02-463�s��������� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saant Paul, on May 22, 2002, received a Notice of License 2 Revocation from the State of Minnesota stating that Thompsen Restaurants, LLC owes 3 delinquent ta�ces to the State of Minnesota; and 4 5 WHEREAS, Thompsen Restaurants, LLC, dfb/a Hafrier's, has Liquor On-Sale and 6 Sunday On-Sale Liquor licenses for the premises located at 1560 White Bear Avenue, Saint Paul, 7 MN 55101; and 9 WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. §270.72, subd. 1 requires the revocarion of any license for the 10 conduct of a profession, occupation, trade, or business held by an applicant who owes more than 11 $500.00 in delinquent taxes or has not filed returns; and 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEREAS, under said statute the State of Minnesota must notify the applicant of the intent to require revocation of such license, and of their right to a hearing; and WHEREAS, a hearing under this statute is expressly provided to be in lieu of any other hearings or other proceedings required by law, which would include the hearing provisions of Saint Paul Legislative Code §310.05; and WHEREAS, the City has agreed with the Aeparhnent of Revenue that the definition of "revoke" as used in the statue is procedurally the same as the process used by the City of Saint Paul for a license suspension; and WHEREAS, the license suspension must be implemented within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Notice of Tax Liability, and is in effect until the Commissioner issues a taY cleazance certificate; and WFIEREAS, no tax cleazance certificate has been forwarded to the City of Saint Paul, Office of LIEP, by either the applicant or the Commissioner of the Minnesota Depariment of Revenue; now therefore, be it Council File # a� Y 1i3, c��n sh�c a.?Dd 6 .Z P' RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL,IVIINNESOTA 1 O�- y�3 2 RESOLVED, that the On-Sale Liquor and Sunday On-Sale Liquor licenses held by 3 Thompsen Restaurants LLC, d/b/a Hafner's, located at 1560 White Bear Avenue North, aze 4 hereby suspended effective at 12:01 a.m. on May 23, 2002, and will not be reinstated until such 5 time as the City of Saint Paul has received a tax clearance certificate from the Commissioner of 6 the Minnesota Department of Revenue, and has given written notice to the licensee of the lifting 7 of the suspension. i s n ... ;�� a `ti.,s i i �'' f�� , .�.m d by Department of: roved by City Attorney by or for S m' si to Council � �� MINNESOTA Department of Revenue Notice of License Revocation May 20, 2002 I�I,I��Lh���{{IL����{�I���II,IL�,,,ILL�ILI„1�1„I,,,II City Of St. Paul LIEP Main Office 350 St. Peter St #300 St. Paul, MN 55102-1614 The following taxpayer has an overdue liability: Taspayer name: THOMPSEN RESTAURANTS LLC Taac ID number: 5523516 Under Minnesota law, you must revoke the following license by June 20, 2002. License holder: Thompsen Restaurant LLC dba Hafner's License renew date: 07/07/02 License name: On Sale including Sunday License number: 20010003452 Once the delinquency has been resolved, we will send you a cleazance certificate. If you have any questions, please call (651) 297-4055 or {651) 246-1980. Contact: Collecrion Enfarcement PO Box 64447 - SKF Saint Paul, MN 55164-0447 This notice sent in accordance with MS 270.72. STATE OF MINNESOTA Commissioner of Revenue �y' .��:C�1LP�t �2GLC�2LE a1 h„ oa - �t63 000tnuas � An equat opportuniry emptoyer lrevokau2 TDD: (6�IJ 297-2196 www.tares.state.mn.us/collect Da- ��3 W TEINITWTm GREEN SHEET No 200628 Councilmember Dan Bos�om 6-8660 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ce,�row� ancaxo. ❑ QIYATlORNfl' ❑ tlIYCLiRK ❑ FI1141i1'JRLtFn�ICFlGR ❑ /ItlNtliLiERV/�CCTC ❑ WYOIt�OR►951SlTH1) ❑ (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Comply with Minn. Stat. § 270.72, subd. 1 with regazds to Thompsen Restauranu, LLC, d/b/a Hafner's by revoking licenses. a PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S INFORMAiION (IXPLAIN) i. HasthkpersaMrmererworkeduntlxacoMractfwihisdepartmen('7 YES NO Has this pereon/firtn C+er been a dty empbyee7 VES NO Does this peisoMim possess a sldll not normallypossessetl by arry curreM ciry emPloyee? YES NO Is tllie person/firm a fargetetl vendoft YES NO COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO �