260362 , " . 2s���2 � , CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO - Res�olution APPmoving' A�s�sment By— ' and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon �, In the matter of the assessment of �en�fits, cost aad e��ses for construction and recoa- structiou of sidezralks and �rork incidental thereto: Coatract 71•I�0526, Levy 1To. 6, Diatrict lio. 3, ,,,�.-, _ �. -- � ,� ��+ { {�,� � � ; _ - - - _ ----_ _. ._.. ._ . . __ , � � ' v �j � i � �} � ,��I��,`' ;T b-.�xs� �r-°a p ,�! y♦` `. i t. � Y�p .:. z, „�Y'�t � � : �L�°.,a'"�'' �r' _ � :i �"'iC.+�'A� +�•f��i ai. .'� ` "Ir S} :.ti i x., .�.- . � . . . r . ' L, I'��y� '4�� � � ... X y � .L.' � . � . ..' r,. ^.. . L� .�.�.` . . ' .a7 '.�. ..: •.5 {' .�...'. . :Y°.. � ... . ..�I ...�... . ' . .,... '. : '� "�L� �_ .. . . . .. � � .� . . . .. . . . :.'... . -.;�.' ,..' ^ . ... � .. ._. . . . ..�. - . .. ....�... y . . ` T. ,. �- Still�att: �w., both sid�s tro� Johnson Pk�r. t Clarence St. , ,•,� l.0. #�2S�►i13 � !. 8i�ttb St., sort6 side fra� Johnson Pkny, to Clar�nc� St. " �.0. �2S4S16 • S�wst6 St., �oth sidss fra� White Bear ��re. to Van Dyke St. F.O. #2S4S18 • Whit� B�sr Aw., �oth sides fro� Bush Ave. to Rosa Ave. a� on the Mest sida fra� Ross Ave. to sevanth St. F.O. �254611 • Nhite Bear Mre., west side from York Ave. to the north approx. 118 feet. . . _�•:Q..����64,��t �ite BeeaX.-Avs., _both s�des-s_�raa Si�s-�v�.:.ta.Caao-�ve. . . _ . . _' F.O. `�'2�4�15 �� WAite Bsar Ave., West si�e fro� 1+I�ryland Ave. 3outh to the Railroad �, bri.d�G. . _ __. -:.. , . .. . . _ . � ;,,:... _� ._ . . .... . _ _ ' *1►.0. �#2S4b1'Z - �Iitite Bear Ave., east sid� froi Ivy Ave. to Clear Ave. {> ;._ .r ,. . , _ . _ . .. . ._ ,_.. � . , ... _ _ .:. ��,....��: F.O. #254 �=�Stillw��rz_41ve., bo�,hk .s�c��, fs.q� Johnsoa Pkv�.. �o:Cl�c�a�a.St.. , 1�.D: #234518 `= phite Bear Ave., both sidei frc�a Beish Ave. to Ross A�e. and on the `r,e�et:side fr�:,Hos� Ajrs. to Ssve�b $�. � F.O. #754615 - White Bear Ave., wsst side fro� Mar�land Am. South to the Bailroad _b�ciige, _: : F.O. #254612 • White Bear Ave., east aide from Ivy Ave. to Clear Ave. _ _--__ - RESOLVE�D FURTHEFt, Th,at a public hearing be had on said a.ssessment on the 17th � day of January' 1973 , at th� haur of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in. the City of St. Paul; that the Gommissioner of Finance give natice of sa.id meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of heaxing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the paxticula.r owner to whom the notice is directed. � � COUNGILMEN , Yeas HUNT Nays OEC `s�O �972 � KON�PATZK! Adopted by the Gouncii - - LEViiVE i�1tREJiTH tC ��. 197t� ` �P R;�.�}<A AP �� TECtE5C0 � ��JTLER Tn FAVOP Mayor Fo� x�z z� iass s� � Against PUBLISHED DEC 2 31972