258509 - � J 4 OriQinal to City Clerk � ' . � ORDINANCE 2585,�� `� COUNCIL FILE NO P SENTED B ''�� ORDINANCE NO. /��b _ An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments, �' approved January 23, 1925, as amended. � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DO�S ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding at the end of Section I B the following paragraph: �'Regardless of the provisions of this 5ection I B, the compensation for the following position shall be as indicated below: Title Hourly Rate Water-Shed Laborer $5. 54 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after May 1, 1972 after its approval and publication in accordance with Council File No. 258213, approved April 18, 1972 which authorizes these wage increases to be retroactive to May 1, 1972, subject to the rules, regulations and provisions of the Fed�ral Economic Stabilization Act, if applicable. MAY 2 3 1�J72 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � c Levine n Favor Meredith � Q Againat Sprafka Tedesco Mr. President ) �A �� 4 �� Approve Clerk ayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLIgHED MAY 2 71972 . #� . . � ��p��! • � � � . . ORDINANCE 2�i��� � ' � ..+ COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENT'ED BY ORDiNANCE NO /�`!�J � An ozdinance amending 4rdinaace No. 6446, entitled: "Aa� admiaietrsHve ordiasace f�dag the co:npa�sation rate: of certsin city positio�s �nd emplo�nents�" , spproved Jsnusry 23, 1 g25, as smeaded, THE COUNCIL OF THE CY'TY OF SAINT PAUL `D4ES ORDAIN: Sect�o� 1. That Ordis�aace No. b446, approrred Jsniasry 23, 19Z5. as am�e�ad�d, be aad tbe ssrae is herebT further sma�dsd b�r addiag :z at the end ot Seation I B the followina psrsgrapht � "Regsrd�ess of the provisioas o�f this Ssctia� I B, t�►e comp�rns�o� � for the follo�viag position shsll be sa indicsted belo�w►: T'itle Hourly Rst� Wster-Shed Laborer � �5. 54 Sectioa 2, Tbis ordiasnce shzll take e#fect aad be in force on ' aad after May 1, 1972 a.fter its approval sad pmbli¢atic�a ia zc�ardaacs �vith Cotmcil. Eilt No. 258213, approved April 18, 1972 w�i�h sn�hori�aes thes� ws�e iacrsssea to be rrEroae�ife to Msr 1, 197�- a�j� � t]N s�ai�s, r�lati�a �ud proArisioas o� ti� lWirra� svoso�ic �talilisatia�a 1lat. if ap�►liaa�l�. NIAY 8 3 1�7� Yeas Councilmen Nays Paesed by the Councii ' Butler � � �n Favor Levine s� a Ao�ni� �. T�a�t t��� AAProned: MAY 8 4 18� � Attest: City Clerk �syor �� �orm approved Corporat�;�n l�ounael By , _ May 5, 1972 Mr. John HaicUer, Dircctor ot' Persaanne�, City Civil Service �au. Dea.z� Sir: The City Council today gsve �'irst Resding to tha follc»ti.ng Ordinance: C. F. 2�8509 - Aznending Ord. 6�+6 by adcYing at the end of Sectian I B the followin�: "RQgardl.ess di the pravisians of this Section I B, the coa�pensation �'ox the foLlawing gasition �sh�l2. be aus indicated belo�r�r: Title I�ourly Rate Water-Shed Laborer $5.5u Seetion 2. This ordine�nc� ahall take eff'ect and be in force on arid after May l, 1972 sFter approval. �nd publication in accordmnce �rith C. F. 258213, �pprov�ed April 18, 19?2, which authoaizes the�e �ege increa�sea to be retxwactive to Maty l, 1972, �ub�ect to Lhe rules, re�u].ations �nd p�nrisions of the Federa�]. Econamic Stabilization Act, if applice►ble. Third Reading �►il.l be on May 16, 1972. Very trulY Y�=, City Clerk hP I st � �-'i✓ ~ - _- . �5 2nd Laid over to r3rd and app � �_Adopted � � Yeas Nays Y�as Nays Butler \Butler Carlson Levine �5���� \ `� Levine Meredith `'-Meredi+h Sprafka � Sprafka Tedesco edesco � �� Mr. President McCarty �Mr. President McCarty O