258610 �'' . Orls[nsl to Cif,y Clert . � ORDINANCE �5��-�� , • ' ` COUNCIL FILE NO � ��QC'1 �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � An ordinance approvi�� �he pro�ect af acquiring real estate in the City of Saint Paul requ3red for the Fire Training A�:adem;�r Site. THE COUN�IL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDATNt Sect3.on l. That the Commiasioner of Public aafety, �saving reported t• the Ccnuicil that th� Real E�tate describ�d as: Part of South 310 f't of North 510 f"t of SW� of NE�� West of G.�. R�T� 3.n SeG 28� T 29' R 23. Al�o� With cros$ing esmt over Fairgrou.nd.s epur; paxt of S 810 f`t of sW� of NE4 r;ly of a line par �tith & 75 Pt N]y o� � oi itiain track o� G N Ry R�W & NWly of a line �4 �'t NW�y of & par to CL of Fa3.r- �rounds epur tra.clt� iri Sec 28� T 29� R 23. AlSOS The South �0 feet of the North 200 fee� of the Southwest Quarter of the North�rest Quart�r o� Sect3on 28, T 29, R 23� except the East �00 feet thereof. Also, With eam� to Snel7,ing Ave; par� o�' S 81Q ft of SW� of NL4s E�y of a line �0 f`t SE].y Prom & par �tith CL of Fairgrounds spu�r tra�k & 1@l.y o�' a line p�x with & 85 i`t Nly of CI� of �3n -�rack of G N Ry. R�Wi in Se� 28� T 29� R 23. 4 Also, Be�ginning at a point �1.0 ft South and 2f� ft West l�aan the Northeast eornc+x of' -�he southwre�t u of the Nort�e�.st 4� thence Ncrrth 37.0 t'�� thence West 60 ft; thence South 72 f't; thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 5�+4 f't to a point due West From beg3nning; thence East to beginning� part of Sec. 28� T 29� R 23. Also� Subject to Waldorf Paper Co. eross3.ng esmt; paxt of South 810 fe�t of Southwest � of 1Vortheast �, of See�ion 28� T. 29� R. 2?� Northerly of e� Z75 �'t. Ry. R�W� being 75 feet on Norther]�y sicie a.nd 100 Teet on SoutY�erly �3.de of original eenterline o�' said Right-o�-W� across said. Section 28 & be�aeen lines parallel with and �+0 ft. Ely and �0 f`t. W�l� of Centerline ot' f'airgraund.a spur. Also� 2he West 350 feet of the f'ollowing: Sub� to Highway 51 & eubi to e�mt ovex S 30 ft of N 873.63 t`� & �c N 843.b3 ft; part of SE4 of NE� N'Zy of a line par with & 75 f`t Ariy af C� crP main t�.'a,ck �f G. N. Ry R�W� in Sec. 28� T 29� R 23. will be r�quired by°the Departm�nt of Public Saf�ty fcr the s3te of the propose�, Fire Training Acade�t contin�ent upon the sale in accordance with Sect�on 87A of the Saint Paul Legislative Code of thos� certain City-awned. lands described aa follaws: Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Carlson Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk M or �� . Form appxoved Corporation Counsel By �� � / Orls3nsl to City Clerk � . , � ' ORDINANCE � 25861� � ' ' ' - COUNCiI FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � 0 -2- Sub3ect -Eo Ponding Area �,nd Hwy 51� the South 683.63 �'t. of North 843.63 t't. of aE4 of 1�tEu �f See. 2s, T 29� R 23� except �he West 350 feet thexeof� that the Couneil hereby approv�s the project �'or the acquisition of said rea.1 estate for the a�'oresaid purpose and d3.rects that -�he same bc acquired for $uch pur�pc�se by the Comm:ittce on Lands consistin� o�' the N�ayox' the Purehasing Agents the Cmm�issioner of.. Pa.blie Safety� and the Coamni�sioner of Finance� sueh acquisition being contingent upc�n the sale of City-vWr�ed land.a as heretofore set forth. Seetion 2. ghat this ordinance �ha11. tak� effeet and be in Porce thirty (30) days Prom and aftex its passage� approval and publication. MAY 31 197_a Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the C uncil - Butler Garla �. `, - n Favor 1VFezt�3t'Cn �� C� Sprafka Against T���° JUN 11�J72 �� � Approved: Attes :Mr. V' eiPresi Ci Cler o �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By ����LISNED �UN 1 O �g7� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ,r� ' Capital of Minttesota �� ��� r e1Je artine�ct o ub�C'c �a et p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streeta FIAE PROTECTION roWCS DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiasioner HEALTH RALPH G.MEBAILL,Deyaty Commieslo�er DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,Lieense In�peetor To the Mayor and Members of the City Council Subject: Acquisitzon of Real Estate for the Fire Trainin� Academy Site. Gentlemen and Madam: For the purpose of a site for the Fire Training Academy� the Depaxtment of Publie Safety requires the acquisition of certain lands described as follows; Paxt ot' Sou�h 310 ft of ldorth 510 ft of SW,�-� o�' NE,�-�, West of G.N. R�W� in Sec 28� T 29, R 23. Also, With crossing esm� over Fairgrotands spur; part of S 810 f't of SW,�-� of NE,�-� N].y of a line par with & 75 ft N��y of CL of main track of G N Ry R�W & NWly of a line �+0 ft NWly of & pax to CL of Fair- grounds spur track, in �ec 28� T 29, R 23. Also� The South 40 feet of the North 200 feet of the Southwest Quaxter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 28� T 29, R 23, except the East 200 feet thereof. Also� With esmt to Snelling Ave; paxt of S 810 ft of SW,�-� of NE,�-�, Ely of a line 40 ft SEl;,r from & pax with CL of Fairgrounds spur track & Nly of a line par with & $5 ft IdLy of CL of main track of G N Ry. R�W� in Sec 28� T 29� R 23. Also, Beginning r�.t a point 510 ft South and 200 ft West f`rom the Northeast corner of the south�rest ,-�� of the Northeast ,�-�; thence North 3io �t; �hence West 60 ft; thence South 72 ft; thence on a curve to the right with a radius of 5�+� f-t to a point du� West from beginning; thence East to beginning, part of Sec. 28, T 29, R 23. Also, Subject to Waldorf Paper Co. crossing esmt; part of South 810 feet of Southwest 