258518 OR161NAL 70 CITY CL6RK 25�5 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL COENCIL NO. LICi�1�TSE COMMITTr� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY jlfjay 9� 19'l2 COMMISSIONE DATF G�AS: Under C. F. 257823, March. 28, 1972, permission was granted to the Minnesota Conferen.ce of Seventh-d�y Adventists to conduct a Tag Day on Monday, May l, 1972,bett�6een the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 9:G0 P.l`�. on the streets of the City oi St. Paul, an.d. 41I�EAS: They requestea permission to conduct their Tag Day on May 15, 1972, because of the �es'�hea conditions on P�1�,y l, 1972, therefore, be it RESCLV�;D: That permissior. be and the s�,me is hereby granted to the Minnesota Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to�onduct such solicitation on May 15, 1972 between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M, on the streets of the City of St. Paul, x��w�z Informally approved by Council �.Y 4, 7.972 MAY 91�72 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas xaqs MAY 10 1972 Butler � C ON�iAY e� 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � or A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty p�g�I�HFO �AY 13197Z � , Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �" • Capital of Minnesota c� /� ���` � . , a1Je art�nevct o u��C'c �a et p � ADMINIBTHATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIBE PROTECTION ror.tc� DEAN MEREDITH,Commissioner HEALTH BALPH G.MEBRILL,Depaty Commiealoner DANIEL P.McLAUGHLIN,License Inspector May 4, 1972 �onorable Mayor �nd. City Coun.cil Saint P�,u1, i��innesota �entlec�en :-.nd T�adam: On N?arch 28, 1972, under C. F. 257823, pernission was �;ranted to the Minnesota. Conference of tie�%�nth-Day :.dventists to conduct �, �a� Day on Niond.ay, rlay l, 1y7�' bet�reen the hours of 7:00 t..N?. and 9:00 :F.Itii. on the streets of t?�e City of St. Pa,ul. Beca.use of the we�ther corditions, enly a few of their peo��le ��ere a.�le to tivork, and only for a short period of time. Tliey respectfully request permission to conduct their T�,� Da,�T on. I�Zay 15, 1972. �ttached is a cop�r of their letter of request. ery truly yours, a�:� �./h-`o`� . License Inspector �'�� � � 4 �fk�`+, � . . � .. w. . . . � , . •�. . . . . . • ���, . . � ... .'. .... � .. . . . � .. � . I � "',� � _ . a� ; � �_ . : ��. .�, . MINNESOTA C 0 N F E R � H C E !�s �'�� ��r ''� ;', ,y , MINNETO KAR MANNESOTA 55343 .i� ;� � ���:��/L G,ti,tt<`• � ,��l,C.��� T E L E P H O N E 612/545-8894 � /� � � V � U Y A C(I V I T I E S,S A 8 8 A T H S C H O O L O E P T S. Maq 2, 1972 Mr. Daniel P. McLaughlin Depar�ment of Public Safety lOth � Minnesota Streets St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Mr. McLaughlin: You Will remember that yesterdaq, May 1, was granted us as Tag Daq for St. Paul. As you probably know by weather conditions that we were rained out. A few of our people fo�d sheltered ' � streets and worked, but not for long. This is ..La .te.s.pectfullq �equest of qou <and the cc�nnnittee another day for our annual Tag Daq, hopefu2ly during better weather. We would like to suggest the date of May 15 be alotted us for the daq we couldn't work because of rain. Thank you for your kind help in this matter and looking forward to hearing from qou soon, I remain �IQS sincerelq, ; r' � ./ _ ,� ,;.� ���� �(...�('�L tC�✓��` � Be ard J. Furst Lay Activities Director BJF:mk � � Q��2�.5S> � y � � 1".:�' i:�72 �, � � : N � � � El �� E � ,�, �, I_lCENSE D;V. � , Q !.�?t. of Puhlic Safety � �����`� L���� Ol6lati , y , � � �� 1�� I'It�. �ai! M�1"Od3�1 �:b1fs�• OZ �3.1C 8�b°�t' Pu�lie 3at'ety Bnilding Deat�r �ir t Attention 3 Mr. 1"�iel McLaughlin The City Caua�3.1. 'Eat+�y intaz�eally approved �e r�qtteas'E o!' Minnesota Con�`areaae of Sev9euth-Day Adveatists to c�ac�nrt a Ti� D�y' +oa �day� l+�y' �► 197^ bat�se� ttre t�a�rw oS 7sa0 A.�I. aad 9s00 P.M. ca th� r�r�ata of th� City. Will, yau pleaAre� pr�par� s reaalntion arnrering thiffi mdtter? Ve�r tx"u�],Y You'ss City Clerk ng