260379 WHI7E - CITY CLERK COI1T1C11 �l�• �lJ PINK - FINANCE ,('��.y(� CANARYq- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT .PAITL 2 � y /=/ � BLUE = MAYOR File NO. " ' "P • �+ - .. . ' Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for the Housing, Building and Fire Prev�ention Codes pertaining to the follow- ing listed property and as shown by the official minutes of said Boaxd of Appeals, dated November 22, 1972, a capy of which, ma,rked "EXHIBIT A" is attaehed hereto and made a part hereof by reference: Case No. Propert�r APpella.nt 85-72-P 419 Chaxles Fiarvey Ma.nke bY Elm�er Olson 88-72-B 1355 Barclay Street Dona,ld Falzone 89-72-B 1691 Kasota Malan Construction Co. bY Bob Capeland COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine , / Meredith V Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler pEC a 6 19T.8 Form rove y Ci ey Adopted by Council: Date ` Cer ie P sed by C ry BY By Approv y Ma r: ate Approved or Submission to Council By BY ���csf+� DEC 3 01972 � _ t l� + " ��""` 11/22�72 � �� . Meet i n� I�o. 82 MINUTES OF THE MEETIiVG Sl. r'�a:1L �A� OF H�'Y�i�:� ������ Wednesday, November 22, 1972 Room 210, Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar Street Members Present: Donald Wozniak Ra.ymond Grove Mitchell Kamin Estyr Peake Arthur Tieso Jaao,es Voigt Members Absent: Norma Sommerdorf Agencies Present: Building Department: Sam Blue, P`rank Staffenson Fire Preventian Bureau: Mr. Shimek Others Present: Shirley Leona.rd, Hyam Segell, Elmer Olson, Mary Osiki, Robert �ckerrr�ann, Dc�n:�1d Fa��c�r���, ::nt;nor�y Dann�., Bob Co�eland, Robert B. McCartl�y, Steve Gazinski, Steve Ikeda 73-72-P 202 Sherburne Shirley Leonard SUBJECT Continued from November 8, 1972 Boa,rd meeting. At that time, the Board requested that Mr. �ya.m Segell secure estima,tes for the installation of proper heating and electrical facilities at the above-described address. APPEARANCES Shirley Leonard, �yam Segell PROCEEDINGS Mr. Segell has secured the estimates as requested. Since there is no possible wa.y to physically locate a furnace in the basement, the estimate calls for locating a new heating system in the attic, thus eliminating all space heaters on the second floor. Mr. Segell said that both heating and electrical repairs wauld cammence within two weeks. Mr. Segell was informed that the appeal only concerns items listed in a letter f"rom the Fire Department to Mrs. Leonard, da.ted September 18, 1972. That letter requires: (1) the praper location of space heaters in ha.11ways, (2) . � � re�►pval of impro�per heating units in sZeeping roo�ns, (3) that no exit-way path of trav+el be thro�ugh another room or apartment, (4) enclosure of staiz'way to second floor, (5) installation of fire alarm system, and (6) installation of praper electrical system. Mr. Sege11 will ca�mence work to complete riumbers 1, 2 and 6 within three w�eeks. In the matter of the exit-way, Mr. Segel� wii_ ,�:��f: with ?'x " -^'-.-� the prob�em of No. 4. Mr. Segell will ha.ve a reasonable 1er�tc� ul t.�; to c,on��ete all other items. Reinspection will be ma.de on March 4, 1972. Mr. Segell stated he would elimina.te the hot water heater which is located in a sleeping room. A conditiona.l Rooming and Boardir� License snould be issued contingent upon completion of the above-described items. ACTION Continued until first meeting in tda,rch, 1g73. At that time, a reinspection report will be presented to the Boaxd as to the progress made in t,he abatement of all requested viola.tions. 85-72-P �+19 Chaxles Harvey ifianke by ' Elmer Olson SUBJ�CT The appel.lant is now being cared for in a riursing home. By giving the �wn�r a grant t,o aa .�ome i+ems, in.^_luc�i �� �.�lrl�t.ion �f batnroom facilities on �he first floor, the property wi1l. be rena.bi�.y���.�a sufficiently so that Mr. Ma.nke maY again r�side at the hom�e. ApP:�RANCES E3.me?' Olso[1� MaZ",� Osi.ki pROCr�EDINGS 'I'he applicants stated that Mr. Mar1�e cannot live in his home because there is no bathroom facility on the first floor. Ra.mssy County Welfare is now taking care of hi.m at a cost of $5d4 a month. The house is in the approved plan for the Jackson School expansion. It would cost approximately $7.3��o to bring the home up to code under the terms and conditions of the grant. Only $3,5� is available for the renovation -- enough, however; to bring the ho�e into adequate compliance for Mr. Ma.nke• Electrical wiring and some plumbing facilities will be renovated. ACTION Niotion