1 of Northeast ,�-� of S�ction 28, T. 29, R. 23, Northerly of a 175 ft. Ry. R�W� being 75 feet on Northerl.y side and 100 feet on Southerly side of original centerline of said Ri�ht-of-Way aeross said Section 28 & betw�een lines pa.rallel with and Z�0 f"t. Ely and �+0 f't. Wly of Centerline of fairgrounds spur. Also� The West 350 feet of the followir�: Sub j to Iiighway 51 & sub j to esmt over S 3� ft of N 873.63 �`t & �x �v 843.63 f't; paxt of SE,�-� of NE,�-, Ntly of a line par with & 75 f"t Nl�y of CL of ma.in track of G. N. Ry R�W, in Sec. 28� T 29� R 23. � -2- The acquisition of the above described lands is contingent upon the sale in accoxdance with Section 87A of �he Saint Paul. Legislat3ve Code of those certain City-owned lands described as follows; Subject to Ponding Area and Hwy 51� the South 683.63 ft. of 1Vor�h 8�+3.63 ft. of SE,-�� of TdE,�-� oi Sec. 28, T 29, R 23, except the West 350 feet thereof. The lands to be acquired and the lands to be sold ha,ve been appraised by two independent appraisers. On the basis of such appraisals� the proceeds the City may realize f`rom the sale of the City-owned lands will be sufficient to fund the cost of the subject acquisition thereby nec�ssitating no ad.ditional appro- priation of City monies for the subject purposes. A report prepa,red by Mr. J. William Donova,n, City Valuation Engineer is being submitted to the Council this date which explains in detail the circumstances and particulars of this matter. It is requested that the Cauncil take the necessary action to anthorize the �,cquisition of these certain lands required for the site of the Fire Training Acade�y. Very truly yours, . t�J`�"'"�. �`.'�� r rv -�J /' � , ��(,'��;�.,�c��(,ti�; Dean Meredith Coimnissioner of Public Safety J67D:REF:d.m Approved. as to Financing: �` ComptroLler � ,,i � � „� I ,.�--- ..— , . ___ � __ � � _ _ > '` �` j � �i,,� ���-� '\ * :�`�✓� X Z;5 i � � � ` �� � r4i � ,_ '� �\ . � ` - i � �� ' � � , �' � -- j ', i Pork'�g `' I� ' ,�. •/ f � r �, ' �t'�� ' c I ��_I--' s II I \\, 1\ ./�_. � o � �,� _ �- �— �� 227 � a I � - , _ J � � � _, � , � x �� � _ _-_ ���� _�—� � ",� � /j- � � �� �—�—, ��/ / � � � � � � � ,' ; �� �' �� Z✓.�'— ' V ��� ��� __� �� � �- - � �;;• ^. �-- i . - _1 '� i. � � � - / � -- � •^./ �� � . - - -� �_ , . ' ��cd 2�0 =- ' � - � � �{- _; _ � -� G��Q�'`� P�: ♦ : i ; ; � —_ � = -=- -2�-- - . .� � � - �— 2 � ; . , - _ / j �� _ — __ .c-- �- _ ---�_ � ; . �_ — - -- �// � - __T_ , �, � • �R � � � � � " �, ;208�� V '�,� S�H�ROEDER � ��� � �y �� X23� � �—� �`� ` ' � — -� / �� �.r/ --�� �� ''� �� �P ��� �� —� r�-� V '�� F � � \,- � � :/ �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � /� � i � N � • - �� � � � �Z � i !1 � X215 X 2 � -�'�� � � � � ' � � i �� � X �� .--— � I �, • : _ _ ��, �� �� � � � j� 720 ,000 N �—� � �s,� � _ :,�� � ` � ' ,! -� � � _,_ ��A. , � , ��' ; `�- , � � � �—� 2�`� � � ��� � � _ �� ' � `� � ' �i � � —�— i —� .��� � � � ` . �� �1���.�'� � � i � �� � �V��'� �� � `� � ��� � � �,�� ��� p o r K'�n 9 � -� �p(� �\ I �" "r � 1 � i N il �" I' c�vl�1\\ii r� 1 !� �� X213 ;.M��•� _� � \ �'i�u I', � j� 1 \ � � K�S7TQ � .A � �5�9 � � ��I - � � O I , < ' \ � � ;, , � ' I ZA � ' _� a � � ��� --� — , '',O �_ ! , � ; �--�\ �— �°—' — �� ', �� � ��� � --- � � �- - ;i \�-��� , -��I ; � ,�", '� � � �-�, �;' �- ' - � � � � �� � � ��� � % _ � -- ;� . - ,� ---' - - - 2 .�, — / / �,� ' — - — < , � � �� � . . � _ -- — .� - -_ _— __. . -- �,' - - ___ - . _ - - - , _ . 1� I 0 X23� —_. - _- � — . — �'�`�' �__-k�sa,-,� �'�a i�.�� __ _ � __ � _ , - . . �-- � 3z _ _ _ _ _ t _ : : : ; . ; ' _ : _ ' ( . , . - . , � . ; _ _ , _ . , `� ' + � � { : L------ - , . —J > - , _ � � � , � . . _ . - ��0_ ' , - � �� -- �� - - � �� _ � � , ,,, �� ,� ` -� ,- � � " ` < < � ,- � , - . /� � _. � ,rz3 , ❑ : _-;,1 �: . - - � KASOTA AVE. - ��� =-- -_7�9,000 � . ° �----� �. �- / : T H. 280 TO SNELLING AVE. ;� �� �� ) _ , � _ __ . ' � 52 ROADWAY ;- -J �` --`�.-� I�� _ 200' _ _— � _ _ ; _� - NOV. 29,t971 _ � . -- , ��.- . . . � � • . .�i __.-_.-. : _ .-..�. . _ —""__ .+ _ . ,_�- �� 8� , - " __- - -- . _ _ _ _ L���� _ �- ✓ � _ _-- �- -'. , � - - _, , � _—_ ' ��� ,! _ �1 l'� � I �� � � - ' ��!�'�/ _. _ - � "�.a;_� �—� . �.. �- �� � �- _� i J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-b317 . Valuation Engineer ' ROY �E. Bi2EDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L 'Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Ci1y Hell Sain4 Paul, Minnssota 55102 ss To: Cammissioner Rosalie L. Butlex Chairman of the City Land Cammittee From: J. William Donovan� Valuation �ngineer Re: La,nd E�cchange Proposal. by Malan Construetion Compar�y, developer of K-Mart Discount Stores involving a por�ion of the Midway Stadium land locatecl West of Snelling Avenue. May 11� 1972 I submit this report as �y comments pertainin� to the proposal. ma.d.e to the Land Co�ittee by the K-Mar� Disccunt Stores and relativ� to their o�fer to purchase a portion of the uni.mproved Midway Staditiun property located West of Snelling Avenue. This property is also a portion of the site being con- sidered for the proposed Fixe Training Acadeiqy which is currently being designed in the City Architect's office. A copy of R-l�rt's proposal is attached hereto. l. K-Nlaxt proposes an even exchs.nge of land with the City of St. Pa.u1 embracing land that both parties have controllin� interest in. The City's land embraces a portion of the Midway Stadium property locdted i�unediately West of Snelling Avenue and contains an area of ll.l5 acres, and is shown colored oran�e on. the attaehed map. The K-Mart lands are located immediately west of the