260384 i � 4w
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' � 2b�;�4
�t�eaoil�tian Ratifying Assesament By�
,�..1,', � � .
In the matter of the asaessment of ��� �� � � � ����
��� �+r� t���� �.: ��r.+� i�t�e3t�, �t:� �,.�:��; �
�.�. 1 • 11�1a St.. Aeitt6�sst aide from4 E. Savinth St. to 1�11MSOd Maca aad on
the sa�t side of Gre�nbri�r St. frcm Dellwood Plac• to Kargaret St.
F.O. �253179 - Bates St. both �idss fso� B. Sevsnth St. to l�aury St.
F.O. #253147 - Bighth St. E�a6h1[astas�s.��am Matia Ave. to porth St.
F.Q. �253177 - E. Fifth St. north side fro� �ls 3t. to Sope gt. aad on the south �ide
of B. Fifth St. from MM,ap1e St. to the �ast apprux„ , 130 ft.
F.O. #253148_- ,Arcade St, boCh sidea from Third St. to Fourth St.
F.O. �2S27SS - Clataont ft. both sidu fra� �louo�d St. to Buras Avs.
F.O. f2S4S70 • A�at� �t., botb si��� tro� Cw �ir�. to Cook Ava.
I�.O. �2S4SN - �at� •t. sast sid� lro� �1la �w. to Coo1c Aw�.
g n , ;�'�u►S21 - Aak.r !e*. 1�c►cl� aides !s'oa Co=tl�d � te slk St. a�d =lt St. ast�sd�d
� • , ....: r. : .:._ _ _ .. ��:.��A�.w..... ..w,� , w....... ... :..: .. ..;..<. ._ ,,.. : _. „_. _,
_. _
F.O. 53 - Maple St., northeast aide �fros E. Seventh St. to Dell�ood !1. asd oa _
. . ��.,,;:. ,. ,...:�tha..a+�:t.-.��.ds. �o# Gz�aub�r-1.�eac,.�z�.�x��.Dellat�aod .Plr .LQ. �a�,�uc.sZ 8L. .. .: . .
F.O. #254570 - �gate St., both sidsa fro� Case Ava. to Cook Aw. �
F.nQ- ;�Z���,l!8 ' .A?r�sde 3���. batl}, aidea._lraa_Th�d..:S,t., ,to Fourth St. _ s . . . _ �,
- > A public hearing having been.had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and sa.id assess-
ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory,
be it therefore
RE�SO!LVED, That tlie said assessment be and the same ia hereby in all respects ratified, �a.nd the
same is here}ay ordered to be submitted to the I?istrict Gourt of the County of Ramsey for eonfirmation.
BE IT FURTHER RaESOLVE�D, That the said a,ssessment be and it is hereby determined to be
� �
payable in � � equal installments.
Yeas Hu� " Nays Adopted by the Couneii DEC Z? 1972
LEVINE S il �� � 197$
Against PU�113tIED DEC 3 01972
Form R-2 2M 10-68 8�
, ! . . . . .. . . _ .. . , . , � � , ...�� . .
� �� �
� � ��.
� I ��'� - � " CITY O�F ST. PAUL N���� 1 '�'09
"�Report of Completion of Ass�essm�nt ���
In the matter of the assessment of �#� ,�� � � �,
_ _
_:-�,�I�iM���IM�t �i»� �� 'l�'�t�1���►�i►�� �•
•. . �!4 - M■�I� it.� �rrl�ut aid• tro� t. �watb !t. te Dt21�/ ll�a aM M
tbs +ut sia� o!� GrNnbriar Se. lraM D�ll�ood llacs to Us�r�arst St.
�.0, f2S3179 - sats� St. �tA siels� !s� E. S�wa�tb =t. to Ma�nx� St.
T.O. f1�S314� - Eishtb 3t. �-r�d� M�tia A�. to lbrtl� �t.
t.�. �ZS317T - 8. ?i�th it. M'sl�t�s�i� l�rer�+Mqrl� st. to �op� it. �md oa th� south sid�
ot i� !ileh �t. l��+w 1l�plt gt. te tb� uut ap�►ro�t., 13Q !t.
1►.�. *aS314a • Arcad� 8t, bsth sida frv� Tbird St. to 1►onrtri St.
T.O. f�32?SS • Cl��oiat it. both •id�s lra� Ncwne! St. to 1�ssna Aw.
�.0. �ZS4570 • y�w =t., ir�tY si�a l�to� Cast �vs. [o Cook Av�.
�.0. �l��M • A�at� !t. �rt siM !r� Nyrlia �. u OMit .
�.o. I2S4S21 - A�r it. Ndr •i�r tsw O�etlai !�� 1� il�l� �t�iM /!k l�t. �at�adod
" .
?.O. - l�1� /t.. �rrMrt sii � s. M�t{Y ft. t� Nl�� '!l. �ad e�
... ..,_ ...,:,.o i'.": :'�:>����`���i�!���t�,��i����.i;�°�•.��.il..... .. ::.....�f
���• ���7� � �� ���� �f.O �i� ��� Y� �• � {�V� �• �
s�Di�f'��'�����Ri�i�`�--`e�'"����i:•i�,.�,..�,�.:..�.,_�. ., . .....,.., - .. .:� .._...yy,� ..
lo Lne �;ouncu oi Lne �;ity oi at. Yaul:
The Commissioner of Finance hereby reparts to the Council the following as a sta.tement o� the ex-
penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impravement, viz:
Total construetion costs . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .... .. . $ 18,35ta ��
Engineering .�. �.R$R�G��QA .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. $ 2,936 70
�asped�ic�c. .Valtaation.and assessonen� . .. .. . . .. . $ 367 09
Postalcards . . . . ... . . . . .. . . .. . . .. ... .. .. . . . . . .. . $ 11 70
Publications . .. . . .... . . .. .. ...... .. ... .. . . .. . . . .. $ 117 00
Collection costs . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . $ 234 00
� Gourt costs for canfirmation . . . .. .. .. . ..... . ... . .. $ 11 70
Comptroller's Cost �-
TOTAL EXPE�NDZTURE'S .. .. . . .. .. . ... . . .... ... � 22,149 52
Charge ta. . . . � ,0,9,2Q-461 � .. .. .. .... . . . . . . . . .. ���7+ ��
�non-assessable � �
NetAssessment . .. .. . . ... . . . .. .. . . . . .. ... . .. .. .. . $ � �-
� Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, tawit: the sum of $ 17,442.77 upon each and every lot, part or paxcel o� land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said asseaament has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Grnnmissioner, and made l� ereof, is the sa.id asseasment as
co�pleted by him, and which is herewith aubmitted to the Pouncil for uch action thereon as may be
considered proper. /'�
, �
�� �� e 'C.
Dated November 28, 1972 ��"