258536 258�3� co�a� Fue xo....._w.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROV�MENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedherebypropoeeethemal�ing ofthefollowin�g�ubliaimpr veme�tb the t i�i Pa s • Construct a public storm sewer in CENTRAL AVE1vUE from 1TQictoria �St. �o��i.sTc �t, �� ih �U"" ...._._........................�---_.._... ...... FULLER AVENUE from �isk S�'....�o.'�ro£�o"S't;..afic�'t2T....�i�Rf�•-��AF�--�ram•-�isis--,&t....�s--�le �and.in...E�,S,IC..�T��..,�Q�.,C�nt�;al,_Avenue. to �.iller Avenue and in AVON STREET Central Av ................ ....................... ..................from..... -• ..._ ..._ enue to Fhller Avenue and from A U ""' ......................._____............. urora Avenue to niversity Anenue� and in GROTTO STREE'T from Central Avenue �to�Aurora Avenue�and�in�57:`��ANS"�'REET' -�••° .._ . 'f'rorii' ...... .......................................... Central Avenue to Uni,versity��Avenue.����'Y'°�o'Se`�iow3'i"a�`�`P':•Aid�@�f�•-�F31�,-��P4-��Y,�TEM Datedthie...._..................dsy of..........._......................-_.....�—_-- ......--- 19 ---. ... ..:�'�__.r................S-o97163a N--•--- �qnoilmsn. ...� PRELIMINARY O1tDER. WHEREA6, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement� vu.: Construct a public storm sewer in CENTRAL AVENtTE from Victoria St. to Fisk St, and in ............................................................ F'tTI.I,FR AVENtJE ............................... _._........ from Fisk St. to Grotto �t, anc�'�in�AI77{CSRA"A4EN�E"f'ro'rri"Fi�"S�':•��Ca••ii�-� --,��y---�-•��t••�-S�--S��-.��+om-•.Cextitral...Axenue...to..�'u,7.�.ex..El.veAl,t�..�iis�...�.�:.AVON.STREET froar ...................... Centrel. Avenue to F�ller Avex�ue and from Aurora Avenue to University Avenue, and in G� $TR�'�` from .Central�Avenue to Atu�ora �Avenue.an.. .......ST----ALBANS������ ' - ...." - d--in . �fro�� .................. ....•-•----......--- C .�.............. . __...._.. . eatral�Avenue to niversity'Avenue: A1Z"'t"o"'��"?f2ib'Gln"'�s�'S�:•-�iiOP�Y•-H��,I,••,G'�'E�4•-,S�',6�PEM 6sving been preeented to the �Council of the City of$aint �'aul....................... 5-09'7163A tberefore, be it ............................................................... RE$OLVFD, That the Commiesioner of Public Worke be and is hereby ordered and direeEed: l. To inveetigate the neceesity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and ostimated coet of eaid improvement� and the total ooet t6ereof. 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. , 4. To etate whether or no�eaid improvement ie aeke� for on �?,he petitio� of three ar more� dwnere. 5. To report upon all of the goregoiM��t 9�t,Q�e �m�yaeioaer of Fiaanoe. Adopted by the t7ouncil................ ............................................................ Yses Mp�' 1 p 1972 Councilman Butler -Ear�i�s�cm �onwaY Approvecfl.............. ..._..............__.. .......... ........................._... Levi�e Meredith Sprafka Tedes co ................ Mr. President McCarty � �� �"'"' �000 �.w � �� PUBLISHED MAY 1� 19Z� �