260330 WHI7E ��INANCE RK TT C011I1C11 ���� m PINK CAR7A�RY — D'EP.ARTMENT G ITY OF S?�INT PA 11 L ��'�� BLLE — MAYO; File NO. `� �`�r � ouncil Resolution a Presented By �-_ 1 , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 19 , , provides that the governing �sdy of any municipality issuing general obligations shall, prior to the delivery of the obligations, levy by resolution a direct general ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the municipality, to be spread upon the tax rolls for each year of the term of the obligations, and said law also provides that the tax levies for all years shall be specified and such that if collected in full they, together with estimated collections of special assessments and other revenues pledged for the payment of said obligations, will produce at least five per cent (5%) in excess of the amounts needed to meet, when due, the principal and interest payments on the obligations, and said law f�arther provides that said resolution shall create a separate sinking fund for each issue of obligations, and sha11 irrevocably appropriate the taxes so levied and any special assessments or other revenues so pledged to that fund or account; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That for the purpose of providing for the payment of the principal and interest upon the $3,000,000 Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1972-H, issued and so1d, as authorized by Resolution of this Council, Council File No. 260138, when and as the same mature, and for an additional direct tax in an amount not less than five percent (5%� in excess of the sum required to pay such principal and interest when the same mature, there is hereby levied on all of the taxable property in the City of Saint Paul, in addition to all other taxes, a tax for the payment of said $3,000,000 of bonds, the following direct, annual, irrevocable taxes, toswit:- ..�_. + COUIVCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � Finance and Management Services Konopatzki In Favor q.U'ze�c�e�z� Levine j �v� Meredith V A ainst gy Robert W. Trudeau, Sprafka g y: Bar ara As ury Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney . Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Ma�!or: Date Approv y or for��ission to Council •! (/�,�r/l. r�.�.;� By BY - .� � ' ' ... " , �'�����,.� � . �� '� � ,� , �, � � Page 2. Tax Required By Chapter 475, Minnesota Budget Tax For Tax For Statutes 1971 in excess Total Year Principal Interest of Principal and Interest Tax 1973 $ - $ 142,850.00 $ 7,142.50 $ 149,992.50 1974 - 142,850.00 7,142.50 149,992.50 1975 90,000.00 142,850.00 11,642.50 244,492.50 1976 90,000.00 138,800.00 11,440.00 240,240.00 1977 100,000.00 134,750.00 11,737.50 246,487.50 1978 100,000.00 130,250.00 11,512.50 241,762,50 1979 100,000.00 125,750.00 11,287.50 237,037.50 1980 100,000.00 121,250,00 11,062.50 232,312.50 1981 105,000.00 116,750.00 11,087.50 232,837.50 1982 105,000.00 112,025.00 10,851.25 227,876.25 1983 105,000.00 107,300.00 10,615.00 222,915.00 1984 105,000.00 102,575.00 10,378.75 217,953.75 1985 105,000.00 97,850.00 10,142.50 212,992.50 1986 105,000.00 93,125.00 9,906.25 208,031,25 � 1987 110,000.00 � 88,400.00 9,920.00 208,320.00 1988 i10,000.00 83,010.00 9,650.50 202,660.50 1989 110,000.00 77,620.00 9,381.00 197,001.00 1990 �; 110,000.00 72,230.00 9,111.50 191,341.50 - 1991 _: � � , 11O,OQ(3.00 �` 66,840.00 8,842.00 185 682.00 '19�92 110,000..00 61,450.00 8,572.50 180,022.50 ,,'.1993 , _. .� ° - ,.110,OG0`.00� __ 56,05�°:f�4` 8,303.00 174,363.00 1994 110,000.00 50,670.00 8,033,50 168,703.50 1995 110,000.00 45,280.00 7,764.00 163,044.00 1996 110,000.00 39,890.00 7,494.50 157,384.50 1997 115,000.00 34,500.00 7,475.00 156,975.00 1998 115,000.00 28,750.00 7,187.50 150,937.50 1999 115 ,OOO.DO 23,000.00 6,900.00 144,900.00 2000 115,000.00 17,250.00 6,612.50 138,862.50 2001 115,000.00 11,500.00 6,325.00 132,825.00 2002 115,000.00 5,750.00 6,037.50 126,787.50 $3,000,000�.00 _ $2,471,175.00 $ 273,558. 75 $5,744,733.75 ; � _ � '_ ,, I _ � f WH17E -�ITY CLERK CO13I1C11 26� �� PINK - tNANCE TT � BLU`ERV jYnEP6A,R�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1L File NO. �+ � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. be it � * FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the event any principal and interest come due prior to the receipt of the proceeds of said taxes, it sha11 be paid promptly, when due, out of the general fund of the said City of Saint Paul, and reimbursement therefor shall be made when said taxes sha11 have been received; be it FUR�HER RESOLVED, 'Phat there shall be created a separate sinking fund, or a special account in the sinking fund, for said obligations, and that the taxes received for the pay- ment thereof are hereby irrevocably appropriated to said account, and that the City Clerk be and is hereby instructed to file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County a certified copy of this Resolution, together with full information regarding the bonds for which this tax is levied, and the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to secure from the County Auditor a certificate that he has entered the obligations in the tax register as required under the provisions of Qhapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1971, s��mesoel�-, and that the tax levy required for the purpose has been made; be it FURTfiER RESOLVED, That before the said bonds shall be delivered to the purchaser, the Council of the City of Saint Paul sha11 obtain from the County Auditor and deliver to the purchaser a certificate of the County Auditor that the issue has been entered on his register and that a tax has been levied as required by law, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1971 , be it •, FUR7�iER RESOLVED, 'Phat such taxes shall be collected and the payment thereof enforced � at the same time and with and in lik� manner as other taxes of the City of Saint Paul, and when collected sha11 be used solely for paying the interest and principal of said bonds when and as the same mature; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, 'Phat in compliance with and for the purpose specified by the pertinent provisions of said Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes 1971, said special sinking fund in the nature of a special account in the regular Sinking Fund of the City of Saint Paul '. hereby is created. