258528 Orieinal to City G1erk ' ' �v . � � � ORDINANCE � . . 258 t�2� . COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO. !�` '� �� AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMISSIQN TO THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAIN T PAUL TO RECONSTRUCT A PUBLIC SEWER, TO CONSTRUCT CAISSONS, f00TINGS, A ROADBED, AND ITEMS INCIDENTAL THERETO WITHIN A SEWER EASEMENT IN VACATED JENKS AVENUE FROM EDGERTON STREET TO 150 FEET WEST OF PAYNE AVENUE, AND TO CONSTRUCT A ROADBED TEE TURN AROUND IN THE WESTERLY 30 FEET OF THE REMAINING 150 FEET OF JENKS AVENUE PUBLIC DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY TO SERVICE PAYNE AVENUE. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul to reconstruct a public sewer, to construct caissons, footings, a roadbed, and all other items to be constructed in a sewer easement in vacated Jenks Avenue from Edgerton Street to 150 feet west of Payne Avenue, and to construct a roadbed tee turn around in the westerly 30 feet of the remaining 150 feet of Jenks Avenue public dedicated right-of-�.Nay to service Payne Avenue; all of the aforementioned items are to be constructed as shown on Public blorks approved ptans and speaifications' prepared by the permittee or his agent,on file in the Department of Public 1�rks and identified as Pubiic Works Project Number � E-1140. � SECTION 2 That the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to issu�-� such permit to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul to reconstruct a public sewer, to construct caissons, footings, a roadbed, and all other items incidental to construction in said ease- ment, and to construct a roadbed tee turn around in said area, all as shown on said plans, upon and subject to the following conditions : a) That said permittee shall construct said items entirely at his own expense under the supervision of the Department of Public Wo�ks, and in strict accordance with the Department of Public Works approved plans and specifications, prepared by the permittee or his agent,on file in the Department of Public Works and identified as Public Works Proj�ct Number E-1140; b) That the permittee shall pay the costs of necessary permits, administration, engineering and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaking; said costs are estimated as a sum of� �1,000.00 to be accounted Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafk� Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Ma o Form approved Corporation Counsel By OrI�Insl to City Clerk r � � : � - � ORDINANCE ���52� • COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��'���� -3- j) That said permittee shall furnish the Department of Pubtic Works all documents of record that are a part of the contract or incidental to its execution including, but not limited to, addendums, award of contract, sum of contract, and "as built" plans; k) That said permittee shall properly protect all excavations made both day and night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; 1) That said permittee, shall fully indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the C i ty of Sa i nt Pau 1 , i ts agents, offic;er-s_- and employees from any and all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits, or expenses and on account of� all claims of whatever nature for inJury to person and/or property arising out of or connected with the construction, inspection and maintenance of said items; m) The Council reserves the right to revoke or amend this permit whenever in its opinion the public necessities or the public interest will be served by such revocation; n) That said permittee shall within thirty (30) days after the passage of tfiis ordinance file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. � SECTION 3 � This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) d�ls from and after its passage, approval and publication. , MaY a 4 »72 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit Butler