City site� contain an axea of 19.17 acres� and are shown colored green on the attached ma.p. Tndependent appraisals of the two sites have been made by Messers. Joseph L. Bettendor� and Ray W. Faricy. Theix appraisals indicate a difference in value between the two sites of $18�000.00 and $16�000.00 in favor of the Ci�y's site. Both appraisals were predicated on the assumption that adequate access be provided� whieh is ingress and egress in accordance with the existing codes and ordinances in effect within the City of St. Paul. 2. K-Mart proposes to install, at its atim expense a sanitaxy sewer lift station� which will acco�nodate both them and the futur� Fire Training Acade�y. Estimated cost for the lif't station is �15�000.00 of which $5�000.00 sholal.d be apportioned to the need.s of the Fire Training Aca.d.e�y. 3. K-Mart proposes to construct a si.x foot chain-link fence dividing the two sites along wit,h an a.dequate gate at the north side of the sites. Cost of this fence has been estima.ted by K-M,art to be $5,250.00. Our esti.mate fbr the fence is $3,750.00. 4. K-Mart estimate the va.lue of the construction and ded.ication of the roadway access to the Fire Training Acade�y site to be $20�000.00. � ' • Commissioner Rosalie L. Butler Page 2 May 11� 1972 The City in its lon� range planni.ng ha,ve considered the extension of Kasota Avenue �rom its present terminus at Gibbs Street easterly to Snelling Avenue. K-Maxt ha.s acquised additiona,l lands to provide this roadway �,*hereas the City will ha.ve to dedica`te the roa.dway f;rom lands being considered herein and included in the two independent appraisals. The value of the present K-Maxt appraisal is based on adequate access� it is ther�fore � opinion tla�at the value of the land being dedicated by K-Mart should not be considered as an offset. To provide immediate access to the proposed new Fi.re Training Aca.derqy site, the segment of ro�,d frvm Snelling Avenue to the site should be eon�tructed by K-Mart. The Department of Publie Works is in the process of preparing an estimate of cost �'or this roadway and it is their opinion tha.t the sub-�rad� should initial]�r be constructed to MSA standards. 5. K-Mart has offered to bring in at its ow�n exp�nse a 12 inch �rater main to the proposed ne�w east li�e of the Fire Training Academy si�e. Their needs requixe an 8 inch line and �he oversizing would be to accommodate the Fire Training site. The cost for the oversizing has been estimated to be $3�000.00. In addition to this oversizi.ng, K-M�.rt has agreed. to construct at �heir cost a 1Vox�th-South, 12 inch water line runnir� along the eastexly line of the new Fire Training Acad.e�y site. 6. K-Mart has referred to the appraisal cost amounting to $1,200.00 which they have paid. Insofax as these costs would not have been necessary if the exchange had not been proposed, it is m�y opinion tha�L these costs should not be format]�y considered. 7. K-Mart has made available to the City certain soil borings and ana7.ysis on the proposed. new Fire Training site. They estimate the v�alue for these borings to be in excess of $5�000.00. The City Architect's office estimate the total cast of the borings to be $3�800.00. 8. The City Archit�ct's of`.fice advises that their total service costs relative to their study of the new proposed. site amount to $6�100.00. Thes� costsshould properly be the responsibility of K-Mart. 9. A factor that should also be considered is the cost of site development. The new proposed Fire Training Acadenqy site wi11 require more earth work than the original site. The exact computation of eaxth work quantities is now being computed in the Department of Public Works but �,s of this date the final figures axe not avai.lable. To compensate for the differ-- ences in earth work quantities� K-Mart has offered to deliver and com- pact at selected locations 35�000 cubic yaxds of suitable fill material. The City Architect's office would require that compacticn be to 95°� max- i.mun� density. 10. A railroad spur track naw crosses the K-Mart site which K-Mart has agreed to remove at their eost and expense. 11. A pondin� area under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota Highway Department is located at the northeast corner of the City site. The Ha:gY;way Depart- mert is current]y stuc�ying the possibility of releasi.ng a portion of the ponding area back to the City. Should this be accomplished, the reshapi.ng � Ccymmissioner Rosalie L. Butler Page 3 May 11� 1972 of th�: ponding axea� including the relocation of the �xisting chain- 2ink fence shoul.d be the responsibility of K-Mart. 12. K-Mart has agreed to dedicate to the City all necessary se�w'er ease- mer_ts, the description of which are now being developed by the Depaxtment of Public T�iorks. 13. It is �y understanding that the City originally intended to co�unence construction of the �ire Training Acade�qy in 1971 at au es�i_mated cost of �180�000.00 including $50�000.00 for earth work. Durin� the year delay construction costs ha.ve increased.