260289 WHI7E - CITV CLERK P�NK �- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council y^ANARY � DEPARTMENT File NO. 26��89 BLUE - MAYOR � . . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul, by its Resolution, C. F. 259923, approved October 24, 1972, authorized exchange of land between the City and the Burlington Northern Railroad, Glacier Park Company, Hoerner Waldorf Corporation and Ma.lan Construction Company, and as part of said Agreement, the City and Burlington Northern Ra.ilroad were to convey to the State Highway Department certain rights of access to Trunk Highway No. 51; and WHEREAS, The deed of conveyance has been prepared by the High- way Department, and the Mayor recon�unends that the City execute and - convey its rights as shown therein; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� That the Mayor, Director of Fina.nce and Management Services and the City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul Conveyance and Ex- tinguishment of Right of Access to Trunk Highway No. 51, and Rosen Road, as more particularly described in said Deed of Conveyance and Extinguishment, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein b reference. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / Hunt Konopatzki � In Favor ��''�� � Against By Sprafka �desco r evine QE(: '1 .Z 1p79 Form Approved by Ci At rn Ac��it�k��� �.�i�. Date Certifie s d by Counc' ecr BY By App ed by Mayo • Date C G t97 Approve by to uncil By BY PUBLISHED D�C 16 i� J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 Voluation Engineer ` ROY E. �REDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L as5•, Valuation Enyincer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 City Hell $aint Peul, Minn�so4e 55102 ����QQ ���.7 December 8, 1972 The Honorable Lawrence E. Cohen Mayor of the City of Saint .�aul Attn; Phil Lee Re: E�tinguishment of Right of Access K-Mart I,and Exchange Dear Mr. Lee: The intent of the attached resolution is to autharize the execution of the E:�ctinguishment of Right of Access Deed to Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Avenue), a copy of which is at-�ached. Upon receipt of the executed deed, the State of Minnesota will process a deed required to open other access necessary for new Kasota Avenue. A ccpy of the letter from the Director of Right of Way Operations is at�ached for your infcrmation. This office recommends the resclution be approved for submission to the City Council. If you have any questions, please call me. Very truly your J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer JWD:RJR:dm C Attach. ��� � � � , . ' . '_ to"c 'b"o . � �M�������Y� 2SQ�89 . �������� �}�4��'v . � �� �_ �r �` w • s _�,h_ STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ST. PAUL, MINN. 55155 November 14, 1972 DiIr. Daniel Duriford Acting Head Department of Public i�orks City of Saint Faul City �iall St. Paul� I��innesota 55102 � � � � � � � � Tn reply refer tos 360 s.P. 6215 (51^-125) NOV 271972 Ransey Cou�ty Parcel 34 - �ity o� St. Paul Parcel. 35 - Burli.r�ton i�orthern In.c. DEAl'. �� PU�UC WORKS Exchange of.Access OF�1C� ENGtNEE{Z Dear �r. Dun�ord: Your request for the reloca�ion oi openi.rk;s in tne controlled access to Tru.�k riight^,r3y i�To. 51 has been approved. I have enclosed two deed form,, �vhich vrhen executed and returned ta this office wa11 close the existing 140 foot opening shotim i.n red on the at- tached map. lhe instruments should be si.gned before two sepa.rate witnesses, Por both the City of St. Paul and Burlir�ton TJorthern Inc., and your si�na- tures duly acl�nowledged before a nQtary public. It is essential that the notary public indicate the county i.n wnich his com.