260284 WH17E - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 I�IVlJ���
File N 0.
� �� C uncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED� That the appointment by the Mayor of Richard
J. Thorpe to the position of Manpower Director is hereby in all
respects ratified and approved.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith �.� Against BY
Mme.President Butler p �7'
Adopted by Council: Date oEC v 19`G Form Approved by City Attorney
Certifi Pa ed by Cou '`�ry By
By -
Appro by Ma . Date DEC 1 12 Approv , y for,Submi io to Council
December 5, 1g'72
To the Honorable Council
of the City of Saint Paul :
I herewith transmit for your consideration a pro-
posed resolut ion conf irming my appointment of Richard J.
Thorpe to the position of Manpower Director.
es ectfully submitted,
December 6, 1972
Council President, Rosalie L. Butler
Seventh Floor
Dear President Butler:
I feel that Richard Thorpe has very good qualifications for the position
of Manpower Director. He has had nearly three years experience in
responsible administrative and planning posts with St. Paul City govern-
ment. He is experienced in urban administration, in urban problem solving,
the business community and he has worked with manpower and personnel prdgrams
and problems.
His resume, which I have attached, will provide additional insight into his
varied qualifications.
His qualifications for the position have been reviewed by the U.S. Depart-
ment of Labor and they have approved my choice.
Lawrence D. Cohen
, •
• .
, Addendum 1971-1972
. �
Community Development Coordinator - Grant-in-Aid Office, City of St. Paul,
St. Paul, Minnesota, November 1971 to September 1972
Coordinate development of inner-city area through Model Cities, Urban Renewal,
and other inner-city programs. - •
Provide liaison between Model Cities program and City Administration.
Review all projects, proposals and comprehensive development plans and
prepare recommendations for the Ma.yor and City Government
Provide technical assistance to the CDA Staff and members of the Citizens ,
Planning Council.
Provide information relating to grants and funding sources for area.
Interpret city regulations and guidelines. Interpret federal program guidelines.
Assist in development of social, economic and physical projects.
Coordinate the development of contracts, contract amendments and other legal
Represent the city in meetings and negotiations with community groups, private
agencies and units of government.
•Advise Mayor, City Councilmen and government officials relating to urban and
inner-city matters.
Draft position memoranda for Mayor. .
/ .
_ �
� ,
Personal Heauaie
3460 Wescott Hille Drive
3t. Paul, Minneeota 55123
�JECTIVE; Utilization of my abilitiea, experience and education in a poeition of admin-
ietration, plt�nning or related fielde which require organizational ability,
' planning skills, creativity and communications skills.
PERSCJNAL; Birth; December 17� 1932
Married: 3 Children
Height; 6� 5n
Weight: 220
Health: (�ood
EDtJCATIc7N; Winona Senior High 3chool, Winona, Minnesota
Academic Curriculum
B. A. Degree, Winona 3tate College, Winona, Minnesota
Busineas Administr�.tion Ma�or, Social $cience Minor
Special Coureee; Management, Communications� Insurance at U of Minn.
9emfna.rs aud Technical Conferencee: 9ubjecta included economic developa►ent,
planning and pro�ect development, houeing development, financial management.
Exteneive Technical Readinge: Material included wide range of P'ederal progr$ms,
eapecially HUD, HEW, DO2,, administrative guidelinee, technical bulletins,
management, planning and evalua,tion material.
MODEL CITIES PROGRAM, gt. Paul, Minnesota
Model Citiea is a feflerally funded program deeigned to improve the environment
and general Melfare of the people of the inner-city areas across the country.
Through a procese of compreheneive urban planning , the city and the profese-
ional progre�n ataff, workin�; closely with the citizens of the neighborhood,
develop and implament a series of pro,�ects that evolve to improve the quality
of life. Annual federal funding for the St. Paul progrsm is approximately
$3 million.
� pirector of AdminietrativP Servicea, Februa,ry to J une 1970
, High degree of reaponsibility for orga,nizing program office, recruiting and
� aupervising staff, budgeting, interpreting federal guidelines, developing liason
with nsighborhood groupa such as Model Neighborhood Planning Council and Urban
League, developing liason with city and atate officials in �,re�,s such as urban
planning, economic planning, p�ke and recreation and houaing and redevelopment.
Promoted to Deputy Director.
' Resume, Hichard Thorpe
� � • Page 2
Dernity Pro�ram Director� June 1970 to preaent
High dagree of responeibility for entire operation of program including
• supervieion and coordination of staff components. Recruitment and derelopment
of g etaff totalling approximately 40 people.
� Extenaive experience in budgeting and financial management, including federal
and municipal rec�uirements.
In-depth experience in developing pro�ject propoeals, preparing grant appli-
cationa including a detailed knowledge of funding eources.
