uor piace. Cn S le 8 bloCks Off �ale ? b1oCk� 24. i�eares�t C��arciz 7 bloelts .t areut Nclaool 8 bloCks 25. Irus-��er of "u�a��:�.s 6 �.�bie� Cii�ii s 16 Stqols 10 26. t�.�t occup�.tion �a�ve you io��o�:ec: �°ar ��� p��::t rive �rearu. (Give n�.t�es of employer� �.nd da�e� �o enzp�.oyec�.) 800kke• •r - Ths Har I�c. 1 5 North t�A�t�sn �t. 27. Giv� n�ne� an�.t �:ct:�re�ses of �g��o persons� esidents of at. Paul� A1inn.� �ti�ho can give inforr�ation coiicernin� you. Name �:ddress Aed, C1 in tott Avan�;,,� NJaa:ie r"�,dclressp�inn�sot� 8tat• 8enk `, � :-�:: ,%/j, Lw C_u.�d�:.t�,� Ni�nature of 1lpglicant State of A�inne�ota) )�� County of F'�.zmsey ) H�len �I. AWeda �ae ng �'irst c�u�.y ,�t�rorn� deposes and says upon oath tla�,t �ae 4a�s .�eau t�3e fibregoing atement be�rin� �is signature and knooars the contents t�ercof' and �daat ti�e s�.ne i true of I�is oRW�n knawledge except as to those matters ti�erein ,��,atet� upon informa 'on �nd be�ie#' and as to those matters he believ�s them to be true. • "—�'��YiLk�yti � r ��,��L(%��:�"C'�� Signature of Applicant Subscribed and sworn to before me � y .�U�'-�'- �-c�. 19 � this 'f da of m °� �` �.�.: ��^'In��1:ru�F?.;���F.1..��. G�F�i.S:n �c" :.:•.,.ti�. � � � Notary Public� Ramsey Count � ,��,�nesota . 1�.�—'� , � 1 ' • �� ' � ;, ��' %�� f�'�i.,t ;�. � t�„ ��''C�� -� � �,,F y t � �� �� q�7'� � My Cornmission expires �'},�, ,_��, � ��',cQ' ;. " , ,.. , . .47dvC��i+/"!ur,3�7veyC'+M'7"")�`��"1'`1�"SX 'YfvCUv"�"�r�'� ^;;,"i � ,..:`: (Note: These �tatement formr�are in dupli te. Boti� copies must be fully filled out' rnotarized� and returned to tkne Lic�n �}ivision. ) 8-23-?1 " ��,, �zDt�vzT �� ���PLact��TT � " ro�a � � 12�T1'��L �EE�,�. OR LIQUC3^ LICEI'd�E Re: a� Sale Linuor License Name of applic�.rzt N�le�, ���W��R Business address 120 Snuth Idahaaha St. Are you the solE oimer oi this t�usiness?�_. If r.ot� i� it a partnership? pp corporation? �� Y�� , otl�er? �yA Others interes�ed in bu�ia�e��9 bnc�.u�e tho�e by lo�n of r.�oney, propert;� or ot�erwise: T�ame �alt�r Awede t�c�c�ress2q5 :I=ost FAerton �.o��a Stockhold�� �ob�rt a. Hetiz 126? Ohio St. S�oak��ldvs i�a�t St, s%c�ul , fiinn. If a corgoration� give its name A�reda' s. InC. Are you interested in any c��ay in �ng* o�;�ier retail beer or liquor business? pp As soie otvner? yA F'�rtner? Np Stoc7.holder? NA Qtherwise? (Throu�h lo�aa o� m�,�ne�-p etc. P�cpla.in) pg Address of such busi�es� and nature of interest in �ame pp ,;�(��:-E:�,�/ ,%Jj. C-Gtic/�-�'c�c��, Si�;nature of applicant State of Aiinnesota) )ss County of Ramsey ) W.1 .n ■_ pw�d„ being first duly s�vorn� c�epos�s and says upon oath that he has read th� fore�oin� affidavit bearing his signature and ��nows the contents thereof; that th� �sa�n� is true of his o�rn kno�l�ledge� except �s ta those matters therein stated upon information and beli�f and as to those matters he believes them to be true. �, ,� _ � , '�, / _G_ �--�ti-� , (..f�..v CZ�`-'� �ignature of applicant Subscrib� and s��orn o before me this�_day of � ,-� ,.-��--�-�'19� � ��I�.M�'�+�� MA��aM�!;��r, 11;,� ^r�,^�aR„r.,& :,3L Notary Public� �nsey Count�' A�innesota � �y�.. � �- �: ,. � � �•:, ���. �„ � flQ�/'z'1' F� ',i: ',1 .,_ ` ;i eh' :.> My commission expire,� 19 � ����� i �� �'� <"'�r � � � �_� � ,�- � �� r� �t�'� :� � , :i 4 ��s Xero�v���rvti��.s„ro�r��-�w-,,,���vcr��eywv� ;���Y��>t STAT� OF MINN�SO'T�) )SS COUNTY OF R�IMSEY ) H�lsn �. RWa�d�, being first duly sworn9 doth depose and say that �he makes this affidavit in connection with application for "��_ Sa.le" liquor license ("�� Sale" malt beverage license) in the City of Saint Paul' Minnesota; that• your affiant is a resident of the State of_Minnesota and has resided therein for 6 S years� Q months� and is now and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said State and that 1he now resides at C A nu Address � �9innesot�a City or Toevn r�(� �j�, LC'��c�� Subscribed and siTOrn to before me this � day of �-�t� 19� Notary blic9 R.�msey County� F� nnesota 1�Iy commission e�ires ��.!aR�ae�_a��x "--.; P�T�R r�5. n�A�e��.;q � "�� NOTF.RY PL�3z;v - 7:;i�,,:��,�7A RA�9S�Y CC:INTY 8-23-71 MYCommission Expites Dec.ZI,1973 X k 1 Decembs� 18, 19?� ! � The mayor City Countl►l a�d License inspeetor Ci�y Nall � �eint Pavl, I�innQSOta 55�.02 t�e�s S�lv�� Qoller Ca�� 120 South �aba:ha 5tac�st �aaiA� Paul, l�fnnesota G�ntl�ms�s ' ' This w3.li advi:s that tha' t?n—Seie Lfquo�. L�oel��� � situat*d et !he abovs add�rsss hes bss� t�and't�r�"�d t�rom W�ltor Gaorge Awada �'�o Au�ada's, I�ncorpo�at�ti,. Th� � sto��chdld�rs� �in Aw�ds�*g Incorpora�td��i��e�ude � �_ ��� � � �� �ialter GeoX�ge Awada� N�le!r� �I. A�uade arid RY�ber�`°�. � `z . . Hafia. Thi� transPmr i� sub,jsct Ito the� appravel�` o� -.ti�• - - - • � City Counc�l� R�egpactCu2ly eubmi ed, � o�� ��., .. qt�l t�r Caorg• Aurada �Iu�ada' s Incorporated 120 South l�adashe Str�et St. Paul , I�innesot$ 55107 STATE OF MINNEBpT�I, � COUNTY OF RAMSEY, �• Walter George Awada being IIrst dul�, sWOrn� ...._...__..._.... .__.� . � a�:., , deposes and says that he has read the foregoing application and lrnows the contenta tliereof, and t the same is true to the best of his knowledge,information and belief. �Q�Q� . ..------.._�--�_..�V.tn,�_... ._._..._.. _ Walter George Awa Subacribed and sworn to before me 13th December = 72� � � thia.._.._......_ day of_�...._.___..._....___...�....._.. - . , ........_.}�..__ _��`"`! ��....___ .�.�_.._ � ;. , No �Public, Ramsey County, Minn. _ � nn��t��,m�,uau��aa�.�aA `i� t . � COri1ri118310ri lI'@8....._... '°��" MARY 1�iVN f`.4qhdSUR Y �P� �-��a�;;�"�-�--�rnrfir�rtrg!'t�'tt���!:!ESOrq \��+.� �a.;;o;;a cou�;�Y STATE OF MINNESOTA� .`�,'rpm";::si�n�x:�;:e,Ue�.?�.1973 � COUNTY OF RAMSEY, z�'mn���'"���'� Walt�r Geo�ge Awhda � r . , _ .� _.__. ... _..--•._._ . � .. _._.__.....----._. � _ ._. _.�.. _._...._. .......__--- •-• - -- _-•being flrat duly_a�orn, .... . __...._ . _..._. .._ ....t..._... .. _ _.._ ._.... , ---- -• depoaes and saYS tha�..._heb._�:�._.._...�thq _ ..-- '--r-�r—i��_.P�.��RIlt� � , _. AWede 's, I�'1C. of ............._.................---•-----.._._.....____.... ...-----••---•---..._.__.�_ .._�..�...w. , a corporation; . .__...._.._._.._....___...._. that................._......he...................._...._......_.__.....has read the foregoing application and knowa the contenta thereof,and that the saine is true to the best of..........._...._...hig..