� and the site preparation wcrk wi11 probably exceed the initially planned $50�000.00. �his will result in hi�her cos�.s far the Fire Department as well as a need for additional CIB funds before they can start construction. The conditions and costs heretofore set forth would indica�te that the K-Mart proposal is an equitable one. 2he major item of expense tha,t has not been determined as of this date is the site prepaxation costs that w�37. be en- cour�tered ois the new proposed site. Should the Council approve the concept of the exehange proposed by K-Mart it �rill be necessary tha.t the City commence action to acquire the a.d.ditional lands needed for the new site and to va.cate and sell parsuant to Section 87A of the St. Paul Legislative Cod.e� the lands requested by K-!Ka.rt. `t � � _. �l,L,d�---- :r._._,.._ � . . � ' T0: Land Comm'ittee, City of St. Paul • F�tOM: rZalan Construction Company, developer of K-Mart Discount � - Stores, division of S. S. Kresge Co. , Detroit, Michigan SUBJECT: Land Exchange Proposal PROPERTY . . LOCATION: Snelling Avenue across from Midway Stadsum (site of proposed Fire Training Academy) HRIEF BACKGROUND: In May, 1971, a representative of K-Mart approached representatives of the St. Paul Fire Department and the City Architect' s Office requesting feasability studies on the possibilitv of a land exchanqe, wherein the City would exchange land it owns and expected to use as the future site of a proposed Fire Training Academy, for privately owned land immediately adjacent (Taest) of the City land. Interest caas ex�ressed, and numerous meetings followed throu_qh the �alance of 1�71 and early 1972. The developer, at its own expenses , enqaged local Architects, Engineers and a Soil Engineering firm to conduct detailed anaYysis of the entire site. Ne�r7 layouts for the Fire Training Academy were drawn and made available for the Fire nepartment. After numerous meetir.gs with the City' s Public Works Department arid the State Highway Department, special problems involvinq relea5e of a portion of a 4 acre ponding area were resolved favorably. Special problems involving right of way for future road construction was resolved by the developer offerin_q to dedicate ' , an 8Q foot strip across its land ta the Cit� at no cost to the City. Special fill material requirements in the privately . held land have been the subject of intense study at the ex�ense of the developer, which study is attached hereto for examination, and City ' s use. {See nroposal below. ) It is felt that substantial agreement has been reached rela�ive to the feasability of the exchange, and that both developer and Fire Department could benefit if ground was broken simultaneously � in the early spring, therefore the matter is presented to the Land Committee at this time seeking favorable recommendation to the City Council to effect the land exchange in accordance with the folZowing proposal: PROPOSAL: I. The Developer proposes 'to exchange 19, 3092 acres of land � " legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto, for 7 , 5084 acres of City land plus 2. 2891 acres of original City ponding area, � which legal descriptions are attached hereto on Exhibit A also. Under this exchange the City caill be exchanging only a part (7, 5084 acres) of its original building site , since 5, 3961 acres will be retained as part of their new site. Thus the City �aill end up with a total of 24 ,7053 acres for its Fire . � Training Academy, and K-Mart will end up with a total of 9,7975 acres including the portion of the ponding area. � • ' • II. Developer had previously proposed to allow the City to obtain two independent anpraisaZs of the parcels which are the subject of this exchange. This 'has been done and the appraisals . .have been made available to the developer. The developer has agreed to pay the cost of the appraisals. � III. Developer has, at its ocvn expense, and with the consent of the City, conducted extensive soil analysis of the, site . proposed to be exchanged to the City. Forty soil borings were taken. All reports have been turned over to the City. Based on a composite plan showing both the City and the K-Mart site (See plan attached as Exhibit A) and copies of K-Marts Engineers take off on quantities of common and special earth work (See Exhibits . B and C attached) , for the present site work and the City' s original site work, the developer praposes the . following: a) The developer shall make available for site grading on the new City site, 35,000 cubic yards o€ suitable fill material. If the City can grade at the same time as the develober, then developer proposes to place and compact the said 35, 000 cubic yards of fill material on the new Fire P.cademy site at grades existing. at the time the develoner does its earth work. If the rity, for some reas�n, cannot qrad� at the same time as developer, then developer pronoses to stockpile the szid fill on the new Fire Academy site in �ny area the City designates. b) : Based on the quantitv figures as attached in Exhibits B � and C and the unit cost figures used by the City ' Architect' s office (�uilding Constructicn Cost Data "1970 Edition published by R. F. Means Company, Inc. ) , it has been determined that the cost differential for � the necess�ry qeneral and special earth work is as attached on Exhibit D. l c) Developer proposes to bring in at its own expense a . 12 inch water main to -the new property line including _ oversizing of said main. . K-Mart' s needs are for an 8 , inch line and the oversizing is to accomodate the Fire Training Academy site � . d) Through a parcel of K�Mart's remaining property (not a � part of this exchange) Developer proposes to dedicate a road right of way 8� feet in width, and pay its portion of the assessed cost of said road, in return for the City ' s initiation of action leading to the com- mencement of construction of said road. � - � i , f : i � . . . � _ e) Developer proposes to install, at �ts own expense, a � lift station, which will accomodate the Fire Training ; � Academy. f) Developer proposes to construct a 6 foot chain link fence along the West line �f its property to give the 1 Fire Trair.ing Academy sufficient privacy. g) Developer shall make available to the Fire Training Academ.y its site analysis and soil borings, and all other engineering data to facilitate the�construction of the Fire Training Academy. h) Easements shall be given to the City for road and sewer access. SUMMARY: Developer feels there are certain advantages to the City inherent in the within proposal and will briefly summarize them he re: � 1. Tax B�se The present plans by the Fire Academy to construct a tax free facility on choice cemmercial property abutting on SneZling Avenue is felt to be (unrealistic) . ' I� is unquestioned that the highest and best use o£ that _ parcel is commercial d�velopment. A K-tsart store on that site will bring to the City approximately $80, 000. 