�ission is held, the expiration date of his notarial com�ission and that the notaraal seal be aff�ced to the respective acknowledgements. Upon receipt of the deed and subsequent recording, this office will process the deed requixed to open the access as shown in red on the attaciled map. Two copies of the extinguisnment deed form and map are i.ntended for your and Burli�agton Northern�s use. Please address your reply to R. G. Brennan, Director o� Right oY Way Opera- tions, Attention J. A. ''.iley, 1�.00m 515, Highvray Building, 5t. Paul, Is�:innesota 55155. Since ly, t � � � _ ` c'G�L2L2GG�[..��. , H. G. Brennan, Direetor Right of Way Operatione Enclosuress Extin�;u,ishment Deed �4� rr;aP �2� � � �'�:�J � � } � � � � 2�4�89 : ::.�. 6?_l: l�1-127� Cou.i��j a.�' r?:.3r�,:�ey CO:iV:��'�,_?C� .�.,J , tT_�,rT1 � „,.J,;, a� ZI�:.�` 0�' _:CC�US ;:'su �� ;.,.,_ � �.'.1��� Of i.5`t. ���l.11� �3.rt;� �.z_L'.�.�7.Y1�tOY1 iJl7T'�t.'.1°�'__ !rC. y �rY".=..'iltOT'a� Oi ��?S:io°f ::J:d:lL�� .i'0.1" ci. V`dluable �..7�?5::;��'.''.,,z�"�'.Oil? t18T'��✓� COY?V��y' 4:?:U C]Ul+i.C1.3:ili1:O l.'.'!E.' �7 vi�.v@ C._ _.1.:1:'i°SC) ',`,<:,, Grantee, :1i.'� ;.itlt:.`,^,�:,'SSOri u.:1'� aSS1.�I1Si �:,.L� Of t'_ne ec"<SG'_`:iB'_:j". 4Y' ii�T�2�". �J� :�.C'.i?3:;J b?l.il� �G�12 Z'l..Ti1i: :3 � 1t1�i@SS �0 �iri'a E"2"F'SS IlOr� t.ti12 f0110�'/lri�� CZPSCT'1�''iL'C� �ruct �o irunk rii�;�zw�.y ido. �l: :�.11 z•i�nt o� access� .bei,�� i,;:� ri;;nt o� in�ress to t1��d e�r��ss fro�� the southerl;; �'t) I�Bu O"� `iY'�.C�t :i C�°SCT'1'��cl (JG'�O�'i t0 'iY`LiYl'iz [�1�i2`h�.f .�TO. �j�.� and to iOSo:! �e0af�.1 �ract :�> that part o� t'r:.� sautn v83.63 feet ol the north 843.63 ieet of the Sautneas� ��:�r�er o� tne �iortheast �u�.rter af Sec�ion 2�, Townshiu 29 i�ortn, t�.n�e 23 ','Jes�, P,a��sey County, T�:innesota, lying �vesterlJ oi �lri.ui� `riighwr�y iYo. 51, as noFV located and established; also aIl ri�ht o� access, bein� the ri��t a� inbress to and egress fror? tre lands of the .-�urlinbtion Vortnern Inc. in tn� Soutineast C;tu�.rter oi the ?��ortheast Qua.rter of said Section 28, to �ru:u iii�h��ay Iro. 51. and to Rosen ��oad a1ox� �ine 1 �es- cMibea belo�v: �,in� 1.. Ca��ancin� at a poi�it cn the eas� line o� said Section 2�3 ' distar_t 473.13 leet nor�%� (�easure3 a2ari� said easti line of � Seetion 28} oT �.":�e s�uuheast corner oi said Sou�heast �u�.�ter � o.:' the iiortheas� �:�:,a.rier af saiw SeCZ10k? 2�; thence �vesterly ; � in a straight lic:e ��r 345 �ee� said stxui�� Iine, ti•ir.en � QXt2X1C�@�� l.r1t�Z'S3CLS �Y18 rRrest l�ne O� Sti'i:�. SOUtPeHS� C�LiH.I'�S.0 ol tne narti�e:si, qu�..��,�� at a poia�t distar�t ¢7I.17S �eat n�rt'a, � ' �easure3 ala:�� sa.id G;esi lii�e, �ro� t�ze s��utliv�e:�� co?�m�er of s:.id sautn�ast quar��r oT i��e northe.�s� qu,^.rt�r of said aecti�.oti 2c3) to the point �� oe�i.�lnin� o.� I,ine 1 to be described; thenes south parallel rvi�il said east li.ne of S�cti.on 28 �or 50 feet and there ter-�:i.n.aLin;. It beino tne intaritian ol the parties hereto bf this ins�ru�ent to convey and extinguisn the easee.en� or rig�.t o� acc�ss in and to �he ri��� of ;ray oz s:wid �truri� tii�h�vay i�o. 51, w�i�.� easer�.er_t or ri��� is appurte�.nt to tn.e above descriued �tr�act, �.nd the �;ran4ara, ior tne�:selve�, their successors and assi�ns, do Y.ereb;j releas� �he St��te o� i.:i:�c:ew4t3� its succeasors and assi�-ns, irom al? ^l�,i::_;; wr�r an;;� and all u.s����Jes .r�sultir.�; to the �.bove uescri'�ed �ra.ct by reasot� , o= ��c.