258517 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK 25�51'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. � I,IC�TSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � , COU IL RESOLUT N-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / May 9� 1972 COMMISSIONE � DATF Wf3 ��ti:r�AS: Proper notice has been -received as to chan�e of officers in '��Jalmont, Incorporated at 2051 Ford parkway, holders of On Sale Liquor License No. 8198, expiring January 31, 1.973, therefore, be it RESOLVED: That with the resignation of Walter A. Montpetit as President and Treasurer, and the resignation of Florence E. I�Zontpetit as Secretary, Earl Daniel Mont- petit resigned as Vice President and Earl Daniel Montpetit is appointed President and Treasurer, also all the stock which was held by Walter A. Mont- petit, is now held by Earl Daniel Alontpetit, the sole stockholder. On Sale Li�uor Establishment (Change Office�s - Stock) Informally approved by Council May 4, 1972 MAY 9 197.�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Y�S xaqs MAY 10 197� Butler � CONWAY A rov 19— Levine �� Favor Meredith Sprafka J or A gainat Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty pUBL1�� �1 e� �9� �� � � . . F � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �^ ` Capital of Minnesota _ _ .��$".�17 �eart�nevtt o ub�C'c �a et p � ADMINISTBATION Tenth and Minnesota Streets FIAE PROTECTION ro�cs DEAN MEREDITH,Commiseioner HEALTH BALPH G.MER.RILL,DeDaey Commissioner DANIEL P.MeLAUGHLIN,Litense Inspector May d,, 1972 Honorable 1�layor and City Council Sa,irt Pau-�, 1�linnesota Gentlemen and Madam: Currently ?�Ta.lmont, Incorporated a.t 2051 Ford Parkway holds On. Sale Liquor License I�To. 8198 an.d miscellan.eous licenses, all expirin� January 31, 1973. Officers of record a.re ?;talter 1�. Montpetit, President a,nd Treasurer; Larl Dsniel ��Tontpetit, Vice- Fresident; �r..d Florence Montpetit, �ec.-i°etary. All the stock is held by 4lalter A. Montpetit. P�otice has been received that '�:�Jalter h. Nlontpetit ha,s resi�ned a,s President a,nd Treasurer, Florence 'L. Montpetit has resign.ed as �ecretary. With these officers resignin�, �arl Dan.iel P�cr_tpetit resi�ned his office of Vice-Pretiiden.t C�nd was nominated a.s Presi- dent a.nd Trea,surer. �:a,rl Daniel Montpetit has acquired all the stock. Attached is a copy of their letter of notific�.,,tion. Very truly you�s, �Cfir1�.C�G.. /!���f/1 License Inspector �(Y1 J �1 0 r _ , • .. ' } . �a2ti.�t �. ..�tJc�En ' � ATTORNEY AT LAW r""^"� � ��g202]�� � '. 841 UNIVfiRSITY AVENUF /�A,+� � �~�? �f'�� U PHONE� 226•0144 _/�.�� ,� x�.J SAINT�PAUL. MINNESOTA 55104 ; :c' ��� .�..T� �t�, , - r.�1 . April 17, 1972 � ' : , . `�' ,_• : . '�-: _��-`�`,;� ;� £ r� �� `� '���k of F'u61rc S fe� ��� l� '_�tr. �aniel. '�cLau�hli� f�'' Li�°nS2 T:i �';�Ct.nr fi •'��>; � ���'�i, . Public �,a1'ety Buildirb , St. �'aul, :�iin^esota near *:`�^. �xcLau�;hlin: Please be ad��sed tha� at � ^:eeting of t-he ?�ard of DS.rectors ci 'v�1�.I:i�':ONT, SI.CO�°;.� �i'I'��.D, �snd me�ti*�b of Sto�ithn�ders of sa�.d corpo�=;tior, heJ�d at it� re,r� st��rF.d ofzic�, l.ocat.