00 per year in real estate taxes and another $40, 000. �0 + of personal property taxes , while the Fire Acader.iy would pay no taxes. . . � 2. More Land for City Original plans for the Fire Academy shocaed a need for almost 30 acres of land. The present plans (prior to this �roposed exchange) show the City having 12,9139 acres plus +a ponding area of 4 ,0512 acres. If the exchange is completed, the Academv will end up with 24, 7053 acres .of land, considerably more than contemplated on the o�iginal fire site. 3. Ecology • " � The Fire Training Academy plans, in their rout�ne training curiculum, to burn several "friendly" fires for training purposes It is felt that the land to the immediate West of the proposed K-Mart site is much more suitable for the setting of s�id fires , than the land abuttin_q busy Snelling Avenue. The land immedia�ely North, South and ;aest of the newly proposed Fire Trainiizg Academy site is primarily railroad and uninhabited, and " ' smake will bother no one. . , � _ _ _ , ,.�. . - . � ti � � . � � _ - - � . • , . ' � : 4. Dedication of Roadway • � . . Apparently the Public Works Department has had plans for a number of years for a roadway to come th�ough this site in an � East West direction. Under this proposal, the Developer shall � dedicate, at no cost to the City, an 80 foot strip for roadway • purposes through other land it ocans not invol�ved in this �' . exchange. This will result in a considerable savings to the � City of St. Paul. The exchange of land is proposed to be an even exchange � in spite of the fact that the appraisals show the new Fire Training Academy site to be of slightly less value than the ��I pronosed K-Mart site, and also that thexe is additional earth f work involved in the new Fire Training Academ_y site, for the followinc� reasons: - � The cost of the lift station proposed to be installed ; by K-Mart is approximately �15 ,OOJ. 00. .� , The cost of a six foot chain link fence dividing the _ � property is estimated to be $5,250. 00. . � � � The value of the construction and dedication of �he road• way access to the Fire Training Academy site is estimated to be $20, 000. 00. �: � The difference in the value of an 8 inch water main, which � K-Mart ordinarily would install, and a 12 inch water main ° for the accomodation of the Fire Training Academy, is � � estimated to be $3 ,000. 00. � The�alue of the 2 appraisals of the sites paid for by � � K-Mart is $1,200. 00. � The value of the soil borings and site analy�a�samade available to the City is in excess of •$5,00�. 00. � In summary, for the reasons eriumerated above, it i.s urged that � the Land Committee make a f avorakile recommendation to the full City �ouncil to effect a land exchange with the Developer. � ' M�LAN CONSTRUCTION COP!!PAL1Y, DEVELOPER OF K-MART DISCOUNT STORES , � � DIVISIOTI OF S. S. KRESGE CO. AY: .. � . i { . . . _ ..._.T __.. ., ' � . .. , . • - � ` �� h • y� " � r •ry � ` y �I. �y~.�•r , •.�` ,, � , L .:,• . _ ..� ' . � r W' -. . F,Y ' i • , ._ .-.,...,I � ,. _ � ;• � . �,,. 2 _� ` 'c ; '� �� . ^ � � � e � ��� ��:n�4; ` r ;�� ��. '�1' . � � � ___ J„, I `C� � , , , , ..,� •-_..� 3 �. - ��. , . ,".-.�. � , i ,.;, � . ... 3 , .. � a --�- - , ; � , , . `•--,.. •. : � `"/ � � C �'_ ,. . � Q � ± � � �._`, ���.�I,��,` _ • , ` ., ,` 3 ? y fi � '"�� `-�--a a,,s ;� .,:.�. ;r. ` / `tl � h Q'� � � �f � / � tj� ' ���`+ � � 3 \ � ? •�:,r. '�..� ' a , � r ' �� s Q � O (1 i r=,� �rC . 8 w � sppv % � �',� � � � � �`( � 0 \ ' S� � �� �.—�i '��„� „��"� �� 3 . \ � � , � � � � � � p t � 1 . 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O .� �—? /�1 ( � y . ; O �� , j �► /o �` � � � , � 4 r = � ' 0 5 z, • �, r.� � l �� i ' I . � � r ` w ° Ls.J J � ty ip : ' r : , ' ' 4 t 4 �+ . � `� : �y � � ., j c � F �� r r �o�v � µ / — ' j � � , r .�.a,a l � �t �'�o i+ r a � c�t . �—�.. ! �'! 1 \ � �/� � . �c : C—:-7 ( 1 � f � :,. . I j � ; � � � . 1 Q :A,__� �, � , .� v ; � � � . �__� � . f � C : ' _ .e �:.� \ ; � .' � � - :� � /^ �� / . � � la�r: �`ii ��'7/�f'/r.vwr� . :7 �i _ . � , i.R9 . 3� r�.� ; : � __ �_��__� ....., t•:.__ __ �_.._� __ .--.,, � "',_. �.. � , : ��-� 1_ ��,�I�.j' �__'.M_�..��' �....��`..�...'JaCitNA-_.—_'.'----j�..._�.' ��nuN _—."�- ...._--._._'A'rL^—_..__._�.!—..._._�_._ ... . f' � ', ii • � ' i . -� » 1 .� _�...�..�..� �..... _.