by Wozniak to grant a waiver of �.11 items listed in the appeal until transfer of title. Seconded by Tieso. THE VOTE Ayes: Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes: norie. Abstentions: none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0). -2- . - ' DISCUSSION Mr. Staffenson ha.d no record of ar�y inspection done on the above-described pro�perty, This inspection was done prior to such time that all inspectioa reports were ha.ndled thro�L_.h t'��e L�zi 1�:��� '�:��,,-��"����''?; oi fices. Moti�r �ras made by Mr. Grove tha.t Mr. Blue and Mr. �taf'f'en�oT; cc�pose a le�tr, co KRA requesting that capies of all inspections done within NDP a.reas be forwarded to the Building Departmerit. Such a letter will go aut over the Board's signature. Seconded by Grove. THE VOTE Ayes• Wozniak, Grov�e, Kamin, Peake, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0). Concerning the appeal to waivers of the State Building Code, Mr. Wozniak stated that the Boa.rd would continue to heax all cases and if the State wishes to object, let them bring it to a head. Mr. Blue stated that this Boa,rd w�.s not set up pursuant to Chapter 2 of the Uniform Building Code. In the matter of American National Bank, the State has requested that the Bu�.ldin� nepartment appeal the Board's decision to the City Council. Mr. Wozniak said tha,t at the tim�e that appeal wa.s granted, the Board warned the appellants that the appeal wa.s granted on an individual basis, and that futurv q,uestions concerning that cod� item should be directed to State Buil�:zg of�'icials. Mr. Blue stated tha,t consideration has been given to develo�p both a technical and non-tFCY!nical Bo�.rd of Appeals under City Covernm�n#; reorgani�ation. Mr. Wozniak state�:� that the Boaxd will inform ali a,ppellants who seek vaxiances to the State Building Code of the pc+��ibility that if a variance is granted, such a vaxiance may not be bindit-�g. MOTI�I� Mov�a bx Tieso +•o acicrpt minut�s os ;�i fw�:�er � c�r��tin� as a�ended. Seconded by Peak�w 82_72_g 1978 Co�o Avemie Robert Huemoeller by Cha,rles Knudsen Stricken f'rom the agenda per request by applicarrt. 8�+-72-B 5� E• ��h Street First Federal Savings & Loe.n by Robert Ackermann SUBJECP Appeal concerns occupant load and glass in corridor walls. In a letter dated October 17, 1972, Glenn Erickson informed Mr. Robert F. Ackermann _�_ � � � that in his opinion, occupancy is taken from Table 33-A of the Uniform Building Code, which indicates 100 square feet per occupant. For that reason, a corridor must be developed with a fire rating of one hour. Praposed construction calls for installation of glass as opposed to required materials. APPEARANCES Robert Ackermann, Robert B. McCarthy PROCEEDINGS Mr. Ackerma.nn stated that his office has just moved into the fourth floor of the First Federal. Buildin�. He ha.s six employees. He doesn't feel that his office is in violation of code. This building has been under construction for two yeaxs. At this point, they are trying to reproduce what has aZreac�y been done on the first and second floors. Table 33-A of the Uniform Buiiding Code requires that all offices have an occupant load of 100 square feet per person. Based on density projections, Mr. Ackermann feels that f'loor occupancy will not exceed 34 persons or 200 square feet per person. Thus, he does not see a violation. Mr. Blue stated that under Section 3304, he sees no mention of peaple. Mr. Ackermann statecZ tha.t in 3304-G it says you can have walls one haur rating or less if yau hav� less than 30 people. Even thc�ugh there exists the� footage, as described, this axea will not be occupied to the fti1.Z exte�t. If a lot of secretaries were jammed in, there Could be a potential v3ola.t�on. Permi.t wa,s issued on March 3, 1970. Those plans indicated installation of glass as described. r'�~. "•.�k��r�a.nn requested an interpreta- +ian from the State of the applicablP code. Their answer indicated that r,,r.�u�ant load shr�.11 be determined by the number of squaxe feet per occupant, as indicated in Mr. Erickson's interpretation. Mr. Blue stated that the buildiz� wa.s buil�: with an open floor, thu� requirements ha.ve changed since the pl�ns were approved. Th� ap�eil.ant �ta�ed th�1; r�e is nqt an�y concer.ned w�th the ittunediate appeal ��at is also concErn�d with fliti:se cc�r�stru�c���� ot this type. �'�r�niak stated t?