258618 OrTYinal,to City Clerk � " ORDINANCE f., y . ������ `'� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY • ORDINANCE NO. �`'� I� �� An c>rdinartce approving the pro�ect of acquiring perman�nt and temporary ea,s�;ments in the City o� Saint Paul required for the Wabash Storm Sewer System� City Project 5-1255A. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI1� PAUL DOES ORDATN: Section 1. That the Comaar�issipner of Public Works� having reported to the Council that the easements described as: A perman�irt e�,segnent for the purpose of construeting and maintaining public s�,rers on� undex� across� and thro�ugh that paxt of T,ot 123 of Hc�ritt's Outlots First Division� lyir,� northerly of a line 5.� feet distant southerly of and parallel with the centerline of Wabash Avenue as platted in Baker's Addition to the City of St Pa.ul Ramsey Co Minn� extended. easterly across said Lot 123, except Wabash Avenue, Also a permanent easem�nt for the purpo�e of construetin� and maintaining publie sewers on� under� across and through that paxt of Block A, Ferguson's Addition� St. Paul� Minn., deseribed. as follaws: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of' said Block A 200 feet westerly of the northeast corner thereof; thence sautherly alon� a line 200 feet distant wes�erl,y of and parallel with the ea.st line of said Bloek A a distance of 30,0 feet; thence northeasterly along a strai�ht line to a point on the said northerly line of Bloek A 30.0 feet easterly of the point of beginning; thence wester],y along aaid northerly line a distanee of 30.0 feet to the point of beginni.ng,,. _ Also a temporary eonstruction easement on that paxt of Block A� Ferguson�s Addition� St. Pa.ul� Minn.,, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Bl.ock A 170 feet westerly of the northeast eorner thereof; thence southerly along a line 170 feet distant wes�erly of and paxallel w•�.th the easterly line of s�.id Block A a distance of 30.0 feet; thence westerly along a strai�ht line paxallel with the northerly line of said Block A a distance of 30.0 feet; thence northea,ster�y along a straight line to the point of beginnirgg, said temporary easement to terminate on Deeember 31, 1972� or upon ecympletion of the Wabash Storm Sewer System� City Proj�ct No. 5-1255A� whichever occurs first, Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler „ Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk yo �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By , . �I - Ori�tasl to City Cierk � ' ORDINANCE �5���:� . • � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ���I � � -2- �e req�xired by the Dep�xtment of Public Works for the construction_,;Af th� ' Wabash Storm Se�wwer Systeat� City Project 5-1255A� that the esti�.ted. cost of the acquisition of said easements' is $1�000.00� and that the Coanptro7ler has certified to the Cauncil the manner in whieh the funcls may be made avaa.lable; that the Council hereby aPproves the pro�eet for the aequisition of the said eas�ments fbr the aforesaid purpose and direc�s tha,t the same be acquired for such p�rpose by the Committee on I,ands consisting of the Mayor� the Purchasin� Agent� Co�amsissioner of Public Works� and �he Co�ni.ssioner of Finance� if the same can be acquired by purchase at a reasonable price� and it sha11 so report to the Council the cost thereof� provided, hawever� tha-� in case the Cam�itte�: on I,e,nd.s cannot procure said easements at a reason- able price� then it shall so report to the Council� and in �ha.t even�� the Council hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted pnrsuant to law to secure said easements. Section 2. Tha,t this ordinanee sha71 take efYeet ar�. be in foree thirty (30) days from and after its passage� approval and publication. �ut� a �s�2 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler - -- / � �'�"` � t� In Favor Meredith (` �� Sprafka A 5in� Tedesco � Mr. sident (M C y Approv • A Ci rk M or �� Form approv�eUd Corporat J UN I O 197L BLISHED � M V ♦ �1TY 0� • ,�y,` �y� ° C`' a ~ �c����� .;�. � , ,� . ,�� � �e ... RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer . . Deputy Commissioner Capita) of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 234 City Hall & Court House 55 I 02 '`` n ./�..�F,.,+j+� y-. � ;ti,�°" °a ROGER M. CONWAY ��,,� � F��, �� � � Commissioner �„�� ��� ��.,�,� May 3> >972 c.�-z :�..R � �`; � ; �E �y . ,: .: r�`;,n,,�i.. ,: � �<. Cr±`v� Honorable Charles P. McCarty, Mayor And Members Of The City Council 347 City Hail Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS FOR THE WABASH STORM SEWER SYSTEM, CITY PROJECT Nn, S-1255A Gentlemen and Madam: In connection with the constructi�n of the WABASH STORM SEWER SYSTEM, the Depart- ment of Public Works requires the acquisition of both permanent and temporary construc- tion easements described as follows : A permanent easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining public sewers on, under, across, and through that part of Lot 123 of Hewitt's Outlots First �Ivision, lying northerly of a line 5.0 feet distant southerly of and parallel with the centerline of Wabash Avenue as platted in Baker's Addition to the City of St. Paul Ramsey Co. Minn. , extended easterly across said Lot 123, except Wabash Avenue, Also a permanent easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining public sewers on, under, across and through that part of Block A, Ferguson's Addition, St. Paul , Minn. , described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Block A 2Q0 feet westerly of the northeast corner thereof; thence southerly along a line 2�� feet distant westerly of and parallel with the east line of said Block A a distance of 30.0 feet ; thence northeasterly alonq a straight line to a point on the said northerly line of Block A 30.� feet easterly of the point of beainning; thence westerly along said northerly line a distance of 30.Q feet to the point of beqinninq, Also a temporary construction easement on that part of B1ockA, Ferguson's Addition, St. Paul , Minn. , described as follows : Beginning at a point on the northerly line of said Btock A 170 feet westerly of the northeast corner thereof; thence southerly along a line 170 feet distant westerly of and parallel with the easterly line of said Block A a distance of 55 , ',�► . . + � .� . -2- 30.0 feet ; thence westerly along a straiqht line paraltel with the northerly line of said Biock A a distance of 30.� feet; thence northeasterly alonq a straight line to the point of beginning, said temporary easement to terminate on December 31 , 1972, or upon completion of the Wabash Storm Sewer Sustem, City Project No. S-1255A, whichever occurs first. Estimated cost of the acquisition of said easements is S1 ,OO�.QO, and this shall be paid from the P. I .R. Fund and reimbursed from the 1q72 City Share of Local Improvement Fund Code og2�-461 , The easements shall be used during the construction of the WABASH STORM SEWER SYSTEM, Department of Public Works Project No. S-1255A, It is requested that the Council take the necessary action to authorize acquisition of the easements as requested. Very trul yours , �M .-- � , i r� ;; �_ 'fZq--wc..�._-.z._ oqer M. Conway Commissioner of Public Works RAS/RJJ/caf P. I .R. Fund to be reimbursed from 1972 Local Improvement Fund , Code �Q2t1-461 _-_-�� ^� � � -, ._ _ .._ . _.._.______ City Comptroller �=-�:_ME' � .; SCHLECK i�l r+IEF ACCOUNTANT .OMP?��OI..LER � � , I st � 2nd � �� � • Laid over to 3rd and app dopted � �, Yeas -� / ldays Y as Nays Bu+ler �utler Carlson \\ ,�e�sew �' � Levine � � �eTir�e Meredith �������eredith J Sprafka �prafka ',. Tedesco �\ �'edesco Mr. President McCarty M�' President McCari�y O