Extensive ezperience in analysis of inner city problems and development of
progr�natic solution�.
Extenaive experience relating to phyeical planning. land use, housing
develop�ent and urbaA renev►al.
Complete responaibility for development and coordination os Comprehensive
Development Plan (250 Page document). Thie required the coordination of etaff
consultants, citixene of Model Neighborhood and federal, etate and city
repreaentatives in the development of this comprehenaive plan. Planning
included all facete of the problem of inner-city environment. Probleme are
divided into three areae for planning purposes; Physical, Social and Economic.
Physical component includee parks and recreation, land-use� hov�ing, trans-
portation, eolid waste pollution. 8ocia.l componeat includes educatian,
environmental health, crime and welfare. Economic component includes
employ�ment, manpower and buainess revitalization.
8eeponsibilitiee have included develop�ment of liason with city government,
city councilmen, Metropolitan Planning Council� State Planning Agency, AUD,
press and other media.
Staff coordination for elected 30 member citizen planning council made up of
minority and poverty level people.
Coordinated development of newaletter, preea releasee, brochures, meetinga
and workahops to develop maximum citizen participation and publie information
a.bout the prograzn.
� CROIX DU NO�, St. Paul, Minnesota
Businesa Ormer, June 1969 - February 1970
Developed this buainess which apecialized in wilderneas canoeing aquipment,
� camping equipment and related items. Businees curtailed when it was evident
that I did not have suFticient capital to operate busineas competitively as
a full time venture.
, ' Hesume� 8ichard Thorpe
, P�e 3
. ,
This is a group of three insurance companies with headquartere in 3t. Paul,
Minnesota. Operating in eeven midweet states and in California, the company
employa approximately 500 people. Mutual 3ervice Casualty Insurance Company
, ia a large multiple line casualty companq with annua� premiuma of nearly
$20�000�000 per year. Modern Sarvice Ineuranee Company is a casualty company
apecializing in the automobile field. MLttusl 3ernice.Life Insurance Company
. ie a life company writing regalar life ineurance and various forme of group
�seietant /►ctuary, Casualty Insura,nae� 1962-1969
Full staff reaponsibility for commercial lines of ineurance, external reporta,
atatistical coding.
Perform or superviae performA.nce of reeearch and development of policies,
contracte and forms, technica,l manuale.
Serve as liaeon with 3tate Ineurance Regulator Departmenta in eight statee.
Act as ataff resource peraon and problem eolver for other departmenta
within the company.
Develop statiatical coding for EDp, statiatical and management reporta relating
to all lines of caeualty ineurance.
Develop through research and writing, changes in existing producta and neN
products. Thie involvea writing of contractual forme and writing of technical
Coordina,te throughout compAny introduction of such changes through meetings
iqnd written aord.
1►eaistant Staff Underwriting Director, Ceaualty Inaurance, 1961 - 1962
Staff reaponsibility for pereona,l and commercial linea of insurance.
Wyrite communications and manua,ls for operations and field.
Supervisor Actur�,rial Service, Caeua,lty and Life Insurance, 1958 - 1961
Supervise etafP of four, coordinate pro�ects, calculate and develop ratea,
� annua.l reports �,nd develop improved methoda of handling operation of
' �etems a�d Procedurea Analyet, Caeualty and Life Inaurance, 1955 - 1958
� Develop new systems for all departments of company, convert manual syetems
to automated systeme, develop computer instructions, statistical coding and
deeign forme, a,nd write operation manual and other inatructional media.
' 8esume, Hichard Thorpe
- � - Page 4
N$tional Independent 3tatietical 3ervice, Chicago� Illinoia
- Treasurer 2 yeare
- Director 2 years
• - Moderator of panel on ���xploring the Underwriting and Statistical Procedure
Mutual Inaur�nce Advisorv Aesociation, 3tatiatical Coaference, Miru�eapolie, Mn.
- Diacusaion leader with Dr. Clyde H. (3ravea on ��Statiatisal Filing Problems -
United Fund
- Committee Cha,irman for Mutual Service
Cooperative Lea�ue U.S .A.
- Board member, vice-chairman and chairman for Mutual Service chanter.
- Program chairman (arrenge programa on current eocial problems).
Minneaota-Wisconein Boundarv Area Commission
Thia is an interstate commiasion with regioual planning reeponsibility created
in 1965 by epecial legiAlation and interstate compacts to coordinate and de-
velop recommend�,ti�ns relating to present and future protection, use and
develo�ent in the public interest of the lands� river valleys and waters in
the boundary area. Commisaion primarily involned with St. Croix and Missiasippi
. River valleys.
- 1lppointed to thia commieaion by Governor Rolvaag in 1965
- Elected vice-chairman 1965 - 1966
- Elected chairman 1967
- Hig� responaibility for orgsnizing commisaion� eetabliehing office,
recruiting Executive Director and ataff.
