258607 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � 6f�l���� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL f.,,�'" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�`E Na. . NCIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WH$REAS, the Ramsey County Board of eommissioners has determined that an ice arena sh�ll be built on City Water Department property locat�d at the Highland water toWer site, Ford Parkvay and Snelling Avenue; and WAEREAS , that site is now presently used as a baseball Pield aad the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings has maintained a baseball backstop thereon; and WHERLAS, the aetion of the County Board neeessitates the removal of the baekstop to alloW for arena construction, and the Highland Hilltoppers Littl� League has expressed a de�ire to borrow this backstop; now, therefore, be it RESOLYTD, That the Parks Department may remove said back- stop and locate it on the playing field at the St . Gregory's School site for use by the Hi�hland Hilltoppers Little League, and be it FURTgER RESOLVSD, That the Parks Department �►ill alway� retain right , titls and interest to said backstop with the right to reclaim it at any time, and the Parks Department is directed to farxard a copy of this resolution to the Presiderit - of said Little League. C�AP �E Asst. Corpo ation Counse MAY 11 1�72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler MAY i i 1'� x�� Conway � 19` Levine _In Favor �� Mayor Sprafka � A gainst Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith PUBLISHED MAY 13197