260387 WH17E - �ITY CLERK - ■■■ yyyyyy
PINK_� - FINANCE TT COIlIlCll ������
Co ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED� by the Mayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul ,
in behalf of said City and its people , that official cognizance
hereby is taken and recorded of the great and incalculable benefit
to our nation and to the entire world from the unselfish and devoted
career of publie service , particularly in his office as President
of the United States of America, by Harry S. Truman, who strove for
the attainment and maintenance of world peace and for the alleviation
of human suffering; the providing of aid to many parts of Europe in
its rebuilding after World War II and assistance to other nations of
the world, which characterized his attitude of charity toward mankind;
that the people of the City of Saint Paul , in common with the people
elsewhere in the world, by reason of his_ death, on the 26th day of
December, 19'72, at the age of 88 years , have experienced and will
experience a sense of loss and deprivation; and
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the people of the City of Saint Paul,
in common with all other people of the civilized world� throughout
his tenure of said high office of the presidency and since his
retirement, during which times said people of Saint Paul have
been honored to visit with him in his campaign appearances� noted
and appreciated and shall remember his undeviating and unselfish
public service ; that the people of the City of Saint Paul , mindful
of the burden of grief which his death occasioned to his- surviving
wife , Bess Truman, to his daughter, Margaret Truman Daniels , and
to other members of his family, do hereby express to them profound
sympathy in this hour of their bereavement; and
FURTHER RESOLVED� that the City Clerk is hereby authorized
and directed to cause a copy of this resolution to be prepared and
delivered to said Bess Truman with all convenient speed.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Konopatzki In Favor
'Meredith � Against BY
Mme.President Butler
Adopted by Council: Date DEC 2 8 1972 Form Approved by City Attorney
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Certi ' sed by C c' retary By y� � `^^ S�� � � ��`�x'�
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Approve M Date �972 Approv by Mayor r Submiss
By By
PtIeLIStlED JAN 6197�
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February 13, 1973 .
, Dear Mr. Marshall:
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�.-: I deeply appreciate the Resolution adopted by
; the City Conncil of St. Paul, Minnesota in
f. ` memory of my husband. : �
� �
s� ` Please convey my thanks to all who sha,red in
�� this thoughtful gesture.
_ Sincerely, ' ' .
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� Mr. Harry E. Marshall
� C1�, Clerk _
City of Saint Paul
� :. B ureau of Records
�. _ 386 City Hall , ,
`�+ ` St. Paul, Minne sota- 55102 :
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' February 13, 1973
Dear Mr. MarshalL•
I deeply appreciate the Resolutian adopted by
�'-° ` the City Conncil of St. Paul, Minne sota in
, :< _
' . memory of my husband. - �
�' +
� w Please convey my thanks to all who shared in
�> this thoughtful ge sture.
,� ,`
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`�� Sincerely,
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�. Ii!
�,,; ' : Mr. Harry E. Marshall `
City Cle rk
`,' . Gity of Saint Paul
�,. _
B ureau of Records
386 City Hall
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 :
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January 16� 1973
Mr s. Harr,y S. Truma�n
Independenc�, Missouri
I3��,r r�r�� Trum�.n:
Enclosed is a c�py af � resolu�,ion €�dopted by �he City
Council c��' St. Paul, ;�ii.nnesota, ex�ressin� their sympatl�y
and that c�f the people of the C1ty of. Saint Paul to you
r�nd your f�n3.ly� in the loss of your husband.
V�:ry truly youra�
City CZerk