258550 �,���e �o... 258550 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. T6eundereiga�l henby propos�t.bemakingof thefollowingpnb}iaimprovement by the Citq af Saint Psul�vis.: reconstruct the„sidewalk,on b„�„�ot ,��,,��,,,�„�,�,��g�� St. and b doin all other work which is necessa and incidental to co lete„said ............................»�.'.......__�'z............... . improvement. ................................�..�..................................... .....................,.............. ............ .........................�.......,.................... Dsted t�h 'ie.�»»..»daq M�q 19 ?? $ _ uno�msn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. A►HER,EA�� A written propoesl ior the making of the�fallowing improv�smen�,vis.: . reconstruct the sidewalk on both sides of Minneh„��a,,,,�y,������,��,X,�,,,�„��g� St. and by doing all other work which is necessa� and incidental to comglete said ............_.........................»....................................».._»..........»............._......... ... . ............ .._.... improvement. ................................. .. ....._..........». ___........................................................................ »..........................» 6aviag been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..............._............................._ .�..,.... therefore, be it RF�OLVED, That the Commiaeioner of Publio Worke be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: 1. Ta inveatigats the neoeeeity for, or desirability of,the making of eaid improvemen� Z. To inveatigate the nsture� extsnt snd eetimated ooet of eaid?mprovemeat, and t,he total ooet thereof. • 3. To furniah a p]an, profile or eketch of said improvemenk 4. To atate whether or not said impsovement ia 8eked for on t�e petition ot three or mora oa►nera _ b. To report upoa aU of the foreg�oing mutt�to t,�e Commiasioner ot PSnana. MAY 10 1972 Adoptedby the Couna�.......................................�._.....................�......... . Yn�►s � , Councilmaa sutler 1( 10 197� Conway Approved......M.A ................................... Sprafka � Meredith - ��X�y�i6H Levine `fed�osCp— � ........... -- - ...... .............. . Ms. Pa�a[a�N�r � McCartq Ma r. �000 �.as . , � -- �' � PUBLISHED MAY 13 1972