258585 � - 258585
�' .� . . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC��
RESOLVED, Tha.t the proper City officers are authorized and
directed to execute on beha.lf of the City of Saint Paul Agreement
between the City and Ramsey County pertaining to the establishment
of an Urban Corps Intern Work Program for the year 1972 to provide
college students with positions in the City and County Goverrnnent� _.
and providing funds for the position of Urban Corps Coordina.tor, a
copy of said Agreement being attached hereto and incoxporated
herein by referenee.
Ass po ati Co nsel
MAY 10 1'72
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� Y9—
Y� xa�8 MA�I 10 1972
�.�� ov 19—
( n Favor
Sprafka Mayor
Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED MAY 13 1972
�l;.��:.Ei:i.�� r.% r.i...�a,:� .�' �...�� YeYi.' '., d�." '7 :�,r � ���
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'1�1�c .�tic•te:i<:n of
i» rr�,�i:<•<;�c�iti r�,?!c•il i�� t`.�r falivwir.r ;r. ._ . y .
� �i.t�NC�_3CA0`�1 C'� i�2� !,ii:iY''i toy �.(sLiu�Y �.GiT1Ti23£�.i�Tl�`:'?3 G� ��1�;:3i�r
i:c�urit��, .`.:i��,:�•r;:,iu, ��,::.�.er� �i tlie �v�,;:Ia� he:Ia a;�
Ziy C;%:n:r,:_,,�i�.::cr
P,��L�� -Lhat �k�e prr?�er Cot�nty offl.�eT's a.i� rare�;; a�t.:c,.�i..�d
a_nd �:��ctea 1w e.:ecute nn �e°r,al� of �c�h� Co��si;� c�i Par,s�y an
agreF�ent �e�k�ar_ t'�� C�.�ty ox S+ Pa.uZ ��d t;Le ('�:1 �"= !�f
' V• Gl: :1 �/VZ�12Jy Vy iv�•i1J�`�.j�i
S'u'!C� P..�?"d�i:I.°.T't�i �iC',1 ti2:1...rL1i1� fi0 T,}ZL �Sfi?'����r;;'_�G'71t. Of ,ZIl ��.ei.3�1 L'C7Y'nS
�ntein t�.ork prc���n to pdo�d� colle��� st�.c'�nt•�. �,-�_'�}z c�o�i±ions-
�q� _`,�� �`�t �y� !1��/� , �1 r ^YI� �n/.. !YY1 �^ -
.LJb �'l .J JY G,y�•� VV WiV� �VTIG11�.rUi1�I G1i�.L �1 VT1ry��-lll:� .���lt<<i�.� � r �
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pUS�.t;�,OTI. Oi �12'b2.?'? �:OT'�;i (.'IUCiC'�.'.,?'i3 VC71' �. COu;jr Oi �;3 i r� ,.,•�,4-��
�)�:i71��T, �'!"�"v�Cfli'.Cl �tE?X'��•9 o.Tl;j. 1Si.:.O1z��J�?�"�°:''_ �'1'.;'lc�lr: i'"Jaj 2'��I�. .r(;B�P.Z:
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�.�� �„�. _, , ��________—.____
— ----------I-;�:}��t�.
` � AGREEp� EP1T
. •
- "i�:rS I�.GRE��:�i�7', I-�ad.� and en��r�d into tYL.s d.ay oz �, 1972, b}r ar.cl
b�L�:,e�.l t:1e C_�_-ty of Sair_� Pa�, throu�: a.ctioii of i-cs Cour:cil, hax°einaft�r rE�erNed
tc, �.; �;rce Cityt a.r_� t?�e Coun��l of �?a�,.���r, �.ct:ing b5� ar.d tYirotah i�s Board oz'
Co..-���t�,c;�or.er:.�, hc.ee.:�^a`'i,er r::°e�-aci to as tne Cou�.ty, boLh aeting pt�rskant to the
�,r.,�-,r,_:�i.on oi i•;i:in�sota S�atut°:�, ;,ecti�n 471.59.
�rj,,,,... �..�f
f��:'_�'"?.�;AS, The City ar.cl thn Co�ty each have the authoxi�f and the d�sire t� esi;=:b'_i�h
an �':�b�n Coz-:as Intern work pro�ram to pro�r!de coLeg� studants :�-ith ra�anir.of'ul r�,;�--
por.��ble positions in Cit� and County Q�v2r;;ment under a p:^ogra-n i•r�i.ch is f��c�ed
p�^ir._�?�z13* by �'ederal. �rTOr'� Study mo�e,,�, ��zich pays �30� cf t'.:�e student's stipe:lct ;�rnil.e
ha a.� e;nplo3red by local �overnr,ier�t i.n a.n int�rnship capaci.ty, and
::�i���.S, ihe ob�ectives of the program are:
le To pro-r�c?e the City and County wi-th tl:e skills, motivation, creati�.��,
and en-�.��asias�-�. of colleg� s�udants.
2. To prcvi:�e the co1.I.ege studer_� with a valuable t•;os�Y experierce :in 1cca1
govarrL^�ent a:�d a� thQ sar,e ti�:e expose hiri �o so:�e o° �ti:� realist{c, pr.��,-
m�tic p�•obl�ms in City and Cozznty Governr��ent.
3. '�o cz^ea+„e a. 3zais�n bettirzen local goverr�ent and �he aca::enic cc�, , .zn.�.t�r,
-'r.her�z.�y enablir.g boLh �o utiliz� r.:ore fr11J t�.� reso�axces cf the ��il�r.
Id0�7, �����`F'ORF, b� nutual aar�2me�t of -��:L �ar+„i�s h�r�+o� ac�zr7 b� a.r.d ;;:~��t p'.^.
-Ere��r res^�ectiVe �ovez�ni._�� bo�es as aforesa.i�?, t�E f'allo:��.-�g agreen2r,t a.s e�v��.�d.
�!to ��d r�ade effec�iv� as �'olla�r:s:
�., An Ur�an Cor�s In�ern Work �oo�m s:na11 ba carried on unrier the s•.�pe��r_'�s�o:
af ar_ ZTrban Cor�s Coc�rdinator, ;;-i�o�e auti�s s.hall ba as .follor�s;
a. S�°ztroduce ar.d c'.esc�be the aperatior_al pracedures o£ z!�e .intzrn Pza����
to Y�ne various dep�r��nenis.
b. To d�velop within �the departrrents meanir�fu�. internshipe
�a'° To �� xes;�ons?bie for th� �;s�a.in�g and o?�entation o£ �t:z �ntEr:-�.`•s
c�:.rec� supersriscr.
d. lo rec?-��it ���d place t�az-t�hwhile interns �'rom -the �raxious co"lleg�s ur.der
the Urban Co�ns.
2. T'n� Urban Co�S CGG�Z'C:�r_ato^ s�.��.y .�rork under th� supAl�V'1J.LOiZ af �h� Ci.sr.i.1
Sex^,��?ce Direct�or� �ppoi.��tment, to t�e by the L�r.sey Count� C�_vil Sa��v_i.�:�
3• Thp C'�t;�- and Co�zn�.y =•:i11 r.or.tract i�rith -th� C:it�* of i�T��r.neapolis, Oii�_C3
oF ;;ra�n Cor�s, for �he s��ices of �t�dsnt irjtern� und�r the LTrba.� C_:.�ns
Fxo�r�,-n. Such contr�.ct ,na,->* r,ro-:Tid�, a.-nor.� o�ctler �.vems, �'or pa�rent o�
tr�e ,>a7.ar�,� a.£ s�u��ar.� :i.ntc:�-ns by the Ci�y o� Cotan�y �ena.rt�-�er.t con:ez�Y�ed,
:�n .�t�cY� p��por��.on ;•;�.th ��:� L'��as� Corps c� ;ne C}-k t: o� 1•�i~r�:apoli.�, as
may '�e dr,t;�-rr��.:�e;� :;y t'�e C�ordir_a��„, �.:��j��ct t� tr� appx�cval o� �ne C:_T�yY
