260371 ' � � 26���� OR�6INAL TO CIT�CLBRK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nci� NO . '_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '' •� COU IL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � � ATF � Northwestern Bell Telephone Company District Engineer 223 Plato Boulevard St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 J.O. 44473 Resolved that permission be and is hereby granted to the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to make necessary excavations for and to place and hereafter maintain a buried cable across Ohio Street as follows: Approximately 284 feet south of the center line of Plato Boulevard, to serve the new Barclay Marine Building. The Telephone Company to pay cost of publication incident hereto. PP �v �� FpRM �t t e W a.1Lt�v PSS o,l�, � �� DEC 26 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays ut� DEC 'j 7 1972 C san prov 19— Hunt vin Konopatzki �n Favor Meredit Levine Sprafka MPredith 1� ayor Tedesco Ted sco ASainst Pug��g�{ED Df C 3 01972 r. Preaident, McCar M me. President, Butler � ' � n • Me � . . . - Pu�to sl.w ��i.Di��. r� . _ . � . . NEw eAR CtAY � A1AR(NE D18TRieUTINQ CO BLdG 0,�.` QQ� Dt . a 4 ti� �� �� :� ;'�' S� • v v� �,� P �`��� ���� ��� �G � �G��`G `G�,�� � v �v ,� � � � ' �,�Q� .� � : ,;��t Q�� � L�� ��� � Ati so. � � . �� c�A�G� / 3� � ti���, �� a0 , � GJ � 9 �0 � 4J ��� / :� NORTHWESIERN E3ELL. TEl'FPHONE CA`�iPAN1f � EX IST 1NG asove � APPLICAT ION FOR PEF2��AISSION TO PLJICE �ROVND PEOESTAL A(�D PJ4aItVfAIN E3URIED CAE3l.E ON HOUSING AND REDEVELOPI�'�NT AUTHORITY ....� PROP03ED BURIED cnst.E PROf�RiYr�i1D CITY GF ST. FhUL PiiOFER►` � CATCH ansiN ST. PAUL — MARKET , CABLE � 3O� DEPTH J� �73 �IM � � 1 .064" o.�. W.A. JOF2GENSEN 221�-'�j670 223 PLATO E3LVD 10.•�9..72 NO S CALE � � 260��1 , ot�rc�cr►n To netnrs�t �`i� O� �'. Fli NO � ' ' PAUL councd� . : OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO /ISt10�N pArE Nosthwsst�rn Bsll Tal��hoaa Cvat�aay ` District Bngi.nar 223 Pl:co Boulevard ; 8t. Psul, Mim►�soCa 55107 � J.O. 44473 � i , �. M . Rsaalva! tlut p�r�iaaion b� and is hareb� grant�d to tha NortMisat�rn �1�. Tslsphoa� Comap�n� to maks nacsasary e�ccatrationa for and Co placs aad h�r�ea�tsr �sintai$ a �uri�ct cable scross Ohio Strsst aa followas '� Approsi,su�tal� 284 fsst svv�tih of tha a�ut�r lin� of Plato Bo�slevard, to irsrve ths � Barcl:y l�arine 3uilding. ; � �he Ts1�pLous Ccrwpsny to pa� ccat o! ptiblication inaid�at har�to. € � � ,, ,� o�c a s �97z :,G`�O CILMEN Adopted by the Co�mrn'� 19_. .Yea�t > Na,ys tle C on Hunt Approv� O E C 2 7 ly/2 18.— o� Konopatzki Levine Tn Favor . ' �� Meredith � �� ? ��' Spra,#'ka Sprafka Aroon;nat '` ', Tedesco Tedesco '` �� Mme. President, Butler ,Pi�aident, McC � %� ��� /:�.