�; uvquis:�tion �.n4 e�:w�.::.,-.z_�ti���4„nt a� s�.z�. �I�)��,�i'��• ri-,nt as herei•r_ canvQyed. ��ted tiiisr da� of � l9 . i � � i � =�.�e 1 a� 3 iaUe.� ; � _ _ � � � � . � 260289 ,._. �., :_'.i: .�� �_ a . . ..._.-,_ �y �__�..._ I.i.s i�Ia�,Tor .,_�tn=�ss Tnerea�' .—.-_.._ --- - $Y�--__._ �.. ___�____ Head, Department of Finance 'r�itness `i�her�o*.' �y l�� City Clerk SEAL ., �U.' 2?'����lli�i ����E ���5 // ��/ �y � � �' � ��� A �'.:�.�%. �' , � � `�'' `�(r:L:F...r.:�'�� . �J r,�+�`V y3�i���� r�`� • . ��.i�R�'-'✓�J.�t`�_�..3�°'� ,ri�ness iher�o: i `���"""`° Its Vice Pre i� ent. � r 1 _ ' -' CC � �f C�v z . , -� . . ���^ 'J.N�-% _ -' y+-C-a� � �'Y 3��i��,.... �,�.- . � � P�� � . �+i' oness 1^hereof Its Secretary �.i'�.`�:; Oi�' I��T'iv�Zi;SOT�i � ss. CO u,:i"'z 0� RAMSEY � On �siis _�- -- -- aay of 19 - - .____ s i ��i0"X.'@ i:2 `d YSO-C�.�.Z'jr jJUDZ1C �'i1i.'Ili: '_-121� SOt S��l'� CO',.Zi:luy T U°Y'3UT1u��V �;??@?:iZ'?.;� La.wrence D. Cohen, Rob�rt W. Trud��.u,,,and Harr�r E. Marshall to me personal.ly knoim, vr�o, bei.ng each 'ay �e duly sv��orn did say tiiat they are Head, Department respectively the Ma.yor, of Finance and the CitV Clerk oz the City of _S_a_int Pa�u.l a�d that said ins�ru�ent tiras sign.ed a.nd seal�d in behalf o� ssid City an� v�n-th its authority, and said La.wreriCe D. Cohen, Robert W. Trudeau and Harry E. Marshall ac'�r.a��ledged said �nstxu- �.ent to be �the free act and deed oi' said Citf and execute:i in be?�.1� a� said ���/y• . . � . Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission �xpires , Pa�e 2 of 3 Pa�es i � �. � � 26t�289 - - , . . , S'i=i'?. OS i`;ill!'li";SO1� � � ss. COU'_d�Y Or� RAMSr,Y On this d�.y o� , 19 , beiore �e a notary publ:ic �,,i.t'r:in ar.d for s��i� cc�ty, persanally appeared Thomas J. LampF�izr and R. M. 0`Kelly ta ��e p�rsonally k:�orrrl, v�za, beirg eaclz by 4� dul;� srforn did say �t:�at they are res.�ectivel;� the Vice President and t�e Secretary af the Corparat:ion �Lned in the �'oreiloing ix:stri.t��.ent, �.nd that the seal a�fixed to said instru��rent iw the cor�orate seal o� said corporation, and tl�:t said instru�ent �,�s signed ar_d sealed in benal� of said corporation by authority oi its �oard of Directors , and said Thomas J. 7�phier and R. M. 0'Kelly ac�no�vled�ed said insts�u�ent �o be the free act and deed of s�id corporatia�.. - 'V - � � � �;� . R. H. aROxa�Q ia;,�' ;' NOT,IRY PUBUC- t�lYt1ESOTA ���,� RAMSEY COUfVTY � !Ay Gomm. Expirss Ayr:l 22, 1975 � This instrumeat W3S C�I�c�.fted 1JV ` ` ^'Nv�r`r�n^,r�n^n^s +"r�`;•i4`.;�`�y+N:: Right of Way Operations Department D�partm.ent of Hig�itaays, State of Minnesota St. Paul, i�innesota 55155 Sta,te Deed Tax Due Hereon: none Tax statements for ti�e real property described in t�iis instrument s�iould be sent to: h'Ialan Construction Company ' 21675 Coolidge Highway �ak Park, Niichigan r�;;e j oi 3 i�:�es � � , r � �c-b�-rG �aS �/IMN�/IMN '�d [ ] dx ss �( dwat '� � aa���M •S uaaanM L�-�-ZI� 3) od 8� � dZI �0 �aa����Z ��'1d �/ , (L�9-I-Z1'dx�)�� •S ��b'L0�0 ' �!�fo� �a��o �loq '�d�S� I � � � ��d Z��O �, �2 � �' � �� '�d S8'I ►. � �Z-6Z-LZ��as b/I� ;�..� ,�..� �a��oM aur,� �.� �;, � �ad j��. , .� e;. , � : _ �45+/!�'• -� , , - ,/£z -�--- Od��b� CllO.�> �,, � '� '�7.syS,OS�?�=� { � �•� � r•.�. sc Gf'O!,�L�00! '/e' di1/i"2' ( � � , � . .fq'S/! = •� ,P�"G�� = '7 ' l =r/�H� I ( •B�''L9 � •� ,�'G'!B . •� '� _4z I Z �2�;,5Z,00 0� - � - ,C8 : •�+ '�6'��y � ��7-Oq FYol6 = �7 I I _ 2!_•�o' �'E�'�6.�0! = ��o� . � i ►•, - ^-'.V.CiO^- �� � , 'Oa'3t�d'�O�!"�3`•- � .. j •�s-y £ �, � �, (I� � i O . . 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