258520 ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK 25852� '� CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL NO. LI�tSE CONlMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO N IL RESO UTI —GENERAL FORM COMMISS�IONE ATE �aY 9 f 1972 RESOLYED: That Application M 1303 for Pool Hall 12 Tables, {�:�lass D.-Original Container, and Cigarette licenses, applied for by Frank Hayes at 665 Selby Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted. New Old Location Informally approved by Council �pril 18, 1972 MA`1 9 1�72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler MAY 10 1972 CONWAY A rove�l 19— Levine � Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka J �r Tedeaco A gainat Mr. President, McCarty PUBLI3HED MAY 13 1972 � ' f `� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �"' � Capital of Minnesota ��� �� . �LJe artrnevtt o u��`'c �a et /' � p � ADMINISTRATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIAE PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MER.EDITH,Commiseioner HEALTH RALPH G.MER$ILI.,DsDaty Commissloner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN.Lteense Inspeetor =`-nril l�, 197� :ionor�.ble �ra�or ancz vi�;;,r �ouncil �aii3t �'�,:ul, P•iinne��o�t:: �entlei�en ��nc� :�:��d<.T:n: �a'Y'iiI�y iic^��C�i ilu^liCN 'ii�TJllCui,30fl1 �OT' �'`�0�. si2.�.�� e�.i:�5u D-aI 1.�^'ld'iii� �`i0I?E.�:iner ixP.C� �1�yi Y'@�'.�:C �1CCi3Sf.'� c^.f. �i;.�5 Sell�y ;:vcnuc� :�rliicta is �.oc��tec�� o� t�ie �ort�� �ide o�' ti.e �treet �et��een ��. :":.l}�uir� ��ZC� i3�.le utreet.. �3:1i� Ioca�ion i��ts bee�: licensee� �'or �. sir�il�r �LlS7.IE�S� ��lI1Ce 1':c?Y'Cil� 1��1• ��`I1G' �Y`@SCi1�"i. �1CF..'Il�e� 1� 1'•.ilY'10.1 T'��. u$Oi3@. �UI'lIl y i-`.�1@ ��1ti�: �1V�'� ,5,7@F�T'u� �'':I'. ii�n�C'S }2i.S �een e�pio;�rec: �.� a l���orer �'or ;�:�igts �'t,c°.�in� i.ouse� znc� �znd �:.lso =.or?�ecl for Frani�'�:� I,oun�;e, �28 SelUy _�vet�zLie. 'Uery trul�* U*ours, �9� ��` , License 3ars�ector 1 i'�� i�,;� � � �.- 0 . I . • . T �",;.j `"'�� �T^� ,y - '� �� ���,J � " � �CI�� ..�. �t�II��Y P�.L� L�':�It�T�i�iJr�' f��+ y V��,IC Sr,t LTY ��- " �,I�'•�;"°:�� �I�TI"If?i,� �ate ` � 1 1/� / 1. A�2ic�tion for ���� ���< — License � — � � ` �.� 2. Name o� app�i�ant �-- f� � 1 � 3. Busin�ss �.c�dres� � --7 E :�� Reu>ze��a�c� .`� �`� �, ��� ��(. ��-n S r � 4. Trade name, if �.nyT `��' E � _ �- � � ' � 5. Retail Beer Federa� 3'�x Star�p�i^e$�11 LiE�uoz' I'eder�l ��.x Stamp A11��,ri11 be used. �Mr�r� 6. On �vhat floor locatecd l P:ur.;k�er of rooms used � � ' �(oS � 7. Bets,reen what cro�s stree�s�', � C� �_ _ gsihich side of st�eet D/�'�l s�i h,� 8. Are premises noio occupiea���fl��t b �ine�s ��e�, �\� �Ioea� long � �j�ar�.s 9. Are premises no�� unoccupied,�1�1 T�o.�r �.ong v�cant �;�� Previous Us � �c� -. ��-o-,.� i'+F'� .�.�� . 10, Are you a n��v oc,rner �� Ilave you been i.a� a similar business before �i„ � � Where _ ��Iz�n `� llo Are you going to operate this business personally �.S If not� irho s,rill operate it r 12. Are ��ou in any other business at the present time /(j� 13. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type of place /(/�lJ When — : Where � 14. Have you ever had any lic�nse revoked���_�Vhat reason and date � � 15. Are you a citizen of the United States S Native i � Naturalized N R _ � i / 16. Where �aere you born �s.