- Represented Coa�iasion in Waehington at Senate hearing.
- Represented Commission at raany meetinga with atate and federal agenciea
and legialative committeee.
+ Ea�an Townahip Park Board, 1965 - 1969
, - Member and founding chairman of board appointed to plan p�,rka in suburban
metropolitan area.
� - Responsible for development of parks and ekating rinka.
- Develoned concept of park pla,n now being implemented.
Northview Elementary School PTA
- President� 1966
- Inatitutional RepreAentative Boy 3couts of America
' Seeume, R�chard Thorpe
' • Page 5
Democratic Partv
- Chairman .of Dakota County DFL party 1968 - 1970. (Dakota, a metropolitan
county, is Sth largest in 1Kinnesota)
- Member State Central Comnittee �
• - Member State Taak Force on Pollut.ion
. --
- Trained in emergency medicine by American $ed Cross, Civil Defenee,
Committee on Trauma, I1�erican College of Surgeoae.
Sierra Club
The 3ierra Club is a Nationa,l conservation organization with 2000 members in
Minneeota, 85,000 membere nationally.
- Officer $ierra Club National Council 1971
- Chairman Midwest Regional Conservation Committes 1969 - 1970
- Chairman North Star Chapter 1969 - 1970 (growth 200 to 1500 during period)
- Conservation Chairma,n 1967
- Representative to national and regional meetings.
- Pre+aented regiona,l coneervatfon iaeues to National Board of Directora.
- Writer for North Star Sierran (state-wide newsp�,per).
- Writer for regi�nA1 and national club publicatione.
- Photographer; Pictures uaed by Minnesota Conservation Department and other
agencies, Yoyageur�s National Park Asaociation� e�c.
- Speaker; , Presented eeries of aeminars relating to Water Resources and
Water Pollution. Testified at congressiona.l hearinge regarding Yoyageur�a
- Organizer; Conceived and organized protest rally on"Boundary Water Canoe Area
- Edited canoeing book for Minnesota Conservation Department.
. - Leader of la.rge ecale wilderneee outdoor trips.
- Legislative work, ata,te and federal, on conservation and environmental iasues.
M�nnesota Natural History Societv
- Leader in succesaflil effort to protect wilderness of Minnesota's Boundary
Waters Canoe Area.
Minnesota River Trail Park Association
- Director
� - Zeader in effort to establish 50 mile linear park near metropolitan area.
. Help Our Wolvea Live (HOWL)
' - Founder of orga,nization - a national organiz�tioa aeeking to protect the
Timber Wolf t'rom threat of extinction.
�a.nned Parenthood. Inc.
- Elected board member Minnesota St�,te Planned Parenthood, Inc. 1970 - 1971
• �on
�... Manpower Planning Office
-- Suite 340 Lowry Hotel
(612) 223-4904
December 6, 1972
To: Council President, Rosalie L. Butler
From: Richard J. Thorpe
Re: Manpower Office Purpose and Functions
The role of the city Manpower Office is to coordinate, plan and in some situations
to administer manpower programs and resources in the St. Paul Area. By manpower
programs and resources we mean any type of employment training, vocational
counseling or job placement activity, plus special employment projects. In
the area of employment training, we are concerned with any activity that will
assist a person in getting a job or help a person to get a better job, In
addition, there is a concern for what are referred to as "supportive services."
These include things such as child day care, health and transportation. The
Manpower Office is funded by a federal grant (CAMPS Grant) to the Mayor and
provides that the Mayor as grantee may select the head of the Manpower staff
outside of the merit o� civil service system.
The federal guidelines tell us that the overall purpose for which the manpower
grant is given is to organize a manpower staff to function under the local chief
executive so as to enable him to exercise effective executive leadership in local
manpower planning and programs. Specifically, the Manpower Office is to identify
and link together all Federal, State and local manpower resources; identify needs
for ma.npower services and detail a course of action to be recommended to the
Federal Regional Manpower Administrator and other funding agencies by the local
chief executive.
In the foregoing paragraph I have underlined a specific phrase from the federal
guidelines. That phrase relates to "identifying manpower resources." I have
already undertaken this important phase of the planning work. A copy of the
letter and the Manpower Project Data Form are attached for your information.
This study is intended to reveal the varied resources that exist and how they
are presently linked to other direct manpower programs and to supportive services.
� � � -2-
The Manpower Plan itself will be developed in future months using the information
developed in this study as a base. The plan will grow out of our staff efforts
working in cooperation with a new Manpower Area Planning Council. This advisory
council will provide impor,tant input from the business sector, the public sector,
agencies which deliver manpower services and citizens.
