260300 WH17E � CITV CLERK � �(1(����^
- � ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By - �J Date
WHLRBAS, on December 18, 1971 the notice for paym�nt of the Albert Streat
side�alk constructio�a in th� asonnt of $218.63 wss mailed from the
P'inance Department to Thomas W. and Joan L. Hayes, Jr. at 1397 Li�acoln
Av�nue, covering Lot 1S, Block 2, War�n's Additioi� to St. Pa�sl asd aas
paid in error by Richard K. a�d Mary K. H�lm, a� 1393 Linc�ln Aven�e.
T1�RSI�ARB, B� IT RE�L�BD, that �he Accounting Division o€ �he Finance
D�parL�nt to the Citq oi St. Pa�al b� authorised ta ia:ue s refuad in
the amount ot said $218.63 to Bicbard K. agd Mary R. Aolm at 1393 Lincoln
Aveaue. -
BE IT F�T�Ti'6R 8S80LV�D, That saii ameunt oE $218.63 m� procesead for
collectisn affiaiast T�emas w. and Jaa� I.. Hayes, Jr., b�iug the pr�p�rt�
d�scri��d as I.gt 1S, Block 2, iiann'� sdcli�ioa to saint Panl, as prescri�ed
by the City Charter.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays � ,
Hunt � ,��� �� yL �:s. � . >
Konopatzki In Favor �'
Meredith _` Against By
d �
� DEC 1 a 1972 Form Ap�roved by City Attorney
Ad�tc�Q�f����t��l�vine Date n
� S�.
Certifie a ed by Coun ' ry BY � �
Appro d by Ma . Date Approved y u 'o o C ncil
PUBLISHED p� �6 1972
, � 0 3bd
_ . _ a
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Mr. aad Mrs�. Tha�as Hayes, Jr.
1397 Liacoln Avenue
gt. Paul� l�an�sota SS10S
D�ar Mr. and Mrs. Hayer.
Aa per ay telephone conversation vith Mrs. Hayea, I would like to eaplain a situation
which has occurred involving t6e a:sesament for the sideWalk construction on Albert
Street abutting your property.
The above sidewalk oa Albert Str�et waa constructed in 1970, aad the r�alk on Lincoln
Aveaus was conatructed in 1971.
On Decemb�r 18, 1971, the aotice foz payment of the Albert Street sideWalk construction
Was mailad from thia effice to Thomas W. and .Toan L. Hayea, Jr. at 1397 Lincoln Avenue,
covering Lot 15, Block 2, Wasm's Addition to St. Paul and in some manner, was delivered
to 1393 Lincoln Avenue to Richard K. and Mary K. Holm� in the amount of $218.63.
The Helma, under the itipression that this was their bill for the Liacoln Avenue aide-
walk, subaitted paya►ent ia full, as evidenced by our receipt n�ber BZ832, dated
Jaauary 12, 1972, vhich is attached. ----- -
Thia matter wae called to ary attention by Mr. Holm When he wae rec�ntly notified of
a public hearing before the City Council to consider the assessaent of the Lincoln
Avenue construction.
At this tis�e, the record now stands with ynur Albert Street assesament paid in full,
and with Mr. HoLa raq�sting hie mistaken pay�nent to be refunded to hi� by the City
of St. Paul.
It would appear to me t6at this matter a�ay be handled in either of two vays. T'he
City of St. Paul cin rtfnad the $218.63 to Mr.ilolm, and reinstitute the as�easment
to your property togethes with terma of payment running fram the present date, or if
you desire to ,ake pay.attt in full. it would be possible for you to roimburse Mr. Aol��
aad the Citq w�uld issw you a receipt indicating that the aase8smeat ia cleared against
your prop�rty.
Before initiatiag aay actioa in this regard I wanted to be sure thst tbe subject w tter
vas coa�pletely explaia�d to your satisfaction and understaading.
I vill b� villing to anaMer aay inquiries or �,ssist in any matm�r that I can. to
re�olva this �ituation.
Your• truly,
` Psal �. Ds�eh
. �r S�s�iser et Ass�aar�ata
� : � Att.
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