258609 ` �5�6�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK � � . „ CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ^ . U RE OLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT � (�, COMMISSIONE ' pTF RESOLVED, that the substitution of �3, 000,000 U. S. Treasury Notes, Series C-75, ' S-7�8�0, due August 15, 1975 for �3, 000,000 U. S. Treasury Bills due June 29, 1972 as collateral security for deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with The First National Bank of Saint Paul, hereby is authorized, ratified and approved, such having been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota; that such substituted securities� at the time of such substitution, had a market value sufficient, together with the ma rket value of the original collateral securities for said purpose , for which no substitution was made, equal to �110 for every �100 of deposits of public funds of said City with said bank. �ORM APPROVED: �� . o,.,.,.,.t`�C9,..�, .�',oa n,.�:, Asst. Corporation C�d��� I�AY l 1 1,72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naya But�er I�AY 11 1�J72 �� Approve 19_ Levine - �� Tn Favor �� Sprafka yor Tedesco --`�–Against Mr. Vice President Meredith �'���� MAY 1� 1�T2 �� . .- OFFICE OF TH I COMPTROLLER ������� SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 55102 1 ALL ... ■■■ CLEMENS J. SCHLECK R E C � f � � F�QBERT W. TRUDEAU Chief Accountant �'�Atst. Chief Accountant Comptroller Apri 1 27, 197 2 Deputy Comptroller MAY 1 �g� CORPORATl�N COUNS�L Corporation Counsel 315 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The substitution of pledged collateral by: THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SAINT PAUL as follows: $3,000,000 U. S. Treasury Notes, Series C-75, 5 7/8%, due August 15, 1975 substituted for $3,000,000 U. S. Treasury Bills due June 29, 1972 is hereby approved. Please prepare the proper resolution to be presented to the City Council for their action thereon. Very truly yours, �/���Zi-LG ���i� Clemens J. S leck Secretary, Sinking Fund � , Committee d• �, Arrr�ve . C{. . Member, Sinking Fund Committee ba � i o�����,n,�.�,� 258 fiU9 � , , CITY OF ST. PAUL �NGL NO ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - ' � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ���� COMIAISSIONE� DATE � BESOLVED, thst the •ubs�itution ot �3,000�000 U. S. Treaeury Notes� Series C-75� 5-?/e'�• duie Au�us t 15, �975 ior � 6 �3,000,000 II. 3. Trea�ury Bills due June 29, 197fd ' � aa vollateral saourity ior deposit• oi publio innds o! the City � o= 5aint Paul Mith The First National Bank o! �aint Paul, he reby is authorized, ratiiied and �ppro�ed, �uvh gaving been do�te ia ; oon�oruanoe �i�Eh t� eppliosble otatutes of the State o! Minne�ots; �hat suah snbstituted eeourities, at t6e tina oi euah �ube�titution, ; had a Qarket value euifioient� �ogather with the market value o! � the ori�inal oolla�eral seouri�Elee ior aaid pnr ose� ior rbioh ao subotitntion was sede, equal to �110 ior every �100 oi deposita of publio iunds of eaid City with eaid bank. � i a �AY 111�12 COUNCII.DIEN Adopted by the Co»++ci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler �� 1 Y llgZ2 � Approv� 19— �°�e Favor Met�th• Mayor Sprafka ,�Against Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith ��