258540 ORI�6INAL TO CITY CLBRK 258 5��., CITY OF ST. PAUL F�EN��� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ES LUTION ENERAL FORM PREf�NT�1 8l4 Victor J. Tedes co Ma 1 1972 COMMfSSIONE � AT� y � ✓' WHEREA5, the attached plans anc�tspecifications for the Site Work at Scheffer Playground located� Thomas 5treet and Galtier Street, have been prepared. by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings; now, therefore, b e it RESOLVED, that said plans and. specifications, being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Public Buildings, are hereby approved and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Chat.ter, said advertisement to specify a d.eposit fee of $10. Job #?1-45. A P � Asst. �urp ratiotl COUR � '� Mpy g 1972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeas Nayg I�IAY 10 1972 Butler � ove 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka J Mayor Tedesco Aga�st Mr. President, McCarty �UeusH� MAY 1� 19�� � o��,����,� 258540 CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUMCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��u o�Q Victnr J. Tedesc� p�� MsX 1, 1972 WHEREAS� �he sttached plsns and •pecifications for the Site Work at Scheffer Playground locat�d Thomss Str�et and C3altier Street. have been prepared by the Citq Architect under the direction ol the Commi�sioner of Park�, Recrestian snd Public Buildingt; nowr, therefore. be it RESOLVED. that �aid plaar and •p�cification�. bsing aati�tactory to the Commiseioner of Parke� Recreation snd Public Buildings� are hereby spprov�d snd th• Furchaeiag Agent ie hereby suthoris�d to sdvertis� for bida therean in the manner provided in sad by the Chstter� �aid�sdvertisement to •pecify s depoait fea of $la. Job #�71•45. �.., r� _, w �':' � �� --� �CS -��2 � � ;�_ taJ 7') �.� . y t�� �=4 _,N �J Q� . _ _° �-=V � � � �V . � y� Q MA� 9 � COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Co��ncil 19_. Y� xa� �AY 1 p 19T2 Butaer .... .� Approv� 19— �°�'e n Favor � Meredith ��or Sprafka � Tedeaco A gainst Mr. President, McCaxty � ��