258558 2���58 Counoil F�le No.............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theunderaignedherebq propoeeethemakiagof thefollowingpublioimprQVement by the City ot 8aint Paul,viis.: reconstruct_.the..sidewalk.on,both,_sides of Mar aret S ., g _ t:,,from,Earl.,St;,.to_.Cy,press._St. and in all other work which i and incid ._. bx do �. _ .. s..necessaYy. .. ental._to..com�lete_said.,im- �yrovement. ....----__......................................................__...._........................._..............................�........................_...._.... ___...._.... Dstedtbis....9��.:..........daq of...................................... ........ .................. . ., lg .7.�.. _ ....................Cou msn......... PRELIMINARY ORDEIt. WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: reconstruct the sidewalk on both side� o�.,A�ar,garg�.,5�,,,,.,�rQm,��;��,.��,t,_.�Q_.�Xp����..�s• ............................................................................................. _._. _...,and.bY...doing.a�1..Q�l��r--�Qxl�..whis.h..�.s..x�cass�a�y...aaasi...i�u�.si�uza,l..�a..�aingl.eze..said..iur. M._provement. •................................___.....---...........................--••---._...........---........_........_............._..__......,._.............. ---•...................................•-------•--•-•--.....-----...---.....----.....----•-----••-----....._....._......_....._._.............----...._.........._ 6sviag been preeented to the �Council of the City of 3aint Paul........................••-•---..............._.......-•-----•------.....----•--.,- therefore, be it ._. RE$OLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Publio Worka be and ie hereby ordered and dlrected: Y. To inveatigate the neoesaity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvemant. 2. To inveetigate the nsture, extent and eatimated ooet of eaid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnieh a plsn, profile or aketch of said improvement. . 4. To etate whether or no+�eaid improvement ie aeked 1Eor on+the petitioa of three ar mora owners. G. To report upon all of the goregoing mattera to the �mmieeioner of Finanoe. Adopted by the Counoil................:........................��1Y•-1 � �97�.... Yase Councilman Butler MAy � o �972 Conway� �PPtor►ecff................................................................•--..._..... Levine Meredith Sprafka � T-ades�cQ-- . ........ ......w ---.. _ Mr. President McCarty Mn �000 �-a� � __ �� � PUBLISHED MAY 13 1972