258548 Counoil File No.....�vV....�U PROPOSAL FOR IMPROYEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereignedhereby proposesthemalcingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City oi 19eint F�►ul�v�s,: � Construct a public storm and sanitary sewer system: --. The storm sewer to be in CLEVELAND AVENUE from University Avenue . ' ~ to Eilis Avenue; in ELLIS AVENUE from Vandalia Street to Cleveland " Avenue; i n VANDAL I A STREET f rom E 1 1 i s Avenue to Capp Road; i n CAPP -°•••-•••••--••-- ,,,,,, ROAD from Vandalia Stceet to Wycliff Street; in WYCLIFF STREET from Capp Road to Hersey Street; and i n an EASEMENT to be acqui red from ����-"°'�"'""' Capp Road to Bayless Street. The san i tary sewe r to be i n CLEVELAND AVENUE from Un i vers i ty Avenue :-•---•--•• to Ellis Avenue; in ELLIS AVENUE from Vandalia Street to Cleveland �m�' H ' Avenue; in VANDALtA STREET from Eilis Avenue to Capp Road ; in CAPP ROAD from Vandalia Street to Wycliff Street; in WYCLIFF STREET from --- Capp Road to approximately 700 feet south; and in an EASEMENT to be acquired from Capp Road to Bayless Street. all to be known as the ST. ANTHONY PARK SEWER SYSTEM (S-o46oG-1) �� Construct a publ ic storm and sanitary sewer systems ••••--•-•-••••-.-... ..... 7he s torm sewer to be i n CLEVELAND AVENUE f ran Un i ve rs i ty Avenue ���������� ���� ---- to Ellis Avenue; in ELLIS AVENUE from Vandalia Street to Cleveland ..................._ __ venue; in VANDALIA STREET from Ellis Avenue to Capp Road; in CAPP R4AD from Vandalia Street to Wycliff Street; in WYCLIFF STREET from '°"""�""""° hsv Capp Road to Hersey Street; and in an EASEMENT to be acquired from Capp Road to Bayless Street. """""•--°--~~ � � f v, � The sanitary sewer to be in CLEVELAND AVENUE from University Avenue to Ellis Avenue; in ELLIS AVENUE from Vandalia Street to Cieveland � Avenue; in VRIdDALIA STREET from Ellis Avenue to Capp Road ; in CAPP `' ROAD from Vandaiia Street to Wycliff Street; in WYCLIFF STREET from 'tthereof. � Capp Road to approximately 700 feet south; and in an EASEMENT to be ' < acquired from Capp Road to Baytess Street. � 8C6. �=� all to be known as the ST. ANTHONY PARK SEWER SYSTEM (S-0460G-1) �- � 1rIH1 1 V wrr `I Adopted by the �ounoil...................................................•----.................... Ysss MAY 10 1972 Councilman $utler GatFsorrC+z�_�„-�_�. APProve�9.........................._..._.........__.. ............................... Levine Meredtth S praf ka �'e�estv-_. ......... Mr. President McCarty �'�� �- ""' �000 �-su Muyar. � � � PUBL1g►�Fn M�Y � 3 1972