258587 ORIGINAL.TO�CITY CL6RK /����� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ""'� " � ' • OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �+� NO. r CO N�IL RE I ENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � ATF RESOLVEDs Z'l�at the Counail of the City of Saint Pa�wl,� with the conaent of the Cc�►is�ioner of Paxks and Recreation and P�.blia Buildings, does hereby de83cate the follo�ring deseribed ease�ents cn, ur�.�r, acros�� and thraugh the Couway Heights Recr�ation Center proper�y for sewer and �cn- �truction purposes: A per�nerrt easeme�rt 30 fdet in width for the pvspose oP eonstruetion a.nd maintainin� a public sta�.�mn water seurer on, under� aeross� and thrvugh a portion of th� Northea�t ,�-� of the Southeas� ,-�� of Section 35, Tahmship 29 Pt.� Rang� 22 W.� ext�ndin� f`ram Wilson Aveuu� to the weaterly lin� of Block 3, Sun-Ray Terrace Addition No. l� the ceuterline thereof bein� a line 15 f�et distant nor�hwr�sterl,y of and � paxalle7. with the northwcsterly line o�' Block 4� Sun-Ray N �s Terrace Addition No. l� and the extension thereof� �xtending � =- f`ro�n Wilson Av�riue to the westerly line oF Block 3� Sun-Ray c� Terrace Addition No. 1; ° ��� Also a t C� emporary easement for construction purposes on a � �' strip of land 20 feet in width nc�th�ester]y of aiul imm�edia.te]�y p ad�aeent to the here�ofor� deseribed permanerit �a.s�ment Pac- o tendin� f`rom Wilson Avenue to the westerly lin� of Bloek 3, NSun-Ray Terrace No. l, said te�porary easement to terminate on = Ja.nuary l� 1973� or upon e�pletion of the Pedersen-�hixd Relief Sewer Syst�m (S•i43��, whichever oeeurs first; which public storm wa.ter se�rer is authorized by Council resolution, C. F. PTo. 258325, app�roved 1�pril 26� 1972; and be it FURTI�R RLSOLV.�D, That the said ea.sements be sub��ct to th� following conditions: l. The corrtract for th� constr�a.ction of the p�oposed sewer shall previde fbr installation of appropria.te drainage stractures to insure adequate drain�a„g� o� the Co�.way Hei.ghts R�crea�ion site; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty � OR�6INAL,TO�CITY CL6RK '� . ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�Nca NO.--�����'� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED BY i COMMISSIONER �ATE i -2- 2. The said contract sha71 provide for the f311ir� and gradir� of existing temperary ponding areas upon complianee with abov� noted. Cond.ition No. l� said work to b� done to the satis�'action of th� Cc�missioner of Parks and Recrea,tion and Public Buildings; and be it FURTF�R RESOI,VID� That the City Clerk is her�by directed. to file a certified copy of �his resolution in thc Office o� the Register of Deed.s c�r Re�istrar of Titles of Ramsey Ccunty� Minnesota. MAY 10 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �,� 10 1972 Butler -CarLgon L�O�,Z,�.��{ Prov 19— Levine Favor Meredith Sprafka J yor A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLtSNED MAY 1 S 1912 �� o��,n,�.R,� 25858'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL counca y � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �+� NO , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���e� COMMISSION� ^ATE �.