258580 . . � ' COUNCIL FILE N0._ 258 • INTERMEDIARY ORDER By � _ ��th� Matter of �, �- Coaatructing and reconstructing sidewalks and by doing alI other work ahich is ' necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, e�ccept Where it is determined I that good and sufficient poured sidewalks now exist: i Finance Preliminarq Approved Description File No. Order S9b19 258061 April 11, 1972 Van ke St. both sides I D3' , from E. Seventh St. to Ross Ave. i S9620 258060 April 11, 1972 E. Third St. , both sides from Earl St. to Forest St. S9621 258059 April 11, 1972 Margaret St. , north side from Johnson Pkwy. to the east approximately 210 feet. ' 59622 258058 April 11, 1972 McLean Ave. , both sides from Earl St. to � Cypress St. .�_ _.._ ._ _ _ _._ -- .. _ _ __ _ -- Cosstructing and recoastructing sidewalks and by doina all otlfer �►ork Mhich is � necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, exeept irhere it is determined � that good and sufficient poured sidewalks now exist: ' Finance Preliminary Approved Description File No. Order S9619 258061 April ll, 1972 Van Dyke St. , both sides from E. Seventh St. � to Ross Ave. 59620 258060 April 11, 1972 E. Third St. , both sides fram Earl St. to Forest St. S9621 258059 April 11, 1972 Margaret St. , north side from Johnson PkWq. to the east approximately 210 feet. S9622 258058 April 11, 1972 McLean Ave., both sides from Earl St. to Cypress St. said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, sta.ting the time and place ot hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cast thereof as estimated. COUNCILMEN MAY 10 1�J7� Adopted by the Council Yeas g UTL ER Nays MAY 10 i972 _�r'V W A Y ApArov :,�,tr��� �_�,_G,�..H �^, � , n Favor . .- r-r(,� ''�.S��0 ayor iti;rCARTY, c`i , Agai�nst pUBLISHED MAY 131972 . ��