02-466oRt���A� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves the appointments, made by the Mapor, of the following individuals to serve on the Business Review Council. APPOINTMENTS Louis Henry Counail File # 0'� �{(.( Gzeen Sheet # '�.cp L1.'�� q RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA � s� 1t Barbara Hunn Miesen Richard °Michael" Wright Mark Moeller Each of the four appointees will serve a three-year term that will expire April l, 2005. REAPPOINTMENTS Willam Cosgriff Bill Daly The terms to these three individuals will e�pire April 1, 2004. Robert Awsumb Henry Kristal Douglas Gale Steven Lehr The terms of these five individuals wiii eapire Apri1 1, 2005. Steven Zaccard Randy Ge11ar Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date a� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary // / By: i�7���t�--���_`�—'�—` /� V By � �. a. t� _ - Appro y Mayor fox Submission to Approved by Mayo�n Date • 1a ���ou rl ^ � Sy: �- r DFPARTM EN VOFFlCE/COUNCIL - Mayor`s Office OONTACT PERSON & PIiONE Rurt Schultz 6-8512 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (Dp'fE) June 5 2002 5-29-02 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES oa -�.c.� GREEN SHEET N� 202279 U os.iun�ron�ac � arrea.ca _ � arr�iiowEr ❑ arcauc ❑ wuxaa�amMeFSOOC ❑ w,.xc+uamvqccrrs ❑wrortfa:tsamswn ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCA7)ONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving the appointment of Louis Henry, Barbara Hunn Miesen, Mark Moeller, and Richard "Michael" Wright to the Business Review Council. Approving the reappointment of Robert Awsumb, William Cosgriff, Bi11 Daly, Douglas Gale, Randy Gellar, Henry Kristal, Steven Lehr, and Steven Zaccard to the Business Review Council. ' � PLANNMG CAMMtSSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this Pe�Nfi�m e�erwoMetl ufMer a contract fw ihis tleP�meM? YES NO Has thie peisonifirm ever been a city empbyee? YES NO Da� Nus Pe�R� P�sese a sld4 not na'mal� IyP�sessed bY enY curtent dlY emWoyee4 YES NO Is this petsonKrtn a fargMed vendot7 YES NO ��' qyv �OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION f CO57/REVENUE BUDOETED (CIRCLE ONE� � ���� � � ���� YES NO �UNDING SOURCE ACTIYIN NUM6ER INpNCW.INFORMATON (E%PWt� oa-y�.� c�I`Y �F Sl�'r' PA�, 390 City Ha11 Telephone: 651-266-8510 RandyC.Ke11y,Mayar ISWestKeZloggBoulevard Facsimile:651-266-8513 Sainz Paul, MN SSIO2 To: 5aint Paui Citv Councilmember Coimcil President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Pahick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter From: Kurt Schultz Assistant to the Mayor Date: May 29, 2002 RE: Business Review Council Mayor Kelly has recommended the appointment of Louis Henry, Barbaza Hunn Miesen, Mazk Moeller, and Richazd "Michael" Wright to the Business Review Council. Mayor Kelly has also recommended the reappointment of Robert Awswnb, William Cosgriff, Bill Da1y, Dougias Gale, Randy Gellar, Henry Kristal, Steven Lehr, and Steven Zaccazd W the Business Review Council. The terms of Mr. Cosgriff; Mr. Daly, and Mr. Zaccazd will e�pire on April 1, 2004. The terms of Mr, Awsumb, Mr. Gale, NIr. Gellaz, Mr. Henry, Mr. Kristal, Mr. Lehr, Ms. Miesen, Mr. Moeller, and Mr. Wright will e�pire on April 1, 2005 Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals as well as the applications for the new appoinhnents. Please remember that certain informafion on the applications is classified as