�� �'iat t� C�nsl1 � �lr Ct'f�► o�' � �l, wt�lt � o� v� ti� C�siva�ac� o! l�atic� a�d �t�at�atian aad Aiwit.e Da��+t'�� iMs l� � t�M ' , iNar��i +�1a�s aa, �, r►r�Nip►, a�! �� � Ca�yr ��a �oa�w►ttils� � � l�ar �w�or �ai eo�r� s�s�at3,e� p�po�s: A � � � !'� !s r3�1� !Me ti� � p! e�� a�rt saiabai�in� • �las ,stba�a ra� as�r �a� . �s a�oa�, s�i f�liar�M� • �ae''01� o� q� llce'Chwt � . ot ti� �o�at � o! t�o'6l�n �� Z+w►a�ltl� �g 8., �a�t �2 N., �cl�adia� !� N31� Atr�a�r be tt� t�ly 13a�t � e�! 8�►aolt $a 8mt«lt�T S�'r��N Aiii�iaa �. 1� f�s +o�13�a� tl�ay►ect L�ias ♦ lfa� 13 i�t dlata� n�etlww'�aqr�Jr od' ani �►r�13�3 tri�h til� a�eet�rrs��]a► iir �' m,wcic 1�, 8�m�17 Te�n►o� A�3�tit1� lfo. 1, oat b�1N �1�00� '�, �N� lraa Nil� /lY�rr t� tM �ar�,p lia� �' D�ao�t 3i � T�arz+we 141ditiait Ao. 1; Also • t,�ocas� �awat !be e�omri�biaet �posu ad a . rt�r3� e� ]raai �i tw� in � ��aor3�r o� a�d i�rdiatal,jr ad�ae� #s ti� i��� dneriUoi �sa� � �- t►�i� l�r�a iiilsoo� w�r�rr te 'k�t rrssia�,�r l!� os �i,oai� 3, 8��pr T�rao� �. l, �a�d t�■*oeatt � fo b�dsat,� an �! 1. 1l13, ar Mfrr ��ida e� t�r �'��.?�'ea 1taLid aw�ar �1►slra (ff�3�j. �air�war oea�sr tits#; � lW.1�e �bM�a�I�a#� sw��' t� s�Aoioarl,s�ll lq► t�e�31 s�dl�tt�a� C. !'. �. �3�5, �!!r'a'� � �, 1�7li s�ll 1» it !!�?� �.�, T� '�lr Ilif+t Ma�1e��a 1� �� � tar 11�3rwria� �o.ii�ioar: �.. s1r a� f►ae !� mw�e�tioa a� q� �eolerML swrr� �all''�+e�r� �lo� itil�.laR3� � y�ee�l� t�+sia�p �s to las�u� ai��na� �a1a�� oE �ir Ce�T 1�3�Mrt�r lie�atlro�t �.ti; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»nct� 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Apprnv� 19— Levine � _1n Favor ..:r�. Meredith Sp�� biayor ' Tedesco A 8'�18t Mr. President, McCarty �� � __ ._. ;� DUPL�AT6 TO lRINT[R . � ������� � . � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �,�� N� _ , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FC�RM r����r CAMMISSIONER �A� - r�� i� � � � � �� � � �� � � � �� '� � � � ear�.iU1N�e1! 1rit11 �io�A aa�d �ii�lrt �s. 1, IMUl+i �wrk �01� � to tl� rrtla�►e�i+�u ac! � t�a�■�,��l,e�e ot l�CS �t lt�o�at3+ac a�t � »ii�r= ssi 1� it � ��s '19rrt 'M�1�M Cit�► Ql�'It i� �/ �ti'�e�M, 'Iw► t`it� a - +�#!,l+M, ee�,�r �!' bl�Ls r�Nit�l�eet ia tdr �dM� ot t�lr � �! �M� . �r �itl�sar o�' 'pi�l�e �e�' �rr�p► �s �o�a. I�AA�' 10 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counct� 19.— Yeas Nays sut�er MAY 10 1�J72 �� Approvc+� 18.— �°�e _�n Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka , t Tedeaco Mr. President, MeCartq �� l;I�y 10�, 1.97� i+�. :�.�ia�a t !:a�.'�bon� _:=:�r,xsr;:;;� L,��u�t;� :::e;;is�er cf �e��� ;;�,;�.�� ����a�� ......,_ �:LY', -, ,:?. ';r �� ' -s„� s + ; 4r��lA.?' `.�3'!� ' -'t; �..,�unc::il c�:i..=r�.�ec� �,�c. �� fi�.�e �a �I �.�;"�.�:e tt�� �.#.t�.���1ec: �ez��.�i�ci co�ay .^,P i'o�zrici�. �'�s.�.� �'�;;��5;' ud�;��pci �;o�:i�.;y°' ^e.��u��za?��,; `�:.±�a ��x���� ��r�u�.cati��n �i:� '�.le ��e�Y1'�8 G��� 11TT2�.!�:�� ���rob� a11d 'thrcau.�� �h� Co�i�aay �e�ghts I;e�;.z�ution �e�.�,�r g�c�p�xty �"or sewer a.z�d cons�ruction ;��uz���a��».�� w�.'Y s��"'� 4:� �?�►� �ondi�ions s�t cau� in �Y�� ���c�lutic�n, as z�ore s�.il.ly d�:scrib�d th�r��.n.. . '�E'7'� �'-!"t�.� �pU12x'8 f C;�,"�;�' G��.E'C�€ n� '�� �s � �, t�1t y f �;" ' . 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