Lev��d�`� �'�— Tn Favor �� ,�. C� Sprafka � � Againat � �IAY 2 4 1g72 Ap ttest• Mr. Vice Pre � d;th C" le yor � ; �'Qrm approv�ed��C�o�orati�'or�,�C� I g�1 L �� ' � -2- , ���cl�:l SECTION 2, h continued for under the Department of Public Works Project Number E-1140; c) That said permittee shall maintain uninterrupted flow in the sewer during reconstruction of said section of sewer; d) That said permittee shall reimburse the Department of Public Works for all maintenance of the existing sewer remaining in Jenks Avenue between Edgerton Street and Payne Avenue resulting from said constructions and a joint inspection by the Department of Public Works and the pe�mittee or his ac�ent shall be made before const- ruction starts and after completion of said construction, if the Depertment of Public Works so di�ects; e) That said permittee shall perform all necessary restoration work resulting from future Public Works sewer maintenance beyond backfitling and compaction of the trench area within the sewer easement area; f) That said permittee shali provide snow removal on the tee turn around on Jenks Avenue; said snow removal is to be done to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Works; g) That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bureau of the Department of Public Works when the construction is to begin; all expenses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing or removing of barricades, signs, and other control devices necessary to close off Jenks Avenue shall be paid by the permittee and accounted for under Public lJorks Project Number E-1140; h) That said permittee shali notify the Construction Engineer of the Department of Public Works five (5) days prior to start of construction and notify the samE said Construction Engineer when construction has been comple�#ed to allow for a final inspection of all construction within the sewer easement and dedicated right-of-way, which will become the responsibility of the Department of Public Works when said construction is approved; i) That said permittee after inception of said work, shall prosecute the same continuously with diligence and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of the Department of Pubtic Works on or before January 1 , 1974; Do�to Pslata ` , ' i . - ' r C� RDINANCE ;� 25852� . � COUNCIL FILE NO -- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE N0- f'���� AN ORDI�IANCE GRANTING PERMIS510N TO THE HOUSiNG AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAIN T PAUL TO RECONSTRUCT A PUSLfC SEWER, TO CONSTRUCT CAISSONS, � f00TING5, A ROADBED, AND ITEMS INCIDENTAL THERETO WITNIN A SEWER EASEMENT IN VACATED JENKS AVENUE FROM EDGERTON STREET TO 150 FEET WEST OF PAYNE AVENUE, AND TO CONSTRUCT A ROADBE� TEE T11RH AROUND IP! THE 1JESTERLY 3� FEET OF THE REMAINING 150 FEET �F JEIdKS AVENUE P�JBL 1 C DED 1 CATED RI GNT-OF-WAY T�► SERV i CE PAYi�E AVENt1E. TNE CQU�ICIL OF TNE CITY OF SAIMT PAUL DOES ARDAIN: SECTION 1 That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Housing snd Redevelopment Aut�hority of the City of Saint Paul to reconstruct � {wblic seaer, to constru,ct caissons, footings, a rosdbed, and all other itams to be constructed in a sewer easement in vacated Jenks Avenue fran Edge�ton Street to 15� feet west of Payne Avenue, and to eonstrc�ct a roadbed tee turn sround in the westerly 3� feet of the remaining 15(1 feet of Jenks avenue public dedicated rightrof-way to service Payne Avenue; all of the aforen►entioned items are to be constructed as shown on Pubifc 4larks approved plans and spectftcations,�repared by the permittee or his agent,on fite in the Departrnent of Public Works and identified as Public 4dorks Pro,ject f�umber E-1140. SECTI±�Fi 2 That the Department of Public Works 1s hereby authori=ed to issue �' s�ch permit to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority�of the City of Saint Paut to re�construct a public sewer, to construct cafssons, footings, a �oadbed, and all other items