260369 WHITE �— CITY CLERK � iA- PINK — FINANCE COl1I1C11 ���n`£�!S�� CANAR"�,�/� D�PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �� `��/ �1r� �L U E �^-_ht A Y pR �-. f / ��� '+ rdin�nce Ordinance N�. �✓ �/� i � Presented By . � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civi.l Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1g14, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CI'I'Y OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. �'hat Ordinance No. 3�50, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and �he same is hereby further amended by striking out Section 8 A 10, which reads as follows: "10 If any person holding a position i.n a class in Section 7 of the Rules is appointed to a position in a class in Section 6 of the Rules, and the minimum entrance requirements for such class in Section 6 includes experience in the title that he held in Section ?, and his salary rate is more than the minimum rate of the salary range applicable to the position to which he is promoted, he shall be paid the salary step in the graded range which is at least five per cent higher than his present rate, provided.�that no person shall receive a rate of coxnpensation greater �han Step E if he has less than five years of City ser�rice, Step F if he has between five and ten years of ser�rice, the ten-year step if he has between ten and fifteen years of service, or the maximum i.f he has over fifteen years of service. " and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: -1- COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Agairlst BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Ap�roved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date / � I Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY v By Approved by Mayor: Date ' Approve yor for Submission to Council By By WH17E '- CITY CLERK ^�� �` �� PINK FINANCE CO1111C11 i `� CANARY�DRPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. ,4 �~ � �L U E, .t M A V Q.R . ' .�� ,w` Or�LZIZG�IZCP. OrdinanceNO. � /� , ' r _ Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date _ Out of Committee By Date "1.0 If a� ge�son 1#c�ldi.�g � �osit�.on i� a, cla.�,s-��ect}on 7 of.�he �u1�s is appointed to a pos�.�i9:ri in a: cla$�s. in-S�ct�on 6�of,_th� Rules and his salary rate is;�x'�ore�t�.�,n:��ie minixr�tar�. ra�e, �,q•r �ess than 5% � , "... :�: �:les�s,��an th� x�inimua�i?r;:rate�,��of.th���:sal�.ry r�:nge ap�iicable to the position in Section 6 to� �tt�:i:ch h,e; is_ proxno�ed,.�,he�•sl},all be paid the salary step in��the gra�ed�:rai�.g� which�is �:t,�_�.�a�t-���e per cent higher than h�s px�s_exit ara�e,.�:pr�vid�d; �owe��:r,,�:;�hat no person shall r.•eceive a r,ate ,qf �oxnp,ea,risatio�, ��eatgr,.t�ian the minimum rate plus the number of„�.�,rc,reas�e���that ha,�Anld.,have been entitled to�had_`a.11 11is se-r:vic;erw��.the,�ity,been.,in th,e class in Section 6 to which the_��.ppc�in:tment�..i-s,made. . .,.., - � This provision shall apply to all�personsrwho have been appointed in accordance wit� the provisions of the paragraph above itvithin the tvvo-year period prior to the effective date of this amendment to these Rules. However, payment shall be made for time in the position in Section 6 as prescribed by this amendment only from and after the effective date of this amendment. " Section 2. This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force on the first da}� of the first payroll period following thirty days a�ter its passage, approval and publication; subject to the rules, regulations and provisions of the Federal Economic Stabilization Act, if applicable. Approved: ,,.? �� � ��� C airman Civil Service Commission _2_ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In FaVOi Levine �"`"""'' ' � Against By �— T.odeeee-� Mme.President Butler �E� a, � Adopted by Council: Date Form A�oved by City Attorney G � Certif' a d by Coun ' S ry BY . By Approve y May : ate T3 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUB�I�H _ pU6L13HED FEB 10197� . ♦ . ,-� , 1 Y► � •, b � � . 1 . � . e .�....... � - .� ., e: E�pies� to: B. J.� MQtsaher��eher, Bus., Mgr'., Operating Engineers _L�nion' �tichard �tueiXy, �Pres.:� P-oli e U�f.t�n _ - ' _ � George��urgenaen, Fire. te�� Ilnion �: _ � � ' � `��Nick� �chr�2'id�r�� �Busti Repr.� ��'�,ocal�-�8�- Fed.'�vf-Pu'ti.Service Employes . Wm. Cr'arrol��; Fi�e Fighters CJnion� _ - ' Pri�s�c�'Rcsdri.gt�e�, �od C�ri rs �aion #132 . . �t�mon� ��ea��ra� 6egerai� Dri �rg I�3.oIIt #120 �. . - M�s. Best�iee�Reed, Isres.� P.E.A.,'Pablic �Libr�ry �� - . Zbffi McCri.ac�fie� Operat�g �.�eers- � -' Eugene It'. ConnoTiy, Bue�, ���� plumbers & Ga�s �'itters #3� Allen K�elley, Electr�cal W r�Cers Lo�a1 �110 : _ Roy Fishbeck, Painters' Un an �i61 : _ , _ � ; � - � . _ _ _ , . _: �_ � - _ _ _ �� �� � . - . . - � �� �� � �� , : - . � - _ _ _ . . . , _ : - , _ _ . - � , : . . . ._ _ . . � - _: �, _ . . _ _ � � . . " _ - . . o�}�.:_: "_ '��t . . t �`'�. �.