�.at if a waiver w�ere granted, it should be made subject to eount. I�+Ir. A1ue stated that such a waiver would requi.re a regular check by the Building Departm�nt. The chairma,n si;ated that the consensus of the Bo�.rd was to grant the appeal. The question then remains as to haw it should be done. Two possible wa3rs are: (1) to grant the waiv�er, or (2) put a limitation of occupant load based on interpretation. ACTION Contiriu.ed until December 13, 1972 86-72-B 1450 So. Mississippi Tomson Development Co. by J. T. McMannis -�+- • SUB3ECT The appellant is requesting a variance of sidelot requirement f�om required 4' to 0' between three buildings, thus permitting their attached construction. The appeal as written stat�r�s that the propc�s��? r^����� ` ' :' to permit retention of several large trees and also to take a�lvantr�e u� s�oping pro�perty. APPEARANCES Several (approxi.mately 20) neighborhood representatives. The appeZlant was not present. PROCEEDINGS Mr. Coa.ts stated that to consider this vaxiation would be the same as a variance to a 20 story building. Mr. Wozniak stated that the flxnction of this Board is to heax variances concerning the building not the zoniag code. The praperty is zoned "A" residential, thus permitting construction of duplex units. Mr. B1ue stated that there must be 7500 squa.re feet of property to build a duplex. Mr. Blue stated that the 4' side-yard regulation was a zoning code whieh happened to get locked in the building code. AC2'ION Motio:�► by ?�'o2niak tha.t the appeal be stricken from the record. Seconded by Tieso, THE V0�"E Ayes: Wozniak, Grove, Kamia, Peake, Tiesu, Voigt. Nayes: none. Abstenti.ons: none. Moti.on carried six (6) to zero (0). f38-72�8 ?355 �rclay �#,r�:e:t Donald Falzone SUBJECT Mr. Falzone secured a permit to build a garage which is now nearly complete. Without prior knowledge, Mr. Falzone built the gaxage 1'�+" f`ra�n side-yard line, as opposed to 2' requirement. Mr. Falzone is requesting an 8" variance to code requirement. pPPEARANCES Dona.ld Falzone PROCEEDTNGS The appellant wa,s not informed by the Building Department of side-yard requirements at the time he secured the permit. Construction is now nearly :.� complete. -5- _.__ ..�_ �_ . . . ACTION I�tion by Tieso to grant a variance to Section 40.00-1(I) of the St. Paul Legislativ�e Code to enable eY�stence of sa,id �a.�r,�-�� .�s rpnStY't.1CtP_a� 1`4" fYom sid.elot line as vpposea Lo 2' requiremc:nc. THE VOTE Ayes: Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes: none. Abstentions: none. Motion carried six (6) to zero (0). g9_7�_B 1691 Ka.sota Malan Construction Co. by Bob Copeland SUBJECT The City issued a building permit for K-Ma.rt on October 24, 1972. After that ti�e, the appellant was informed that the boiler r000n of that building must be made larger to comply with the State Bui].ding Code. APP�AF.l�TCES Antnon��` Da.nna, Robert Co�peland, Stev� Gazinski PROC�D:LPiGS Mr. �anna, st�,ted that pl.ans for the proposed K-Ma.rt were c�pleted in April and submi.tted and approved on September 19, 1972. By October 25, construction liad b��,un. 2'he appellants feel that the room does comp�y to the codes irtP►:t, th�,t of praviding 2�equate room far maintena,nce and replacement of m�,e��.nerya ThP b�aild.ir�; wa; �ti�si�ncl by t?�e tF�n�.r.t. +he S. S. Kresg� Compar�y. This pi.an ha.s prAVen to be work.�,ble in past �onstruction. Sectian 7209 of the State Building Code states tha,t the boil�r room must be 10 times the axea of the e�u�.pment which it is to house. The plan �pproved with the permit provides 330 squaxe foot axea. To coauply to code, the room would have to be 620 square feet. Such an increase would result in the redesign of the entire store. Mr. Gazinski stated tha.t if they were to comply, this wo�uld merely a11rnr for additional storage axea, thus creatin� a fire hazaxd. ACTION Motion by Grove to grant the appeal to a11ow 33o S4�re foot boiler roam as constrncted, as opposed to th� requirements of Section 7209 of the Minnesota. State Building Code. Seconded by Peake. THE YOTE Ayes: Wozniak, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Tieso, Voigt. Nayes: none. Abstecrtions: none. Motion caxried six (6) to zero (0). r • � � � � DISCUSSION _ Mr. Wozni.ak stated that a letter has been drafted to inform a11 Ram.sey County Attorneys of the City's Certificate of Occupancy program and the availability of a free inspection of all 1 & 2 Family Dwellings at the time of sale. Mr. jAoztiia:�c :-��r:F�:;,,� , -., .. ,� . � � uthorizinF; the Board to send this letter. Moved by Peaite, seconded by Tieso. I -7-