private and should not be released to the public. Feel free to contact me at 266-8512 if you have any question regazding the reappointments and appointrnents. Attachments cc. Robert Humphrey, 5taff Person - Business Review Council � MAY-22-2902 11�05 ST PRUL MpY�R'S OFFI� 512 26E 6515 P.02/03 Appiicatian far Committee,Board, or Gemmission � y `� ` Please refurn to bSark Engebretson _-. Irlayor's Office, Room 39Q CiYy Hali 15 W est Kellegg B1vd., Saint Paul, MN 5S 142 - Phon�:651-266-8533 fax:fi51-?b6-85I3 TEe Minnesotn Gavernmcat Data Pzae:iccx ACC (MiAneSOtf Ststuces CF.ay:ar 13) govcras tho C:ty's use aCiha ia?axaatioa mataincd ia Sais app:!caiion. Some oF shc iniocmatioa socght in �his applicatioc is pc:�,acs dau ncdci t5e ACt.7h¢ i¢qsCe:e2 inFOrm¢tion will be esed by the nppoiatiag autBotity :o csery ancthc City's off:eial agpaintmec: r�spansie�liGCS, Yoc ar.- oo[ eequi!<d :o pxovide nay ixiormatialf. Howeser, faSlure to msuec the appF:ea:�cn questions may eanae ite appain2ing suchority to reject y�eu� sppliwtiae. The majonty ai items eontained in ttis applicitina ac: psblie, inclac!ng aave, addre5r, employm=nc, sk[lls, 2rafaiz� sad experiuca. and oze thoie[o:<tivailacic �o%ayo+.= zeQnestiag i:. The tGmSltling itCrns oT the aDPliaa$oa FosID a[e cluasi+i¢d aS Fr%vaie. Ths pr�'�a+.c data is avai!abee oniy tc yDU xad �u o.F.pr psrgons in [he Ci:y wSO, beeauac aLwo:ic ASSignmdni5, reasenably reqviro acccan `o the inform:tioa. � DIame � � ['1 t � � S � _ _'_ � Cj 12.�! � �'- . Home address "L (� t� I-�1 ,i R. n 2.k4- '�tl�'- TelephoneS � �j��t.f� 24 � Ple Includadre�C d�x ome worY Ses E-mail address �,., � E Sy �L-1 �'z2 ��� t a�^ __ planning IIlstrict CounciI Preferred m Occupatioa � 5��1 03 Plxce of cmployment Employmentaddress ��� ��'t1✓'- Z2)3 v V•C �S'Jq l)A��� � Committee{s) applied foi cicy cou���: w8ra � . , page 1 of 2 What skillsltraining or ex�e:ience do you possass for chc committee(s) for e�hich you scek �---._.___.� hWY-22-2�J02 11�95 iTamo� Address Talephones Name � � Afldress Telep�enes Pkas� Name Addre Tclephones pleascieelad ?en Codos S 4� ST P4aUl. MfiYOR'S OFFICE C �� Q y��t vQ. n `i-�--�-.o �, _ �°�; Codes leme aark c12 206 8513 P.63/@3 oz•`�c.� 6[hLI Have you had previons centact with the eommittee for which you are making appfication7 If so, when, and under what ciccumatances7 i v�� In an attempt to onsure that cammittce representation refIects the makeup of our aammunity, please sheck thc box applicabte to you. TH;s information is strictiy Voluntaxy. � White (Caucasian) � Hispanic lack (African-Am:rica¢} � Asian ox Yaeifie Islander � Amcricaa Iadiaa or laskan Eskimo � ?�2sle Female � Date of bicch Aixabled: � Yes No p If special aceommadatians aze needed, plzase speeify Sow did you hear about this opening? gage 2 af 2 Tar� P. a� b7(L4/2bbL ld:dy b51644y2d0 PAGE 01 � ' � Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 340 City Hali I S West Keliogg Bivd., Saint Paul, MI3 55102 Phone:651-2fi6-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 ����`� The Minncsotn Governm<nt Data praeticea Att (Minncao[a Stntvt¢9 Chap[er 13) yovcroe tLe City's uee o{ the informntion containcd in �his applicetioc. Somc oE[pe iafocma[ion sougbt iu chia applicatioa is pr�vote data undcr the Act. The requesttd informa��on will bc uacd ty �hc appoinfinQ au[horiry to carry out [be City'a oFficia5 dppoSntmcni responeibilitics. You ate not rcqui*ed [o provide nny informa�ion. However, feiluti to