�d a� 2_0>1 F'ord Parkway, :.>t. ''at;l, '1it;n;;sota., r,n Apri.'. 11�, 1972, "lorence �m P�i�nt;netif, c�u1.J svbmitted her resa.Fnat�.r.�n, �r kr; t,in�;, aG �.ecr�t�.ry o£ 4��T�"�`:�IJT, Ii�CC;�tPC?_�TLD; ar,d �ls� suk�:rn:t',ed 'ner re��_�;�t:�c7= i:^ writi.nr,, a� a me.mber o`' tl-:e �ard o�' Da_r°ectnxs cf �,jlAT�I:,C�;T, _;T::;��?P�;:3r����; said resi�n:ati�•,s to beco�e eifect.i.ve im���;c�iatel,y. .� �lso at s3.i.d meet�_r,,;, ',��alt,er A. I'�ientnetit c'�id civly svbm:i.t his res:gnation, lYl WT'� L1,1?'.z:�� �3.S .�?'E'S:Li�E'nt 2C)C3 `I'TeciSUl'u'2' Cf' ?'a�:7u1:.CiV�'� .L:�TV!'li{iV'`_�R1!�i'�!�j 3I"3Ct �ll5v uU�'^'1i.+��t� �71.5 T`F'51z;T)F'�t1CT7� 1n Tw.C'1.t.7I7?� �aS a r��mber Oi �L'11e �'oard c.�'' L�1T'^Ct02':; �f ^��;� d �orporation ; said re:�ignaticns ±.o be:;�me �frFCtive imrrediatel��. !7u� tn the a`��ve mentioned resir;na.t�on:�, �tt�c �ff'ices o�' ?�e�ider,t, Tre�^ur�r S:IC) ��.'�Z'P�:.�T'�r 4tprP, V?CaTlt. Lvon :�`�tiot, du1.y r�ade an� se�onr,ed, T:arl. La; � nl 1�?or,u,^etit �as nc>rninated t,o the o°_!'ice of hi�e^id�:r.t �tn!� '?���as;:r�r• of�I4I�t:nr,m1 ? .�C��P. ''_'�`P?�, to holc� SUC}7 Of�'kCuB Ui'�i;.11 t�11F' r.��x�, anni;3�_ P�.2C�1CY:� O^ ll?�±,_L� r11.S SUCCBSS:?TS �3.Z't? dulv �ualified at�d e1ec�,ede � i:nasmuch as r�.rl Dan:i.el r:on t,netit did a.�qui.re all t,h;; capita7. stoek of 'flrii�_,t'.�i�, ??dCC':�:'0�':Tr:�, it �a.�.. �?ecide� t.��:t for tr�e best i.nterest af thF: i,Cir:�c;r�t,ion t.1"i.^,ii .'S<i.T'�. T182]7.P.]. i'l�:;fi��:�1t SUv:"7.T '(2?S TF'.i1.�P.::t1O?'�� �lt? ie'?'lt:l�'l•',T,� 3S :'1_Ce j"?'i.'.S7_iAc^:�1;� ;�;r i �h.�i+i, d S�..CC:.uCZ' ��?.Cf= ..�T'E;S1C7c1��� �3IlC. :'E:t�;E)�`i?'V �E,' �?ect�;�� t:E� f2�t.l �,a.�r1 V3Canc� es i:� tt.e r:ear ��±t�r�; ar:d i1:, �r;as �';�C'� :D that said vacryr,<,ies �;o�.�1d b�, f-�ll.ed at a �:,eci:!i ~�eet,in; c��: t'.�e _..�.� } ^ r .('.. y'1 � 1r�n�� ���� � i� i r, �'a P ^1�Y`f',� r,_ J r:�C�02'�� Oe ;�:.Tl. ..,�! p ...;1_ ,`t..:�� �S .,�..� C � 1.,�.C� c1t. 1 v.. 1' .E�1S�EZ'E'+j O�_�'iC� dt. %�}j� �'dTCj. r':�2'}�:i?�t��' �>t . r,3��?.J '.. �.,�Ot:<i� Cr� iT�}' ]i� ���1,'�,� 1�:::E.ily c;t t,tl'�t, �::f,P?e � u ��?_C', LiBS1C1� ::. 8rii �*C1 F; t.3=`V WJU��. t?E� T'a'.'i°Q u(� fl�.! t•fiF.; ;,d�C;. t:a�;il7i;-iC-;S� -3rICi j,?:.1�Y7 I��I'GO.^,S `dC`��.� �i1.:. �E'. CUi.�j' E1_<Ct•f•Ct '��� ll-,� t�c,��C: Ci .J�T'i'.�t.CX'�• ^ :Z�•sp�c.�•:.'u1?.y subnitt�t?s '�'Yl_�.��,.--_.. .�^-�s�.�,.�-,-- \ .�` � �" . .� - 1 T A I �^* 1.�::i�1.��� C�• �� .�:�.. ?�:Ji,.''l'. .,� . :i.`^Oi�i � i Ci CJ:':"(:02°%tF"�? �� , _ , � .. , . � �! �� Hal1• De�tl M8z'e�d�.'1".h Co�r. oP Publie 9sfsty Publio Sat'ettiy Buildiog Dear Sir s At�s Mr. Deniel �cLe�ugtil.ir► The Cit,�r Gbw�ail todq�r informal.ly aI►Froved tbe chat�g�e o�' of�icers ar►d �tockh�ld�r� in i�lmant! Incarperatad a�C 24$1 �brd Park�,r� �idere cf (?n Sals Liq�r Lic. �a. 8].�$ ac�d ffii.sce�Ltau�tecs�uas �.Scea�es, a�3.1 ezpiring Jaa. 31� 1973. Will y�ut p� �ra►par� t�e cus�o�sryr re��.utions c��ri�g thia ma►ttatr? Ve2'Y tz'u1�Y Yours� City Clerk �