� ���..._ ��._. ---- - �ra�v ' 11 ~ l I � , t . � • J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 243-5317 Valuation E�gineer ' ROY�E. 6REDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L ' a55�� vai�af�o� Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 City Hell • Ssinf Paul, Minnesota 55102 �� To: Commissioner Rosa.lie L. Butler Chaisman oi' the City Land Committee �'rom: J. William Donova.n� Valuation �ngineer Re: Land Excha,nge Proposal by Malan Construction ComparLy� deveJ.oper _ of K-Mart Discou�zt Stores involving a portion of the Midway Stadium l�nd located tidest of Snelling Avenu�. May ]1� 19'T2 I submit this repoxt as �y comments pertaining to the pxoposal. made to the Land Cor.nnittee by the K-N�art Disccunt Stores and relative to their offer to purchase a portion of the unimproved Midway Stadium property located West of Snelling Avenue. This property is also a portion of the site being con- sidered for the praposed Fire Tr�.ining Acade�y which is currentl.y being desig�zed i� the City Architect's office. A copy o� K-Mart's propos�,1. �s attached hereto. l. K-Mart proposes an elen excha.nge of land with the City of St. Faul. embrac�ng land tha.t both parties have controllir.g interest in. The City's land embraces a portion of the Midway Stadit:�n property located immediatel� 4�est of Snelli�g Avenue and contains an area of 11.15 acres, and is shown colored orange on the attached map. The K-Mar� lands axe located im,mediately west of the City site� contain an area of 19.17 acres� and a.re shown colo-red green on the attacned �►ap. Independent appraisals of the two sites ha.ve been made by Messers. Joseph L. Bettendorf and Ray W. Faricy. Their appraisals indicate a difference in value between the two sii:es of $18�000.00 a.nd .�'p16�000.00 in favor of the City's site. Both appraisals were predicated on the assumption that adequate access be provided� which is ingress ar.d egress in accordance with the existing codes and ordinances in effect within the City of St. Pa.ul. 2. K-A�axt proposes to install� at its awn expense a sanitaxy sewer lift station� which will acco�odate both them and the ftiiture Fire Trair.ing Acade�y. Estimated cost for the lif';, station is $15,000.00 of which $5�000.00 should be apportioned to -tbe needs of the Fire Traa.ning Aca.de�y. � 3. K-Mart proposes to construc� a six foot chaa.n-link fence dividing �;he t-�so si-tes along with an adequate gate at the nort�i side of the sites. Cost of this fence h�.s been estimated by K-Mart to be $5:250.00. Our estimate for the fence is $3,750.40. �+. K-Ma,x�t estims,te the va.lue of the construction and dedication of the roadway access to the Fire Training Academy site to be $20�000.00, � , � ' . Co�nissioner Rosalie L. Butler Page 2 May ]1� 1972 2he City in its long range planning have cor.sidered the extension o� K�.sota Avenue f�om its present terminus at Gibbs Street easterly to Snelling Avenue. K-�1art has acq�zired additional lands to provide this roadway k�hereas the City will have to dedica�e the roadway f�om lands being considered herein and included in the two independent appraisals. The value of the present K-Mart appraisal is based on adequate access� it is therefore my opinion tha,� the value of the land being dedicated by K-Mart should not be considered as an offset. To provide immediate access to the proposed net�r Fire Traini.ng Academy site� the segnent of road f`rom SneLling Avenue to the site should be constructed by K-Ma.rt. The Department of Public Wor�s is in tY:e process � of prepaxing an estunate of cost for this roadt,ray and it is theix opinion that the sub-grade shduld initially be constructed to MSA standards. 5. K-Ma,rt has offered to bring in at its awn expense a 12 inch �rater main to the proposed ne�r east li�e of the Fire 2'rra.ining Academy site. Their needs requixe an 8 inch line and the oversizing would be to accommodate the Fire Training site. The cost for the oversizing has been estimated to be $3�000.00. In addition to this oversizing� K-M�.rt Y�as agreed to construct at �heir cost a North-South, 12 inch water line runni.ng along the easterly line of the new Fire Traini.ng Acade�y site. 6. K-Maxt ha.s referred to the appraisa]. cost amoiiriting to $1�200.00 which they have paid. Insofar as these costs would not r.ave been necessary if the exchange ha.d not been proposed, it is my opinion that these costs should not be formal]�y considered. 7. K-Maxt has made �va.ilable to the City certain soil borings and ana�ysis on the proposed. new Fixe Training site. They esti.mate the val.ue for these boxings to be in excess of $5,000.00. The City Archi.tect's office estimate the total cost of the borings to be $3,800v00, 8. The City Architect's of`.E'ice adv�ses that their total service costs xelative to their study of the nei,� proposed site a.mount to �6�100.00. These costs�ould proper7..y be the responsibility of K-Mart. 9. A factor tha.t should also be considered is the cost of site development. The new proposed Fire Training AcadeuLy site wi71 require more earth w�rk than the original siteo The exact computation of earth ��ork quantities is nc�w being computed in the Department of Public Works but �,s of thi.s d.a.te the final fi�ures are not available, To compensate for the differ-- ences in earth wark quantities, I{-Mart ha.s offered to deliver and com- pact a� selected loc�tions 35:000 cubic yaxds of suitable fill material. The City Architect's office would require that compacticn be to 95°� n�- imum density. l0o A railroa.d spur track naw crosses the K-Mart site which K--Mart has agreed to remove at their cost and ex�ense. 11. A ponding area under the jurisdiction of the Minnesota Highway Department is located at the northeast corner of the City site. The H�.