��!1L.�:rDate of birth _/�/-�����> � 17, I am�married. Hiy �«ife's) (husband's) name and address is ��� � 18. (If married female) my inaiden name is �j I p� 19. How long havQ you lived in St. Paul � � 20. Have you ever be�n arresteci �' Violation o ial�at cri�inal laa�r or ordinance � ��E {' � f � �� �� •� � 21. Are you a registered v��er� in tlie City o�' St o Panl Yes �( IVo (Ans►ver full,y and co;ngleitely. Thes� a lications are thorou hl checked and an falsification will be ca�as� fo� c�eni�.l� (OV�R) � -� ' . - . � 22. Adumber of 3.2 g�Aace� ��,�a-�i�in tt,ro bloel�s , . � �3. Closest into,�ica�in� lic�uor place. Qn le � �1,,.>„v,..Q,�, p�g uale � ,r-Q,�s �24. Plearest Cl�urc�1� r CJ ;� , �..�t���:' areut �c�ool �_ � � Gn/'�� � �25. r�Jusnber of ���,����.� �/L!�'}r/� Tabi�, CP��.ir� �Stools 26. t�,at occt�pation have you #'o�ioc.ec, io� ti< j��,t fia�� y�aru, (�ive names of employer� and c��.�e� so emplay�d,) � � ' B��,. 7 Gt1 / �� A�� �/'I/ a, ,, v � __ � „ -- �,�-,��-�r � �o U, � �� � � (b� — � 2?. Give names anc? ��c'�re��es of �qno per�ons� residents of at. �'aui, iiinn.y �tirho ean give infornatio coiicer�nin� ;� o ../' Name :,�2�� �� �.yddreNs--��-'.s��-L��- . ' � , Name C'- � t�ddres� � ` � 7 Ni�;nature o�' �1 plica State o� l���irar�a�uo-ta) )ss Coun ' of 12amsey� ) � f � imn� first duly sitirorn, deposes and says ' oa h that Pze as rq c, -ti�e fore�;oin� ��atem�nt bearin� his signature �.nd l�noq�s the eontents thereof y a�'d tha� �iie ,���r�� '^ true of ilis o�fn kno�rledge exeept as to those matters therezn s�ated upon iz�f'orm� ion and belief and as to those matters h� believes them to be truee V S'gnature o App cant Subscribed and sworn t� before me this_`' `� day of �� � lg � __�� "—�" x ��,�Sx�����n�����.�� Notary Publi 9 Ramsey ty, A4innes ,4D�'�L� E��E1vfY�; �' ~ � N�iA�YP�F'��i_ic ���ep�k��ri�,�rA � *� R,�P99��i-Y COJi� �Y' My Commissfon expires '` m�¢����x�t�! s sePe. s,,� . : vY�w ' :.i :; :.� (Noteo T�ese statement forms are in dupl� cat�e �3ot�: copies must be fully filled ou�:' notarized� �nd returned to the Lic� �e IDivi�ion. ) 8-23-71 April 18, 1972 Ho�. Desis Meredith, Caa�naissioner oP Pub3.ie Sate�� 101 E. lOth. St., City. Att�s l�tr. D�ie]. P. D�ksLa�l�n Desr Sir: The City Council today inPormally s�pmved the applicaticrn A'! Frsmk Hayes �or Pool Hal]., Class D-Original Container and Cigaratte licens�s at 6b5 Selby Avenue. Will yau pleaae prepare t2�e custam�azy re�olution? Very tnil.Y Y�'�� e�ty cier�c � ��y 25852� � � WIrLICAT6 TO PRINTER _ . r . CRY OF ST. PAUL �� �uNC�� NO. ��� � OFNCE OF TWE CtT1F ELFRIC ` COUNCIL RESOLUTI4N—G�IERAL FORM � ` � �AA�MIS�SIONER DATE_._ �� � 1 / �'r'�1 ',�titi .y�p�,i�a'Ir1�a � 1�0$ tIM! !Ni L�►l 1! �,� '��a�:b�0��3� p�s'�,1vs"� �d ��M �sai,� agpliat lvar 1qr ha�lr 1�yr� at i4� �1q► �w�r � � 1�i t�hs aw as� 1�14► s�i�i. � � � .:�; � 111� Lra�i�a . �a!'�1�j bY pom�q�, lyaeil 3�� i��t� , �,�py 9 1912 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the �ounc�� 19_ Yeas Nay� Bu�� MAY 10 1972 � � Appmnv� 19_ Levine � T„ Favor Meredith Sprafka �� �.Ag�ainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ^�9