incfdentai to construction in said ease- ment, and to construct a roadbed tee turn araund in said area, all as shown on satd pl'ans, upon and subJect to the foilowing condittons: a) That sa�d permittee shali construtt said items entirely at his own exp�nse under the supervisio� of the Department of Pubiic t�orks, �nd in strict accordance with the Department of Public ��►orks approved plans and specifications, prepared by the permittee or his agent,on file in the nepartment of Pubtic LJorks and identtfied as Public t�lbrks ProJect Numhe� E-114�� b) That the permittee shall pay tfie costs of necessary permits, �ainis�tration, engineering and inspectiort incurred by the Aeparta�ent of Public Mbrks becanse of this undertsking; said costs a�re estianated as s sum of �1 ,000.00 to be accounted Yeaa� Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Council Butler ��On 7n Favor Levine � Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty') APProved: Attest: - - � � City Clerk Mayor �� Form a�proved;Corporation �ounsel By �. .. ..� _ ' ByHasts�Pdat�e . a - : �� � ' 4RDINANCE . 258528 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESHVTED BY ORDINANCE NO , J��d�� _3_ J) That said permittee shall furnish the t3epartment of Public l�Jorks all doce�ments of record that are a part of the conlract or incidentat to its execution including, but not iimited to, addendums, award of contract, scnn of cont�act, �nd "as built" plans; k) Tl�at satd permittee shall prope�ly protect all exc.avattons made both day and night so as to avold all dan�aqa or injury to persons o� property; � 1) That said permittee, shall fuliy indemnify, hold hat�niless, and defend the City of Saint Paul , its agents, afficiers and e�pl�►yees fro�n any and a11 damages, claims, loss�s, � judgn�ent$, suits, or expenses and on accoesnt off atl clai�s of whatevar �stwre for T��c�ry to person and/'or pr�operty artsing cut of or connected with the �onstructTon, inspectibn and maintenance of said items; m) :fhe Council reserves the right to revoke or amend this permit whene�er tn its opinian the pabiic necassities or the pubtic inte�est �►i11 be served by such revocatton; n) That said permittee shall v�ithin thtrty (30) day� after the passage of this ordinsnce file a w�itten acceptance thereof �ith the City Cier�k. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (34) dsys from and after its passage, approval and publication. , , . , . ,., ' .. - . . ..iFJ:�. .. . DU}I.ICAT[TO MtlMl�t • � �� � .• . ���v�•.�� , . cmr oF sr. Pau� ����� No . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P��� Roger M. Conway s M COMMISSIONER A WHEREAS, M Ordinance, C.F. � 2585�� , grsnttng pen�tssio� to the Housing And Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul to �econ- struct s public s�§, to construct cai:sons, footings, a rosdbed, and it�a incidentat tharoto Nithin a sawer eas�snt tn vacsted Jsnka Avenue fram Edgerton Street to 150 faet v�at of Payne Avenue, and to construct a roadbed tse turn s�ound Tn the w�ssterly ;0 feat of tha reaiaining 150 feat of Jenks Avenua pubitc dedicsted rTght-of-way, to servtca Payne Avenue, has be�n prepared and intro- duced to th@ Counctl of the CitY of satnt Paul , a�d N111 be adopted �+ MAY 2 4 1972 to be effective eventuaily on JUN Z6 19�2�►. therofore, be it � RES4LVE0, That pending the ssid Ordtnance becdatng effective, the Canmissione� of Pubtic labrks is heroby aathorTzed snd directed to iasua a permtt to th� Housing And Redevelop�aent Authority of the City of Saint Paul to reconstruct a public sew�er, to construct eaissons, footings, a rosdbed, and items incidental thereto within said sewsr easement snd to construct s rosdbed tee turn around tn said portlon of city dedicsted rlght-of-w�y subJ�►�,L,�o the sama conditTo�s snd requirements as set out tn Ordinance C.F. No. � pending befors ths Council of tha City of Saint Psul , infonaal approv�a�l o� � construction of the aforementioned iteins being hereby given in antfcipation of the final adoption and spproval of ssid O�dinance. r MAY 9 1972 COUNCA�MEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butler MAY 10 � �� , � Approv� 18� �°�e _—In Favor Meredith Sprafka O Mayor Tedesco A 8'��t Mr. President, McCarty �� Saint Paul� Mi.nnesota � 30, 19?