�wa.y Depart- mert is current]y stuc�ying the possibility of releasing a portion of the ponding axea back to the City. Should this be accomplished� the reshaping . � � Co�unissioner Rosalie L. Butler Page 3 May 11� 1972 of the ponding area� including the relocaticn of the existing chain- link fence should be the responsibi7 ity of K-Mart. 12. K-Mart ha,s agreed to dedicate to the City �all necessary sery,rer ease- ments, the description of which axe now being developed by the Depaxtment of Public �vJOTks. � 13. It is �y understandin� that the City originally intended to connnence construction of the I'ire Trainin� Acade�y in 1971 at an estimated cost o� $180,000.00 includin� $50,000.00 for earth work. Durin� the � year delay construction costs have increased, and the site preparation wcrk will. probably ex�eed the initi�.].],y planned $50,000.00. �his will result in higher cos�s for the Fire Department as we11 as a need for additional CIB funds before they can start constructa.on, The conditions and costs heretofore set forth would indicate that the K-Mart proposal is an equitable one. The major iten of exoense that has not been . determined as of' this date is the site prepaxation costs that will be en- cour�tered o;i the new pxoposed site. Should the Cauncil apnrove the concept of the exchange proposed by K-Mart it �*i.11 be necessaxy tha.t the City commence � action to acquire the a.dditional lands needed for the new site and to vacate and sell p•arsuant to Section 87A of the St. Paul I►egislative Cod.e� the lands requested by K-Ntarto . G- _�4��------ . . 3J.�.-.1.r � . ' . . . • . ' TO: Land Committee, City of St. Paul ' � � . FROM: Malan Construction Company, developer of K-Mart Discount � � - Stores, division of S. S. Kresge Co. , Detroit, Michigan � SUBJECT: Land Exchange Proposal PROPERTY ' � LOCATION: Snelli.ng Avenue across from Aiidway Stadium (site of proposed Fire Training Academy) - BRIEF � BACKGROUND: In May, 1971, a representative of K-Mart approached representatives of the St. Paul Fire DeAartment and the City Architect' s n�'fice requesting feasability studies on the possibilit� of a lan� exchange, wherein the City would exchange land it owns and expected to use es the future site of a proposed Fire Training Academy, for privately owned land immediately adj acent (West) of the City land. Interest was ex�ressed, ar.d numerous meetinqs followed through the halance o�. 1�71 and earlv 1972. The develoner, at its own expenses , enqaged local Architects , Engineers and a Soil Engineering firm to conduct detailed analysis of the : entire site. Nei•� layouts for the Fire Trair.ing Academy w�re drawn and made available for the Fire De�artment. After -numerous meetir.gs with the City ' s Public ��lorks Denartment arid -the State Highway Department, special problems involvinq release of a portion of a 4 acre ponding area were resolved favorably. Special problems involving right of way for future road construction was resolved by the develoner offering to dedicate `,. an 80 foot strip across its land to the City at no cost to tne City. Soecial fill material requirements in the privately held land have been the subject of intense study a� the exoense of the developer, �•ahich study is attached hereto for examination, and City ' s use. (See proposal below. ) It is felt that substantial actreement has been reached rela�.ive to the feasability of the exchange, and that both c�eveloper and Fire Department could benefit if graund was broken simultaneously � in the early spring, therefore the matter is presented to the Land Cortmittee at this time seeking favorable recommendation � to the City Council to effect the land exchange in accordance with the following proposal: PROPOSAL: _ I. The Develoner nroposes 'to exchange 19, 3092 acres o` land ' legally descrihed on �xhibit A attached hereto, for 7 , 508� acres of City land plus 2. 2891 acres of original City ponding area , � which legal descriptions are attached hereto on Exhibit A also. Under this exchange tne City will be exchanging only a part (7, 5084 acres) of its original building site , since 5, 3961 acres will be retained as part of their new site. Thus the City will end up with a total of 24 , 7053 acres for its Fire ' Training Academy, and K-Mart will end up with a total of 9, 7975 acres including the Fortion of the ponding area. � • , � . II. Developer had previously proposed to allow the City to � obtain two independent anpraisals of the parcels which are the subject of this exchan�e. This 'has been done and the appraisals . have been made available to the developer. The developer has agreed to pay the cost of the appraisals. . ' III. Developer has, at its own expense, and with the consent of the City, conducted extensive s�il analysis of the site . proposed to be exchanged to the City. Forty soil borings were taken. All reports have been turned over to the City. Based on a composite plan showing both the City and the K-Mart site (See plan attached as Exhibit A) and copies of K-Marts Engineers take off on quantities of common and special earth work (See Exhibits . B and C attachedj , for the present site work and the City' s original site work, the developer proposes the : following: . � . - . a) The developer shall make available for site grada.ng on the new City site, 35,000 cubic yards of suitable fill material. If the City can grade at the same time as the develoner, then develoger proposes to place and compact tre said 35, 000 cubic yards of fill r.laterial on the new Fire A.cademy site at grades existing. at the time the develoner does its earth work. If the City, for some reasc�n, cannot grade at the saine time as develaper, then dev�:loper proposes t� stockpile the s�-�id fill on the new Fire Academy site in any area the City designates. b) : Based on the quantitv figures as attached in Exhibits B � and C and the unit cost figures used by the City ' Architect' s office (Building Constructicn Cost Da�a "1970 Ec�.ition published by R. F. Means Company, Inc. ) , it has been