__...._...._..........lrnowledge, information and belief; that the seal affiged to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of sa.id corporation; that said application was aig�ed, aealed and e�e� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directora,and sa.id applicstion and the execution thereaf is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. � ................_.... � _, ��x Walter Geor e Awada Subscribed and sworn to before me 13th D�cember 72 this..................__._:...�.._.day of.-•----�...._.�.��� _..._..--��w---.. ..�._��"`:�........._...�..........._............_._----____..._. N�o�q Public, Ramsey Count�, Minn. x�a►��►�a�����,�� �,y Cpl�iggipA 1�.p�� �R,�._(�NN MANSUR ���"�a``,,r.:,._._..i� �� �����;,,. r.o-i.�.,Y Pii��_�c�- ��, ��— ��,,''�� �,�;cor,�. ca���JrY J � �`�"� y�ommission:-xt�;!esDec.28.1973 v �yytliYtly�YV``V��+/tlF�tl'i9C�fii�9 � � , .�l'p�"�' 1 f'_ i : �l ' ��, � . � � � V � i !, � � � �' � . c_ F z6o 3� � - . ar�°�/`'�" CIYY OF S . PAUL % « �, �� APPLICATI�N FOR ON S E LIQUOR LICENSE �u�adq �C'm�re��d f�-��- -� Application No . .w • .... ........ Naxne of Applicant_....._�_.I�_�l..__. __.._... ---._.._...._.......,._..................--.------. Age....._ ._ • ' 8esidence Addresa....__�.�..0 S ou t h W ab a s h a_.._..._._........ ..............................._._..... Teiephone No......�.�-.��.41...__........._._. , Are you a citizen of the United Statea?_..._.Y e�..__.._......__...... .__..__...._.__..__..._...--.•------_....._...._..._.----_...._..._.------....__...-.---•--•--...._..__..---__ -� Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? ........ ............................................Y..�.a...___._..__......__.___---_.._._._... _._.. ...........------......_...._.__..._...._..._...._.._---_..__.._....___. .._._.__..._....._ When and where�.........U.�.:�i 1 r e c.e n t l�r....�....H s.r�?B.. .�..�.....�_��.:_...._._.._.._-----•-----..._._..._...._........__...._.... If corporation� give name and general purpose of corpo tion....._..Aatt.a.d.8�'..8_...T.�l.G...._.__......... _...._..._.......___ ._......._.._._...__._....._...__.......O.P e r�t.i o n_...o f.._._t h e...._5_i 1�.�.r..._D.. 11 a r C a f e_-.--...._..._._._...._._._........._._. _._._.._._._....__.__...,_._._..._ When incorporated t�.�.�.�.�1..�_.1.�.Z.�....._........ ..... .._........._.....____---......._..___.................._...._...._................_...__ _ ?...._.___..._. If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarter for club members?....._.._�,�a. ____ .._...._..._..... Ho«� many members?.------,1�/.A..___....._._.._._...____._..._...._..._..... Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and me and address of general manager. . . .. . . . . .. . .. P.r m s i d e n t.....-....,R a b e r t_H`a f i z_.........___._._.1.2 6?.---�h.� _...���...w...W.�.�.�._S t.�.....P a!��.�.....�.i.!?�..�.-------_..._.._..�_......_ .V.i.�.a.-P.r.�.�.i.d.an�....-----tll.al�.�.r---.�...__:A�u.a.st.�.._._---..._2. .5.....1�1.......1�!a.�.�_n.n..._.......�........P...a.u.l.,--...D1i.nn.«............._..._ .S.,e G A.a.t.a.�.X.-T�.�.�.��.�.�.�..._.-.....H.�,�..�n---.A.u�.�.�.� .... ?:.4__.�h�.�.�.�.�u.a.............