� To the Honorable, the City Gbuneil Saint Pau1, Mir�,nesota Gentlemen & Maciam: We� the undersigned, do hereby accept and a�ree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 258528, being 4rdinance No. 15105� adopted by the Council on May 2�+, 1g72. HOUSING A1QD RE]aEVEIAPMENT AU�RITY OF TI� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA BY ��s�j�Jy- _2_ .,.�; � �� ��� � SECT(0� .'_, b con t i nuPd '``"'���� �� for under the �e�art�ent of �'ut�l ic '�arks Praject !��rn�er E-11�'?; c) T'!�et said aerr�ittee sh�tl �alnt{�in uninterru�ted flow dn the sev�er clurina rQconstruction of said �wctian of 5euder; d) Th�i said qserrstLt�e sh�ll reimburse the f?��artm+�n� o"F Pu�lic �forks for ali m�tntenance of the extsti�c� s�4�±er rem�inincl tn J�nks Aven�e het��een Ed!��rton Str��t anci Payne �+:venue resu 1 t i nc� f ro�n sa i d ccrns t ruct i on; �n�i a Joint inspection by the Gepartr,^.ent of f'u�±16c s�lork5 �n� th� �aPrr�i tt�e or his artent s'�al t be rnad� �efore corsst- ructtan starts and a¢ter comr�letion mf satd constructlon, i fi t#,� �partment of Pubt !c �ork� so d t r�cts; e) That said pernitiee shall Q�r�'arrn a1i �PCessary restoratTon work resuittng fror futur� �'�a�i ic ti�?orks s���nr �ainten�nce hmyond backfilling and com�actton of tt�Q trench ar�a within th� se.-aer E�sement area; f) That saic� permlttee shall provide snoal rer�oval on the tee turn aro�nd on .l�n�:s Av�nue; s�id snot� rernoval is to �e done to t�:� s�ti�faction nF th� r�pRart^�ent of Pca!,1 ic Wc�r+�s ° g) That sald �ermitteQ shall r.c�ti�y the 7raf�ic E�ureau of t;?� [?epartn�nt �f �u�:t ir. 4d�rk�s ��hen the constr�actian 'v5 to k�egtn; all ex�,�ns�s ira�!�rred ?��y t��e Trafftc ��er�ra�� fn furnisnin�, installfnr, or re.�rs�vinn o� Farricad�s , si�rns , and �ther cantrol device� n�c�s�ary tc+ close of� �f�nks E•�v�n�a� s�a►11 t,� �+aid hY t!te oerm i ttQe �n:t �cc+�unted �or u�cier �'ut;l i c ��'c�rl�..s pro_4�ct ,<u�:¢:er ='-1 1��'�; h) Ti���t s�id n�r+nitte� s?��i ! neatify tf�e rt�slSt�UCtiOn, �ncinaer of the �?��artment of f'u�� ic �l�arks five (�) �ays nrior to start of c��str�ctian �nd no�ify th� sar+��: seid ConstrucLior. Enc�ineer t�+ltien cons�ructton h�5 b€en cor�nlPt�d to �llc��� fc+r a finaT inr�nection of �1 ! cc�nstructit�n ��ithin th� sr:.v��r eosement anc3 dac�icatt�d ri�t;t-of-way, >�►,ich �•fi 11 ¢��cc�me t}�K� respons i b i i i ty of the �)e{aart�aent o'' "uk.i i c '�orl�s R�r��� s�i si constru�tion is ���a�°��e+�° 11 7hat said �e�rr�aitt�e �ftet inceotfar� of s�ic.3 ��.�nrl:., shail prosecute t'�c� sam� cc�ntini�ously 4�f th di 1 i��nce �nd fu11y �o�?ss�lA�a 5�ie1 4,:-or6: to the satis�ac�ian �nd �p�roval of the ��oa�trc�nt nf "u`�i ic `��r3�s pn or t�efore� J��ti{ary 1 , lq�i� � �j C Ist' ✓ . ' • 2nd �/ � Laid over to 3rd and app. / —Adopted � � Yeas Nays eas Nays Bu+ler utler Carlson ����`.�� � \� Levine Yevine Meredith ` Meredith� V \ , 1 Sprafka �Sprafka �/ Tedesco �edacca.. Mr. President McCarFy . , �IC:: r � -. f,r�,,."r'?'h �� � �� . � � �1Y 31� 19'T2 Hou�ing & Redeveloptt�nt Authority, S5 E. Fitth St,� St. Psul, Minn. Gentlemen: We enclose a copy of Ordinance No. 15105, granting you permdssion to reconstruct a public sew+er, to construct caissons, footings, a roadbed within a sewer easement in vacated Jenks AventLe; also bill in the sum of $�+�.IO to cover the cost of publication of this ord.inance, a.nd also for publieation of Resolution C. F. 258529 pertainin� to the same matter. . We call yaur apecial attention to Para�raph n of S�etion 2 which requirea the fi.].ing ot an acceptance oF the tex�ns of thia ordinance in this oPfice, Roam 386, City Ha7.7.. I�' nat sa Filed, the ordinance becom�s void. Very truly yCUrs, City Clerk hP