02-460�=RIG1���,� �s i Presented By Referred to Council File # 02-460 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul provides and coord'mates many recreational events at 2 the Harriet Island Regional Pazk; and 4 WHEREAS, the Harriet Island Regional Parks site lacks a sufficient number of parking 5 spaces to house all visitors for Park events; and 7 WIIEREAS, the Miuvesota Department of Agriculture owns a pazking lot located at 90 8 W. Plato Boulevard, within walking distance of the Harriet Island Regionai Park; and 10 WIIEREAS, Minnesota Department of Agriculture is willing to allow the City to use its 11 parking lot for overflow parking far the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration on Monday, May 27, 12 2002, but on the condition that it be indemuif'ied and held liarmless from damages and claims 13 14 15 16 17 18 arising out of the use of the parking lot for tUat purpose; now iherefor be it RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby finds that the indemnification of Minnesota Department of Agriculture far the use of its parking lot at 90 W. Plato Boulevazd serves a valid and legitimate public purpose; and be it 19 FLJRTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to 2 0 defend, indemuify and hold Minnesota Department of Agriculture hannless from any and all 21 damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions or judgements arising out of 2 2 the use of the Minnesota Department of Agxiculture parking lot as a pazking site for the 2 3 Melaleuca Freedom Celebration; and let it be 24 2 5 FURTIIER RESOLVED, that the foregoing defense and indemniiication does not cover 2 6 1) any occunences or events wluch do not take place during the use of the Minnesota Department 2 7 of Agriculture parkmg lot for the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration; or 2) injuries or damages 2 8 arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture 2 9 parking lot as to which the Minnesota Department of Agriculture had actual or constructive 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 notice; and be it n_,-..e,-, cl.�eva- 34 ')!1'iSS� 02-460 3 8 FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that nothn�g m the foregoing provisions shall be constzued as a 3 9 waiver of the municipat tort liability limits set forth in Minn. Stat.§466 et seq. �'`��������� �.� sv €,�;°a� Adopted by Council: Date �%� 1 �G��_�fl� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary '-ET1 � By: Requested by the Division of Parks and Recreation � � � Form Approved by City ttorney By : -_2<����� cCX -,.�..� y Mayor for Submission to Z/ �� � �,,� � DEPARTMENVOFFICE/COUNGL DATE INITIA7ED 02-460 Parks and Recreation GREEN SHEET NO. 203552 5/22/2002 CONiACTPERSONANDPHq6E INITIAVDATE INRWIAASE Howard Bell 266 � � �EPARTMEMDIRECTOR 4 CfiYCWNqL � UMBERFOP Z CRYATTOflNEY 5 CRVCLERK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA"fE) UTING pq �BUOGEf DIREGTOF2 FINANC1Al. SERVICES OIR_ .3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANn 6 PBIks & fleC 300 CHA TOTALxOFSIGNA'NREPAGES � (CLJPAILLOCATIONSFORSIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESIED: Adoption of the attached resolution by the City Council. RECOMMENDATIONS. Approve(A)orReject(F� PERSONALSERVICECAMRACTSMt/STANSWERTHEPoLLOWINGQf1ESTIONS: _PLANNING CCMMISSiON CIVIL SERVICE CAMMIS51�! �, Has this persoMrtn ever worketl under a corMact for this tlepartmerd? GIBCOMMfTTEE _ VES NO " A STAFF 2. Has IFi�s peM+oMrtm ever been a city emplayee� DISTRICTCOUNCIL VES NO — — 3, WesUuspersaMinnpossessasWllrrotno�maltypossessedbyanycurrenicityemployee� SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? VES NO Ezplein alf yes arewers on separate shee[ arM attech to green sheet, INfIlAT7NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNRV (W ho, W hst, W hen, W here, W hy) The Minnesota Department of Agriculture has agreed to allow the City use of their parking lot located at 90 W. Plato Boulevard for overflow parking for the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration on Harriet Island on Monday, May 27, 2002. The condition of said use calls for the City to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Agriculture for the use of their lot. AOVAMAGES IF APPROVED: Additional convenient parking for the public for this large event. DISADVAMAGES IF APPROVED N/A DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED. Loss of needed parking spaces making it extremely difficult for the public to park for the Melaleuca Freedom Festival. TOTALAMWNTOFTR4NSAC710N �.00 COST/pEVENUEBUDGETEO(CIRCLEON� VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFORMATION (IXPLAIN)