�:�_......P.au.l..,.....lriinn.._..._ N��nes and addresses of Stockholders: _....S a m�....a.s.....a b o v e....._. .__.. ._._.._._.._ `Give name of surety company which will write bond, if k own..W.e.�.�ar.n_...S11.r.e.:t.�t.._Gmm�.p,am.�t......_._._.........._._.._...._ Number Street Side etween What Crosa Streets Ward 120 : �. Wabashe� East. � Fairfi ld � Plato How many feet from an academy, college or university ( easured along streets) ?...N o n e _n e a r µ � _ � � -- .. ... - •-- -- --• •- --• How many feet from a church (measured along atreets) ......._.7....b.�_p c.}c.$_..,_..___............._........__.__..._.._.............._....._._.._.___ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or igh school (measured along streets) ?.fl._.b.�..o.�l�s......... Name of closest school.....R o o�e V e 1 t.___J u n_i.o r....N ig h___ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?....._C. ..�m e.�c i a.�,_.._ _........___......._......— On w hat floor located?...._..........._�s!�R....F 10 o r..:_._._.,,,......_, _..._. ..__ .....-�-----_......-�------___ Are premises owned by you or leased?...L e��e d.._..._J� le sed give name of owne�o u.s,i n,g_&..R_�d e.v_.e 1 Qp�e n�t. If a restaurant give seating capacity?....5 0..................................... ........._........----•--•-. -.- A u t h o r i t y ...__. _..-•--................ �C i�y....o.�,.'_'5�.s....p.a uI._..._.. If hote l, seating capacity o f main dining room?.....---y l A.... .....................____.......-•-�--�---..............---.........._.._...................._---....._._....__-------------- Givetrade nau�e--•----�--------�---• S i 1 V e-�---�-Q����_..�?-�-�--- ---------••---------------�-----------------------•-----------------•-------------...._---------•--• Give below the name, or number, or other description of h additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ............ ................................�a.in._..barroom only (The i�ormation sbo�e mnst be given for hotels and restan nts which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?---------- N•��-----_...._....---._..... . ......._...._.......__........._._..--•-------•---r..._..---._...._..._._._...._... .__ . Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataarant or h tel)__M.�.a....._...._._............_....____......._....................._...._..._...._.._... Give names and addresses of three business references: ._....._...,..._........._._..__.._....................._..._...___._._...__.__..____...._.____ 1._._._.....I��.n n��,..a t a....5�.�B.a n k ..----�--_._.._....._...... ..............._....__...__..__...._.__.__...._..._._.._.._._.----_..._...__..._._.._::___....---�-- 2....__....�i.�.m.�,.!_�@.�.�.�.X._...._........__._...._...__....._..._....._.......- ---_..._...._..._._.---___....____-----.......__.__........_..___.__.._..-�..........................._.. 3....__..S c.h�i.d t' � 8 r e.w e r.11._..._ __..._ ... ..._......_..._.___._....._..._..._..._........ . .__.--�--•----..._........_........... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY E APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE COftPORATION DULY AU OBIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPOKATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTH R SIDE