02-467o������� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the District Energy Board. APPOINTMENT Todd Nacholson Council File # 0�,� �(.� Gxeen Sheet # 'ap �� � S{ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA g � -n , Mr. Ncholson's term will expire September 1, 2003. George Fremder Mr. Fremder's term will e�pire September 1, 2004. 17 Requested by Department o£: By: Adopted by Council: Date � �,�..d� Approve by City Attorney _� `__..__�� Adoption Certified by Council 5ecretary By: � By: Appr By: O�.-`4.c.� Mayor's Office 5-29-OZ GREEN SHEET N� 202278 ICurt Schultz 6-8512 IUST HE QJ CAUNCIL AGEIJOi4 BY �DA' June 5, 2002 ,nnemwrt RWTING TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u �.,,�*� u �„�..- ❑ CIIYAiTOWEY ❑ CRYCLEMK ❑ninwue�.amu�tzaue ❑maqoe��avuicc+e � WvaRloRwYa4�M+r) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Todd Nicholson.to the District Energy Board. Approving the reappointment of George Fremder to the District Energy Board. IuAI lOn Approve (q) of KeJOC[ PLANNING COMMISSION qB COMMIITEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION HdS a115 PeISOMIRlI E'vE! NtlIkC'd 11fIf1Ef 3 COlII2CI10� till6 dEp21�111EfIf7 YES NO Has this persoNfirm evw been a cRy empbyeeT YES NO Do�ihis P��� P�� a sltlfl not � M�Y cuneM ci1Y enPiuYee� YES NO Isthis P���� atazpMed veMOYt YES NO 3.YC'� '+�si,� � ��� � {. COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO 50URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER INFORMATION (IXPWI� o �.-�L'1 CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kel1y, Mayor 390 Ciro Ha11 IS West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Telephone: 651-266-8510 Facsimi l e: 65l -266-8513 To: Saint Paui Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanau Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter From: Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor Date: May 29, 2002 RE: District Energy Boazd Mayor Ke11y has recommended the appointment of Todd Nicholson to the District Energy Board. His term wiil expire on September l, 2003. Mayor Keliy has also recommended the reappointment of George Fremder to the District Energy Board. His term will expire on September 1, 2004. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as weli as the application for the new appoinhnent. Please remember that certain inforxnation on the application is class�ed as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any question regarding the appointment and reappointment. Attachments cc. Trudy Sherwood, Staff Person - District Energy Board � r•� OCT-16-2691 10�81 5T PfilA MRYOR`S OFFICE 612 266 6513 P.02i9d lYotice of Rights wi�ea pcovidiag i�foroiaiion You are being asked to provide information for yovt eommittce appl;cation, �e anrnded use of ihis itifotm3tion is to eyaluate your spp]jqoon. You are nat obligated to pmvide the iuformation, but wikhout it, your epp]ication may not be considered Officers, �gents and employees af ihe City of Saiat Paut wi116ave access to U�e infonaation you provide as neaessary to t6e perfasmances of their duties. Ia additioa, the dat� ma*ked witb an � is pubiic informetion and will bc available to the genaral publie. *Name: PLEASE RETURN TO: LUCILLE JOHN3UN CITlZEN SERMCE OFFiCL 15 WFST KELLOCCr BLYD. SAINT pAUL, MINNE'SOTA SS102 PHONE: (652}366.8696 FAX: (657)266.8689 0� _yc? '�Home Addl�eaa: 76 Dellwood Avenue '`Cjty; Dellwood + Z} SSI10 Telephone Number(s): (Inelude Area Codes) Fax Nurober: fj� 651-426-7233 651-290-0719 or Email Address: "Plenning Dietrict Conncil: TSN�draftco.net *Ciry C000eil Ward: * PreferredMaiiingAddress: 336 &obert St N Ste 1220, Saint Paul, i•iN 55101-1506 ; What is yonT occupafio�l? Presideat and owner of small business. *Place sf EmployW�nt: Litho Express, Inc. * Committee{s)AppliedFor: District Energy SL. Paul Corp. "What skill�, ttaining or experieace do you posaesa for the sommittee(s) for whith you aeek appoi»tment? L have developed general leadership and management skills as presidentJowner of two small Zocal manufacturing firms and through active involvement urlth various aoa- xofit organizatiens and boards.in the St. Paul communit . See attached res for de (OVBT) OCT-10-200f 19:82 ST ppUL hpypR'S OFfICE 6�2 266 8513 P.63i8d '-- • PER�ONA R F REN � iRemember to Include Telepboue Arca Codesl o�-y�� r}� Littoa E. 5. F1e1d, Jr., President Add��: T. C. Field 6 Co. - 53D North 8obert Street, St. Paul, MN 55101 Phone �omel b51-683-1161 flYorkl 651-726-Slli Nane: Nancy W. HcICill3ps, Executive Dixector of Yniversity Advaace AdQ�esg; Metro