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays /� Hunt � Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith ^ Sprafka U Against By Tedesco Mme.President Butler OEC 14 197� PP Y Y Form A ro d b Cit ttorne Adopted by Council: Date Cert ied P sed by C i By ' By Appr ed by M r: 8 19 Approve or for Submission to Council By BY Pt1BLi3HE� � C �. r. , � � � ����� �1EC C�} � �o P!� '7Z STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY ) SS S�' PAUL, MINN. AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) COUNTY AUDITOR'S BOND REGISTER I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified County Auditor of Ramsey County, do hereby certify that there was filed in my office on the 19th day of December � 19 72 , a certified copy of Council File No. 260330 adopted December 14, 1972 by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul levying taxes for $3,000,000 Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1972-H as the same fall due and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof when due. It is further certified that pursuant to Section 475.63 Minnesota Statutes Annotated that said bond issue has been entered and registered upon the County Auditor's bond register File No. 761 and that such tax for the payment thereof has been levied as required by law. WITNESS, my hand and official seal this 19th day of December , 19 72 LOU McKENNA COUNT UDITOR, COUNTY OF RAMSEY � By: Entered in Bond Register Deputy December 19, 1972 � FILED �EC lQ � 40 �M '7Z STATE OF MINNESOTA ) CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CERTIFICATION AS TO TAX LEVY ) SS ST PAUL� MINN. AND REGISTRY OF BONDS UPON COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) COUNTY AUDITOR'S BOND REGISTER I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified County Auditor of Ramsey County, do hereby certify that there was filed in my office on the 19th day of Daclablr , 19 �2 , a certified copy of Council File No. Z�3� adopted D�C�btr 14, 1972 by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul levying taxes for 43�000�000 vrban �tas�►al Eott�ds� Strits 1972-H as the same fall due and to pay and discharge the principal and interest thereof when due. It is further certified that pursuant to Section 475.63 Minnesota Statutes Annotated that said bond issue has been entered and registered upon the County Auditor's bond register File No. 761 and that such tax for the payment thereof has been levied as required by law. WITNESS, my hand and official seal this 19th day of �c��r , 19 �Z L00 McTElR1A COUNTY AUDITOR, COUNTY OF RAMSEY � �� Entered in Bond Register Ds ty Daca�r 19, 1972 !�k Decen��r 21j1;9�2 �gJ � , � _ 9 � � ----'----.-._.t i _..._�... 0. ---.-___.^\\�� \ � . A/i,A%"�� ',.t \ , a�al.sEy, u�u�.�� <<�. Co. � Tnc�;"¢�'� ;j ��` 3o Iiroad �t. � ;�,.,r, N�w York� T�+. Y. � .�` �,, ,%'"f;' ,. xentlenen: ,,,.--�,-�.... \,1� tciation: 2Yqr.. T;ichard �. Capolongo '�'�,e,� ,,�` <,, _� ?�nclosed i� a ic�z•ti:!'is�ate c�� Lo�x erienna, Idar�sey County Auditor, tc ��Ize e�:'fect� t he has �vied t�xxes to �ravide for the payment o:� pr3.ncip�z�, d 3.zrterest �t�. the bonds described in the certific�zte�. A� ___.,_,�� ..._.,,.-��,���`� Verv truly ynurz�� � ,..._ -----.� ��.._..�.�_�� T,. `;4 � � a � �,,� City Clerk n'�� ° " � � i: `��'"� �'f�'� A.___,�:- , ,���.�� Dec„ 18, 1972 H�n. I�u McKenna County rluditar � Buildin� �Pc'�Y' :i�2: Attached h�ret� 3s a certit'ied copy o� a resol.uf:ion� Council rile No. 260330, adopted b�r the City Council on �ecer�ber 1�+, 1';72, levying tAxes for the pa,ym�nt of �3,00a,000 urban Renearal Bonds, �eri�s 1��'j2-Ii. In conformance �,rith the terms oi t�.e resolu-tion, we would appreciate your providin�; u� ��ith aix original or duplicate Qri�inal certificates to the effect that you have enterec� 'che obli�ations �.n the ta:c re�;i.ster and that the tax levy has been mo.de. Very truly yours� �ity Clerk n� • 1 1 •• • • • _ �t'�_� �,. _ '� . __ - �. -. �./ ��r'� � �,° .Ar��•� __ (i . := • -• _�.! . ..s �''/��'-��'�� t r ,.� � ,.�� � v�J11��1 � �j� /% � -���//�. ..�// �� � � / � ,�I�� /, � , /► .� / � :�/a' � 'r �� l���/ �I'.'�i�", � . : �[1(�.�H�S�ECEIP FOR REGISTERED MAIL COV�t� {�me��' nsura ce for registered mail is limited t0 (1) t���ial�i�o�the� 'Qle at he time of mailing or the cost of rer plac�metnt i�i. o�.�ally amaged, or (2) the cost of repairs Cove e��� th limit fixed for the registry fee paid. Cons���c�Ttmas� additi nal details of insurance limits and coverage ic registe maiL f�-.,. FILING CL"AIM-CIaim rhust b filed within 1 year from�the date oE mailing. Present this receipt nd submit evidence of value, cost ot repairs, or cost of duplication � FOREIGN COUNTRIES---Co Ypostmaster as to insurance�ove�raga on registered articles addres to foreign countries. aro �s�o—�oe-aso � PS Form 3806,Oct.1970 - � �