�f' CLl�.:1.LJr G°�c:�..r,a;�� ��r.•.i� G. nn^v.�....�.C,ta Tl n, �1-n ;�li � x� �zu y, ,.7 .y.�, i �n
...�.,. i.,,c_�. v....vi:. ..�:N���v1���i_ :� u �:1�11.�i�:lA NCJ ��� `���.V
�1111C�>i S.11j�1�.',_:1 h1.Cl��:�;,�:'� 1?.i??l+,.a�J.011' ;.'O1' L`L2� � �T �
:, -� a?.ar�,; o� int�e?°ns, and
� � �
, • � '
r �asor.�.ble ad.�.znistr�3.�,ive overhead charg�s. The salaiy of t. e Caordinator
� and a�-ni_�.strative e:�anses are to be paid from accounts es{,abiished in �t��e
+ Civil S�i^ric� i`ar:�. ihis �u�^d is esta.bl�ie��d by an appropriatior. o£ �S,CG�.CO
from the P�-��y County 1972 b�ad;e� ��nd `v���� to �e pai,d ir.t� sai.d a.ccou:�i;
b3* ±t�e City eifect:��-� i.��:°di.a�t�ly. Ya�*m.en�; �rori tiv..s account to l�a by
Count�• j�:ar=��t i.n �tY�� u;>ual i�..^.r�er ior s-�ich T�3.�y'2ii°21+i.. `i'Y�� Coun�L-y si!all
give an accoi:n;,ir:g o� the ex�en�.�.tui�es r^a.u� iroz�l this fund a� ti.� er_d of
1972 and a.n� balar���� r.�mainiro -�ii��x�zn siiall be distributed b�t�zces� the
L�.ty� �nd Coi_.nty accar�iing to the proport;ion of fur:ds ecntz i�ut�d 'e, each.
}�. City ar:d Co�ant� departr,�:ents or �.gercies are er_cotzraand to �esign wor���•inila
i.ntern posi�ior.s and tio create internshzps where the studenL t.�ill be er��:�loyed
�..n p°rfo.'r-iing a n�cess�rs ar.d M�eanir_oful sex ri.ce for �he City ar.d Co�,z.�,��,
and z�rnex�e at -L-he sa.me tim2, Lh� student �T�7.1 be er.gaged -yn a res^onsibl�:
IN Z��ITiu�,SS W�OF, ths parties ha�e cav.sed tYu.s agreeMe�t �o be exec•,zted th� da,y
�.*�d y�ar first above written.
�'_ppror2�. as to �'orm C1ia�rrrzan ot t::e
arl:i i,xecT.xtion: Board of Co�i.ssioners
�- ,/ ,r• /� -- - - - - -----
li v:i''.S LZ la ��7�.,3' :li ,ra"-.l
� � i�i�, CIiY OF SA�rT PAiTL
�Y �
���a�o r
I�r:��a�t2d as �o Foz^n
u,d �,.},ecu�ion:
City er•{
J?;�1 -2.1. AS51.5�3ri�
C��_�;oration Cou:�sel
City o;�p�roll�r
o��"�,�.��,� 258585
, . .. � CITY OF ST. PAUL ,���� NO
RLSOLVED, T'tLat th� proper City officars as�� autt�orissd and
diract.ad to an�eaut� un bshalf a►f t,he City of Sai�t Paul A,gr�t '
b�t�nsn the City a�d Remssy Ccnmty psztaining to t.he astablis�OSnt
of an Urbaa Gorps Yntiern Work Progrem for tt�e y�ar 197� to p�rid�
collsgE �tudents with positions in th� Cit� and Gouaity Goves�at,
and provi.dit�g fu�ds for the poait3.an of Urbna Corps Coordinator, a
copy o€ said Agri�+earent baing attachad tu�rsto 8�d iaco�aporat�d
h�rein by r�lrw�ce.
MAY 10 157�
COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Cow�'� 19—
Yeae Nays ':
Buta� MAY 10 1972 ;
� Appro� 19_
Levine � Favor �
Meredith �
Sp� � Mayor
Mr. President, McCarty
� ���