Development of the plan will include: a) identification of problems relating to
employment and training, b) identification of target groups (eg. technologically
unemployed, disadvantaged, minorities, veterans, youth, senior citizens) , c)
identification of manpower needs, d) setting of program priorities, e) setting of
goals and objectives, f) recommendations for funding.
Other involvements of this office at the present time include: a) F3fforts to obtain
federal or state funds under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act for a study of
the City Personnel System. b) Developing and obtaining funds for an adequate summer
youth employment program for St. Paul. c) Developing in cooperatio.n with Model
Cities an effective project for delivery of manpower services in the Model Neighbor-
hood. d) Supervision of the Public Employment Program (PEP) .
I am also keeping tabs on manpower programs and legislative reform on the federal level.
There is a definite trend toward decentralization and decategorization of programs.
During the 92nd session of Congress some 20 bills were introduced which dealt with
manpower reform. Of these 20, 7 bills contained provisions relating to Manpower
Revenue Sharing. Manpower Revenue Sharing legislation, which would provide block
grants to cities for manpower planning and programs will very likely be passed
during the 93rd session of Congress. M� office is anticipating this so that the
city will be ready to ma.ke effective use of such grants.
As you may have heard, it is quite likely that the PEP program as it has existed
will be phased out. The best information that I have indicates that it will end
at the end of the federal fiscal year (June 30, 1973) . While PEP may end, it is
very likely that new manpower legislation will contain provisions for an "improved"
public employment program. PEP is considered to be an important and effective'
program across the nation, but an improved program could be developed from the
lessons that have been learned.
In our staff work, we are making a strong effort to coordinate with State Manpower
Planning, the local business community, city functions, the Minneapolis Manpower
Office and the Federal Regional Manpower Administration.
Manpower is a relatively new role for the city. I don't know what explanations
have been given to city officials in the past, but hopefully the foregoing will
provide the City Council with a current insight into this activity.
cc: Mayor Cohen
Bill Patton
"•:•°•' Manpower Planning Office
-_ - Suite 340 Lowry Hotel
Re: Request for information
Would you help us in developing an inventory, or asseasment, of rnanpower resources
and services in the Saint Paul area? By manpower resources we mean any type of
employment training, vocational counseling, or job placement activity, plus special
employment projects. In the area of employment training, we are intet�ested in any
activity that will assist a person in getting a job or help a person to get a
better job. In addition we will need information about supportive services such
as child care and health.
We understand that your organization is involved in activities relating directly
to manpower or activities that are in some way supportive of, or linked to manpower
As the Manpower Planning Office for the Saint Paul area we have the responsibility
to develop a Comprehensive Area Manpower Plan. This information which we are re-
questing will enable us to develop a base of information about all existing manpower
activities and will serve as the first phase in the development of the plan.
The plan itself wi11 be developed in future months through the cooperative efforts
of this staf£ and a new Manpower Area Planning Council.
I've tried to keep the Project Data Form short and simple so it wil.l not takc too
long to complete. Hopefully, most of the questions are self explanatory.
As the form was developed to fit many types of projects, we reco�nize that not all
of the questions may fit your garticular activity.
Several forms are enclosed. Please complete one for each separate element of your
project or activity. Let us know if you need more forms.
. ,2-
We would appreciate it very much if you could take the time to coa�piete this
Project Data Form nqw. We would like to have the completed form returned to
this office within 5 days so that we may move ahead.
Should there be any questions please call me o� Jim McCarthy. Our office number
is 223-4904.
Richard J. Thorpe
'N�ime of Yroject
Address of Project
Project Director Phone No.
Contact Person for Project Phone No.
Administering Agency
Purpose of Project
* What services does the project deliver?
Amount of Total Annual Budget
Private Funds
Source of Funding Local Funds
State or Federal Funds
For what period is project currently funded?
What is the prospect for continued future funding?
What percentage of funding goes for administrative costs?
When did the project begin operation?
What kind of clientele does the project serve?
How does project help unemployed or underemployed people?
How many clients does project serve each month?
How is the project coordinated or linked with other projects or agencies?
What other projects deliver similar services?
Is the project activity presently monitored? By whom? �
Has impact of the project been evaluated? By whom?
Is the project effective in delivering services?
What measurements indicate the success of the program?
How could the project be changed to improve its effectiveness?
RETURN T0: St. Paul Manpower Office *Attach additional sheet if necessary.
�uite 340 Lowry Hotel
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
1 ,
''��s�,�� .a .
+fJ ..
December 5, 1972
Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen
Attention: Phil Lee
Dear Sir:
The City Council today laid over a resolution ratifyin� the
appointment of Mr. Richard J. Thorpe to the position of
Manpower Director, and they request additional inFormation
Prom you on Mr. Thorpe's backgrourid and quslifications for
this appointment.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk