258569 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLHRK `_585V�J -� " CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE N�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK w _ COUNCIL RESOL NERAL FORM coMMISS�IONE Commissioner Ro er M n a a ATF WHEREAS, on April 17, 1972 the City Council Adopted C.F. 258108 for the Opening, Widening and Bxpanding of the Interaection of Clarence Street and Point Douglas Road, Comptroller's Contract L-7512 and the financing thereof, WHSREAS, an additional estimated amornt of $649.50 will be charged to this project for appraisal services $125.00, 0 � B Report $24.50, and, $ngineering Services in the amount of $500.00, now therefore, be it, RSSOLVED, that the additional cost of $649.50 be charged to the above mentioned project and to be reimbursed from the 1971 MSA Fund 64-216-02 � � P-0505 AR ;�ORN1 A P 0 � � ,,,,r�,.-; psst. ra �•-� � /. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� MAY 10 197�� Y� xaya MAY 10 197�t Butler ... �, Lv-�.-z..`u� ve 19_ Levine �n Favor Meredith � Sprafka J yor Tedesco A 8ainst Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED MAY 13 1972 � o��,�,���,� 2585�9 CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO. OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK .. . �. C�UNCIL RESOLUTION�GENERAL FORM C�A�AIMI�SSION� Co�issi�! ��r M. Comn ,� � x o� ��►a, oa �yrsi i�, i9�z t� cic� c.w���i �ao�t� c.r. Zsaios tor the Openin=, Wideniag and Expac�ding of the Interaection oi Clartace itrNt aod loiat qouglas Soad, Coa�ptreller'a Contract L-7S12 and th� tinancin� thtr�of, ii�. an additional sstisat�d �� of $649.50 Nill be cbarpd to this p�o�ect for appraiaal servic�s a12S.00� 0 b E Leport �24.50, aad �ine�erins Servic�s in ths awoutit of a500.00� nwr t�!!fo]c!, be it, �SOLVED, that tb� additioaal cast of �649.50 be chsrg�d to the abow �eation�t�d �rojtct aad to be reiabursed frqm the 1971 MSA t� 64-Z16-02 r-osos � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci��AY 1 � »� 19— Y� xa� � I�IAY 10 1972 Bu�� . � Appro°� 19— Levine . Favor Meredith ��r SpT�B' 0 4roaninat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��