� .'r�s . , ;., �:� Civil Service Commission � �� � Director of Personnel Mrs. Ruth D. Schwarzwaider, Chairman $A � , UL John S. Haider Mr. Harry H. Gaston � � � �� Mr.a R. (Dick) Zangs CIVIL SE � � OFFICE Assistant Director � �„� , ,, Thomas D. Gleason . . . i ■ • �•�.� ST. PAUL, MINN SO 02 December 21, 1972 �����'`� �' 1�(,1�;�c,� Hon. Lawrence D, Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul 34? City Hall Re: Amendment to Ord.#3250, Sec. 8A10, appointment from Sec. 7 to Sec. 6 of the Rules Dear Sir: The attached ordinance, which has been approved by the Civil Service Commission, makes the necessary amendment as set forth in the attached explanation. We respectfully request that you submit this ordinance to the City Council for approval. Very truly yours, John . Haider Director of Personnel Att. � �� � ►��,�� �'L,�' _ � �/� � � � MEMBER �� � � � � Publie p�nenad Asroeis�an � ` (1f W y . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI February 2, 1973 To: Honorable I�embers of the City Council ,.-� From: Frank D. i�arzitelli Re: Proposed Ordinance - Council File # 260369 Ordinance providing for service credit for persons employed in the Ungraded Oivision when accepting an appointment in the Graded Division The above referenced matter was referred to the Office of the City Admin- istrator under date of JanuaryL5, 1973. Wh.�7e City employees in the Ungraded Division do not move to the Graded Division very often, such movements do occur. When the employees in the Graded Division are pro- moted or moved to another Graded position, recognition is given to the salary that they have attained in the City service. Presently, however, when employees move from the Ungraded Division to the Graded Division, no recognition is given to the salary they have attained in the Ungraded Division except in a few instancss where a laborer moves from the Ungraded Division to a foreman's position in the Graded Division. The purpose of this ordinance is to give employees in the Ungraded Division similar recognition that is given to the employees in the Graded DiWision. It must be understood that never can an employee who moves into a new position be paid a rate higher than the maximum for that position. It should be further noted, that regardless how high a salary the employee has attained in the Ungsaded Oivision, his new salary in a position i� the Graded Division will be determined by his length with the City. No person can receive a rate of compensation greater than the minimum rate plus the number of increases he would have been entitled to had all his service in the City been in his new class in the Graded Division. The Office of the City Administrator recommends approval of this proposed ordinance. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 55 D�cmber 26, ].972 Councilman William Ko�nap�t�ki, Che�.rmt�n Management e�nd Personnel Ccmmn�.ttee Rac�► 716, City Hall. St. Paul, Mir�+�sate► Deax Sir: The City Cc�unctl toda,y gave First Reading to the ��taehed ordinar�ce, C.F. No. 26436�, ami�nding Ord. No. 3250, Givil Service Rule�, by etriking e�ut anc� inaerting a nen+ Se�tion 8A10 an8 thesr ret'erred the ordir�mnae tC► tl�e Me,n�gemen� and Pereonnel Cc�mnittee fbr conaideration and recoamoo�endation. Your�s very trulyr, City Gl�rk AHO:,�nAw . Atte►cb. Januarr zS, 1g73 Mr. Frax�k MarziteLlt ' City Admin3.strator Roc�ar► 615, City Ha,11. St. Faul., Minnesota Dear Sir: The City Council tocl�,y gave Second Reading to an ordinanc�, C.F. No. 26o36g, �shiah amends t2�e �.vi.l. Service Rulee by 3nserting a ne�r Section SA�.O regard3rig transfer from a pv�3t�3.on in Seetion 'T to a position in Section 6 af the Rules. The Man�a�gement and I'er�onnel Comm►itte� reco�mnends apprav�l. Qf thia ordinance an8 the Counci], rcqueste your eicplanation o! thia ordinaxice at the t#a�e of Third Reading, which ia scheduled For 1+"ric'l�y, January 26, 1973• Youre v'+�z'Y trulY� City Clerk ABO:�mw ` .- , �- 26Q��fi9 + �" This amendmsnt to Ordinance No. 3250 would make it possible to give an employee credit for experience in the Ungraded Division ia terms of sa.lary at the time of appointment when such employee is appointed to a posii�on in the Graded Division. This �ordinanc� also makea it possible to go baek to give credit to two i employees who were appoiated under thes� circumstances at Step A after rnany years with the City. One was the case of an Unskilled �Laborer who took a poaition as a Dog Catcher, and another one who took a position as a Meter Reader, both �ook substantial salary reductiqns when they took thesC positious. They will not be allowed a salary higher than that which could have been achieved had they been in the Gra.ded D ivi s ion. ` _ _ - _ _ _ - _ Please do not remove this attachment, so that it may be availahle for Council informatiosi. � � ; � .. , w _ ,:� , s � �� / '1st � � 2nd " � � 3rd �.b � Adopted �� Yeas rdays ��uN�r KONOPAT ZKI ��'���� • LE�TINE � ���� �� J �� Mme PRESIDI��NT BUTLER