S[ate Un3versitp - 700 E. 7th Street St Paul MN 55106 Phone: 4lome) 651-698-2757 (Work) 651-772-7681 Piimc: James S. Field, President Address � Independent School Forum-336 Robert St. N. Ste 1218, St. Paul, MN 55201 Phone: fHome) 952-593-5499 ork 651-297-671b . Reasops for your interest ia t6is particular committee: District Ener is a nacioaal leader and model for energy efiiciency, divers3ty and affordability. In the businese sense, the compaay provides a worthwhile affordable vet eIIViinnmont Ti sound nroduct By having various sources of ener to draw from, the cam an can be "fuel flextble" aod select the cheapest fuel at any t3me. In addition, I am very excited about theix wood-fired cogeneration project, which will be most benefieial for the enviro�ent. Over ifine, this project will allow the companq to increase its use of renewable fuel sources and reduce its depeadence oa fosail t�1s. $ave yon had previous coatact witL tLe commiltee for w�i�eh you are makiaY ApplicaHoa? ]f so, whea, aad tLe circumetances? 190, but I personall knov two of ttxe boaxd members - Pennv Harris Revnen and Anders Rydaker. If apecial secommodstiona are needed, please specify: N/A How did you hear ebout tbis openie�? �sayor coieman's Office. Revised 7f72001 � �mployment: Litho Exnress Inc.. St. Paul, MN. SPecialtl+ � P�8 �S thaz piovides high quality CD booklets, foIdas and uay cards along with o1}�er multi media Drinting pnoducts w the independert music and CD-ROM marketplaces. Presideat/Owner/Boerd A�ember (9l200� to Present). PAN Inc.. St Patil, MN. Fauu7y business affice. Mamger of familp assets andim+estments. President (7/98 to P�ent). Vioc Ptesideni (7/9210 6l48). Bladcbourn Inc.. Eden Prairie. IvIlY (6/80 - 6/92). C�stom manufecturer of Plas�� Packa�n8 of mniti-media p7oducts forindus¢ielandietail cissWmeis intho treining, develogment, refigious, motivaaonal. andelectroaia markeiPlaces• Ptesideut and Chief Operating Officer, Board Member (2187 - 6192) various Sates and Mazketing Pasitions (6B0-iB'n iocluding: Clistomer Setvice Represencarive, Account &xecutive, Oatside Sales Representalive. Inside Sa1es/Telert�artceting Manager, Pmduct Managu aod Ma�CetinB blane8er. Education Univermtv of St Thomas. Graduate Sehool of Susiness - Minneapolis, MN. MBA course work. end Trainiag: Hillsdale Colleee - Fliitsdale, Miclugan 19Sd B.A. EconomicsB�ssiness Administration with a mioor in Psychology. Elecled member of Omicron Delta �PPa (national honora�y� lead�ship fraternity). St. Paul AcademvlSummit Schnol - S[ Panl, Minnesota 1975 G9vic Acrivifiee: Rotarv Club of St. Paul (1993 to P[esent): Boa7d Officec-Sectelary (1999-2000), Boazd Membe[-Vocational Sexvice Co-Chair (]997•94), District 5960 Confecence Commiitee-Progrsm/Eaenainment Co-Chair (1998-99), Rotaty Intemational Fow�dadon CLair (1996-97), BSA SpeakerlNlentnr Pmgram Chair (1997-98), World Community Setvice Commiriae-Guyana Project Coordinator (1995 to 1999}, 7amaica Pmject Coordinator (1994 to Yxesent), and Fellows6ip Day Co-Cbair (1998). Metr0003itan State Universicv Foundation (1999 to Present): Board Member, Development Committee-Major GiHs, College of Managem�nt Advisory Commiaee, ScholarsIlip Committee. Familv Serviee. Inc. (1945 to Present) Boazd Member -Pcogram, Strategie Plaaning. and Fw�d Rai�ng ConYmittees. Minnesota Hockev Venhue Gr4un. (1997 to Present) Origina] ]imited paztner of ihe Minnesota Wild NHL Lockey team. 1vTinnasota Indeoendent Sehool Forum, I�. (1995 to 2001} Boazd Member, Executive Co�ittee-Tieasuier (1997 to 2001} St. Paul AcademvlSummit School (1986 to 2000) Ahrmni Council (1986 to 1993): President, Tteaauer, Distingaished PJuwni Auard Committee Chair. Challenre Committee Dinnex I�ost for 19?0-79 Almnni (1999�. Ciass af 1975 � Remrion Commiitee CaChair for 20 (1945) a� 25�' (2000) C1ass:ceunions. Ameriran Re3 Cro�. St Paul Chanter (19$5 to 1991) Boazd Member - Blootl Services Committee, Gidividual Gifts Commitfee Chair. Clu6slHob6les & White Bear Yacht Club, Wktite Bear Racquet & Swim. Iuterests: Gol� te nnic> sldittg, hunting� wildlife conservatiw�. PLow�aPhY, navel. TODD S. DTICHOLSON O 3. -�1t�? Referred moifing eddress - use Faiaily O,�'tre Main 08fce: Liilw Fxpress Iac. 1336 F.ner�y Park Drive 9eintPaul, Minnes�e 557D8 P6one: (651)644-9136 Fsx: (651)6d4-9776 E-mail: 4xtdnlithon:oreax. cnm Famity Ot'So� PAN Inc./DRAFT Co. 336 Robert Sheet North, 3te, 1220 SaintPanl,AQinnr�ota SSlbl Phone: {65l)29Q-05�9 Fe�t: (651}290-07t9 E•meil: �m r�c.druftco.net Bome: 76 DellwoodAvenne Dellwood, Mi�sats 55110 Pheme: (651)426-7233