258588 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �58588 CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�E NC�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI�S�, TI N NERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE Victor J. Ted,es co ATF April 28, 1972 RESOLVED, that an extra in the amount of Four Thousand Four Hundred. Ninety and no/100 j�ollars ($4, 490. 00) be allowed. under Contract L-7376 between the City of Saint Paul and. the McGough Construction Co. , Inc. , said contract for the General Construction of a Mu1ti�Purpose Neighborhood. Service Center (Hallie Q. Brown Commuri.ty Center, Inc. ) and. said extra to cover the following: 1. Additional storage cubicles and coat hook and, strips in Coat Rooms for the Day Care Center ADD $ 560. 00 2. Viewing panel between Reception�Waiting Room & Ent ry. ADD 668. 00 3., Complete Game Floor Markings in Multi-Purpose Room. ADD 207. 00 4. Two basketball backstops in Room A-Ol. ADD 1, 275. 00 �, 5. Six wall mat hooks in Room A-Ql. ADD 192. 00 . Game standard.s complete with nets and floor plates in c Room A-Ol. ADD 288. 00 � Z. Two door units to separate classrooms in Day Care Center ADD 1, 300, 00 w� o Total $4, 490. 00 +- �a a �said work having been requested by the Commissioner of Park�, Recreation and Q �`o� Public Buildings, and agreement made with the contractor, and a memorandum of ,; said. agreement having been filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. ,Q Charge to 6000-603 to be reambursed from I� U. D. Neighborhood. Facilities Grant. Job #70-81. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciMAY 10 1972 19— Yeas Nays �Ay � p �912 Butler ' �_ �-�~,Z_�.�,-�._� e 19—. Levine �n Favor Meredith ( Sprafka � r A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty pUBLISHED MaY 13 � �