258549 �58�49 co,��� xo..... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereigned hereby propoeeathemalcingof thefolYowingpubliaimprovement by the City oi asint Psul�vts.: ___..�Qns�xu�.�.�t_���r��,],k..QU..bQt,la..��.���...Q.�..��...�43��.�Y.�:_..�rom,Edg,grton„St. to PaXne.... Ave�,and.by.doin�_all other.work which .is_necessar� _and incidental to complete said..improvement:............................................................................................................. ..................................... Ds4ed this....�lOth:......dsq oq.........................M�Y.........,,,.....�:- :. . ...... .........., 1� ��.. ' ._--- ....f.. .! ...... .._�:::-.-_:........Cou�oilman......... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the mskiag of the following improvement� vis.: construct new sidewalk on both.,sides_of__E._.Hoyt._Ay,e._,_from,Ed.gerton.St:...to..Payne._ .................................................................•-----..... � .Ave. and by doing all other work which is necessa d incidental to complete __._..said improvement................••..........__.........._...._.........................._..•--......_................_.........._.........--------......._.........._ .........................-----•----•---•--•--•-•--•---._................._._.._.......--••--•------.._...........---......._...-•-.._..----•--........._.._......_.._....._._..-•------•--..._...._ having been preeented to the �Council of the City of Saint Paul..--•-----------•..................................................................... therefore, be it ftESOLVF.D� That the Commieaioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and d�reoted: 1. To investigate the neceesity for, or desirability of� the making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature� extent and eatimated coet of eaid improvement� and the total eoet thereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of eaid improvement. • 4. To atate whethar or no� eaid improv�ment ie aakedl ifor oa +the petition� of three �ar mor� �wner�. b. To report upon all of �the foregoing mattea�e to the �Cammiesioner of �nanoe. MAY 10 1912 Adopted by the �ouncil............................................................................ Y�sa Counc i lman But 1 er �IAY 10 1972 Conway � �PG�rove�.--•------ •--.....- ----•._.._._....-•..................•--...._..__ Levine Meredlth Sprafka ���v—� -- -•--.--. . _.�_. Mr. President McCarty sYo • �000 �-sq � � 6 PUBLISHED MAY 13 1972