answertbe appiicacion questions mey cnoa< [he appointing auchoriry to rejac[ your appticaLion. The majority atitcros contaiacd in tSis appficatioa are publiq ioeluding eame, addrest, employmcnt, akills, �laining and ezpericncc, and sac tterefore aveilable to anyoae rcquestiug it. ibc rcmeining it¢ma on tEe �pplicapon £arm are clasaiticd ea p[ivete Thc privxte data ia a�ailnbit Oaly to you and to othcr person ia tSe City who, becauae of wark agsignmcnta, rtaHOasbty rcqulr accsea �o the infocmation. Nam���/2 7� Lt/U� UOlJ�SC Home addcess Telephones G eteaselac�ude��ui E-maii address Planning District Council Preferred mailing address � Occugation ,,� Place of employment _� Employment address Committee(s) applied for � Ci� Council Ward P,u�id'.v CJ//ilJ //� What skillsltraining or experience do you possess fot the co�mittee{s) for which you seek appoiptment? page 1 of2 �ao�+�au� f 1 Y i Personal References �11 Name �`� " , Address t{ Vt Telephones � plense include Area def home Name �!. Address Telephones -- l Pieca. �...��..to s.es r.a�. ha,,,a Name Addre Teiep P3eose teUUda Arsw COC¢s homo � L � !�S o /U,� v�oc— 7L�iJ— P j wotk � ✓ V W u � Nssc°N � . -� ��� � � o �� `7Q- . wo[k 55 oehet otCat � "14L [,L 6�-`�1�. te In att at[empt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our communicy, please check the box applicabte to you. 'fhis information is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) � 13ispunic �Btack (African � Asian or Pacifio Isiander � American Iadian or Aiaskan Eskimo � Male Female � Date of birih 11 10� -�� Disabled: � Yes No'� If special accommodations are needed, please specify wOtK Q�aci � Flave you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? Tf so, �hen, and undez wha[ circumstances? ,/ Application for Committee, Board, or Commission Please return to Mark Engebretson Mayor's Office, Room 390 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 Phone:651-2b6-8533 Fax:651-266-8513 w The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 73) governs the City's use of the inEormation contained in this application. Some of the information soughe in this application is privace data under the Act. The requested information will be used by the appointing authority to carry out the City's official apQointmen[ responsibi]ities. You are not required to provide any information. However, failure to answer the application questions may cause the appointing authority to rejcct your application. The majority of items wntained in this application are gublic, inctuding name, address, employment, skills, [caining and experience, and aie therefore available to anyone requesting it, The remaining items on the applicacion form ace classlfied as priva[e. Tfie privata data is available only to you and to other personsAn [he city w�q/�be�^ ofwork assignments, reasonably czquire access to the information. Name ���ln„ ! %�li_ r Home address Telephones 65'/— Pkose include Area Codes E-maii address ✓y Planning District Council Preferred maiiing address Occupation JE Place of employment Employment address Committee(s) applied for Oa-`l�� Ci� Council Ward_� �L ��! w Sc$ state zio page 1 of 2 What sk711shraining or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? � � Name Addre Telep Pleas Name Addre a a.