deterMined that the cost differential for - the necessary general and special earth work is as attached on Exhibit D. � , c) Developer pr000ses to bring .in at its own expense a 12 inch water main to _the new property line including oversizing of said main. . K-A9art' s needs are for an 8 , inch line and the oversizing is to accomodate the rire Training Academy site ' . d) Through a parcel of K�Mart' s remaining property (not a � part of this exchange) Developer proposes to dedicate � a road right of way 80 feet in width, and pay its portion of the assessed cost of said road, in return � for the City' s initiation of action leading to the com- mencement of construction of said road. • � . _ . . , e) Developer proposes to install, at �i�ts own expense, a � � � lift station, which will accomodate the Fire Training : � Academy. f) Develooer �roposes to construct a 6 foot chain link fence along the jaest line �f its property to give the Fire Trair.ing Academy sufficient privacy. . g) Developer shall make available to the Fire Training • Academy its site analysis and soil borings, and all other engineering data to faci.litate the;:construction of the Fire Training Academy. h) Easements shall be given to the City for road and sewer � access. ' SUMMARY: Develo�er feels there are certain advantages to the City inherent in the within proposal and will briefly summarize them here: - � 1. Tax B�se The present plans by the Fire Academy to construct a tax free facility on choice commercial praperty abutting on Snallinq Avenue is felt to be (unrealistic) . � ' ' It is unquestioned that the hiahest and best use of that parcel is commercial develonment. A �:-Piart stare on that site will bring to the City approximately $8Q, 000. 00 per year in real estate taxes and another S40, OOO. �JO + of personal property taxes , while the Fi.re Acader�y would pay no taxes. . �. ' � 2. More Land for City � � Original plans for the Fire ,Academy showed a need for almast 30 acres of land. The present plans (prior to this nroposed exchange) sho�a the City having 12, 9139 acres plus �a ponding area of 4 ,0512 acres. If the exchange is completed, the Academy will end up with 24�7053 acres .of land, considerably more than contemplated on the oxiginal fire site. 3. Ecology . � • ' ' The Fire Training Academy plans, in their rout�ne training curiculum, to burn several "friendly" fires for training purposes � It is felt that the land to the immediate West of the proposed K-Mart site is much more suitable for the setting of said fires, than the land abuttinq busy Snelling Avenue. The land immediately Nortli, South and Iaest of the newly proposed Fire Training Academy site is primarily railroad and uninhabited, and ' smoke will bother no one. _ . . f �- � . : . . 4. Dedication of Roadway • ' � - � . . Apparently the Public taorks Denartment has had plans for a � number of years for a roadway to come th�ough this site in an : East ��Test direction. Under this proposal, the Developer shall ' dedicate, at no cost to t'�e City, an 80 foot strip for roadway i � purposes through other land it owns not invol�ved in this � . exchange. This will result in a considerable savings to the l City of St. Paul. The exchange of land is proposed to be an even exchange : � in spite of the fact that the ap�raisals show the new Fire � � Training Academy s�te to be of slightly less value than the � proposec� K-�4art site� and also that there is additional earth � . work involved in the new Fire Training Academy site, for the following reasons : ' .- ' The cost of the lift station �roposed to be installed � E by K-Mart is approximately $15 ,000. 00. � _ , . , , The cost of a six foot chain link fence dividing the _ � property is estimated to be $5, 250. 00. . ' , i . ; The value of the construction and dedication of the road• , way access to the Fire Training Academy site is estimated to be $20,000. 00. � f The difference in the value of an 8 inch �oater main; which - K-Mart ordinarily would ins�all, and a 12 inch water main for the accomodation of the Fire Training Academy, is i `;, estimated to be $3 ,000. 00. � . � � � . The�..ualue of the 2 appraisals of the sites paid for by �� � + K-t�lart is $1, 200. 00. , , � The value of the soil borings and site analys�s� made � available to the City is in excess of •$5, 000. 00. � . , � In summary, for the reasons eriumerated above, it is urged that the Land Committee make a favorable recommendation to the full City �ouncil to effect a land exchange with the Developer. ! - � c , _ � � t 1 � . M11LAN CONSTRUCTION COP�PANY, , � DEVELOP�R OF K-MART DISCOUNT STORES , C ► • DIVISIOr1 OF S. S. KRESGE CO. � � 1 BY: •� ; - . � . , , j, � � � - • , � ., � .. �� 'I � �' M , � �Y � \ . r'. t ., ,��. � '. •� �. . w '4!' . �� . � d � � . �t. . : . -`'. � C , . ' �1r '.. ' '�`�' k� _.i 1''���. J �.��-r�...n;�i�i � �' . �`� 2 I w` ; , . � 'j'•. � . � . , � � r .� ,;�. ; � � ,� � s` /•�� "'--�r sr� �� , � ? \ \' � � � i 4y � ���i,y�4 ,�, . /� � Y r ''� 3 � �5 rt. _�, ,..;,`t. . � � w [� i �_ '����:` ' �. �y �� 1� � '� , � •• � . � � `"ti� 1 � •~ ` � \ �• C y` � � � ,l _i'� ;'•:,� � � e • . . y� ? � � �:� � —°�— , ; - .:.;,. , � , � � ; Q\ � 4 � . A . I `��v�e I i/,�'%I� �� � �!`�-N�..`� � � � � r ���� ��t� � � � � . � Q � \ � ` � ��7�.j �� w ,,� r�a� ` ? ? t•..` � � � " �'`' I ' � a \ � (� O ;, s, � ` , ; ��"�!'�a,� ,, ,� 3 � � � Z ' r�i ,� ► _ � S . " , �, Q � p �� � I � . a � + =' '• k-•,�.� ` � � ° ' ;, Y--� � �---'�'----� � ►—'°� " � c � ° � • , ; : '; • � : �� , , � �, � � ; � `� t • � v � �. : i . . , � � � . 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