- y« Telephones " ��� ��� � 3�� Please include A�a Codes home� work other Name Address Telephones V (��% ����,F63 a Please include Area CodeS home work ocher Reasons for your intere t in this particular committee /J�j����� �� � — – •�t/11 �7 = t�ihci (� -�?i� � 1/�J,�s e � Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making application? If so, when, and under what circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our community, please check the box applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary. White (Caucasian) � Hispanic � Black (African-American) � Asian or Pacific Islander � American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male Female � Date of birth Disabled: � Yes No If special accommodati ns are needed, please specify How did you hear about this opening? page 2 of 2 03(03l1994 22:03 214-462-0660 J E SCHOTT PAGE 02 MRY-28-2d02 11�a5 ST �kJL MHYOR'S OF°ICE 512 266 9513 °.�U2-�= �� ���` Application for Committee, Board, or Comiuission Please retprn to Mark Bngebretson Meyor's Office, Room 340 City Iielt IS West Keitogg Blvd., Saint PauI, MN SS] 02 Phoae:651-2G6-8S33 Fax:65]-256•8513 ?TCMlnna�ota 6ovc:umsnc Daea Praooicas A<t (Miovuof� SUtu:p Ch�pRr I3) go�t•�+. e3e Ci[y'� usc of t6e :..[ormstion cootaincd ia tfila nppiicntioa. Somc of cIle info�metien sue=se ie c3ia appl;cavvan i� priv¢te dat� ccder fh< Aoe 76e nQue�tad inCorma[ion oftt Oe ns<d by eb� n9DOintiap auchor�sy ae avey evi xee C;iy'e vtt�eixl aDy>i�imen+ �s�poDaibiliiiA. You are not+eQulrtd �o prorldt any Snfo�matiun. Revever, fnSl�ra [o .ce��r ih< sPP�'u�ion quuuona mry e�WO tbe iypeia2int wthedty to Ajw� yo�� ¢pplie�tiop. The mujority OCiuma cnnva:ned ia rIlU apylinnoa �rt puL11e, ioetadins a�ms, addnas, smploymonr,.iciLc, truwnt end eapufen<c, ane ue e6e:efore u.ailable w anynnc nyxasHoslt.;htrtmfln�ny�tnmsonshesyyliwlionCarm�rociuntlelaspr�vone.Thcyri•��sdacaieavs�i�Dltool; rc y0u apd io`[Api pstaen� iv [b! Cfty MOo. baexnac of wact aulgem<nt�, raiaoaab!y reqnkc acccas to sCe infocro s4on. Name �� �{[�t�f 1 ��1�� Homaeddroas ��� � )� n�� �(�. �'}.�t��_ Nlh�•—��`t aor<a uay 1 >tntc iyp Telcyhonea �/„S'�� /QC.�-i.�.Zl - („��}�tR�1.5-13�-�-D-�51/(D�ly-3f� PNU�I��laa��i«o wons :ro+Ti --' n fi-mnil eddreaa �,( �q Planniqg District Counci�,�7� City Council Ward � Preferrcd rn Occupation Place of cmQloyment .1 Employmoat eddroaa �y � Committee(s) applied for ��n p (P�, Whet akllle/trsining or ezpertence do you passese for the commit�oc(s) for which you seek sppointm�nt? psge 1 oi2 03l03/1994 22:03 214-462-0600 J F SCF{�TT � MqY-28-2+D02 11=45 5T FAUL t1aY0R'S OFFIC'c PAGE 03 e12 250 ?5:3 �.�3�9� 03. 446 Pe�eea�llteferenca� Nams���� AdB�eaa �_� Telaphonas Ploq� Inqt�e Ar+� Ln0 xame Addre �� �nmc �voek etb.. Talepeonee (IOJl� 1 co� ltu�NeelydeAruGde� eome . work oehar j`I t 1N! i�• a�� .G�_ � Telephanea flt�u 1ea1�0< A»• om� wurk i[avo you had previoua contec[ wi[h ihe committee for whicb yov arc makins appli:ation7 Cf 90, whsn, and under whet circumstances? In en attempt to snnurc that commiteec repreacotation rcElects che makeup of our community, ptease chcek the boz app)icabte to you. 'IhiA informarion is s�*ictly volua�ary. � White (Cauca:ian) � FIispaaic �Black (African-Amotican) � Asiaa or Pacific Tslander � Amer3can Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �Malc Female � Datc of birth t'j • t D3sabled: � Yes No � IFapeeial accommodatione ere necded, ple:sa spccify a fj�_ _ —T— ---. How did you hear abovt this opening? �e��i� Q���^n,u tx i(/tY ( �a ✓� �J�T pagc 2 of 2 �Z T�Ta� °. Z�= Re�soas fos your inecrest in thfs particula: co�nmittee �� �� 1 .(��10 ���