258507 ORI6INAL••• GTY OF SAINT PAUL . COUNCIL /VVV5O� � CITY CL6RK � ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION F�� No. NOZ O / � FOR AU RIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HON. DATF 19-- • RF.�OLVF�� That the City Council hereby conaurs in the act:i.on of the Contract Commi.ttee in the award af a contract for furna.shirig all labor, ma�erials, equip- ment and services necessary or incidental to the CON�TRUCTION OF TI� MARTA-TFIIRD BTOR�I BEWER BYSTFM for the Depar�ment of Public Works, Saint Paul, M3.nn�sota, to F. MORE'1'7.'IDTI COIV�TRIICTION COl�IPANY for the contract price of $309,444.00 (Total), 1. Twelve ('12� Water Service Trenches - UnY.t Price �250.00 - $3,000•00+ 2. Remainder of Work to Gompl.ete �torm 13ewer Bystem - 7�ump �um $346,444.00� �Plus Valuation and Assess 13erv:ices - �2,820.00, E�gineering and �nspection 10.� - �32,492.00, Water Department - $2,OOQ.00, Traffic Costs - �2,000.00) as a result of Formal Bid No. 5033 and the specifications iueorpc>rated therein. F. M�RET.�INI being the lowest responsible bidder under the specifications and the 6orporation Counsel is hereby directed to draft the proper form of aontraat and obtaian the necessary performance and payment bonds. The proper Ci�y officials are hereby authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the Gity of Baint Paul. C.F. No. 257786 - Contract No. 5-1438A Formal Bid No. 5033 • � �� APPROTTm s AS TO FORM p PUBLIC ORK$ � c �CORPORATION U�SII, �. ��r t. CONTRACT PRICE - - - - - - - - - - - -� 5���''�.'^J �vv • DEPT�C�NT.ND A7�1�'1'3SA EN6INEERING AND INSPECTION- -�0�� _ _ . - _ - - - $ ��� " ���. WATER DEPARTMENT COSTS � $ ���R ��{� ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: vnwnTioN AND ASSESSMENT SERVICES - - - - - - - - - $ �9"�'«""� _ �'�0�� 'OTHER CITY SERVICES - - - - - �- • - - - y-, - - - - - ' S �yy� COLLECTION CHARGES - -�a��ZC-GOSYS � - - - - S ��VW�� FORMAL BID NO. ��� TOTAL ' ' " ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' $J'.'l756�W NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABIE BY COMPTROLLFR QEFORE PR6SENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ �/��1�VW�wM 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY•5 SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -- 0920-461 $ 1`f'V���W 3. MUNICIPAL STATE AIO PROJECT NO. $ M 4. APPROPRIATED FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BOND ISSUE-CODE ��R �71 �� $ 15(�(���w � 5. �COUNTV AID ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " _ S 6. MINN. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT AGREEMENT NO. 7. $ TOTAL ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' y 3�•?56•00 COPIES TO: 1 HERE9Y CERTIFY THAT TX6R6 if AN UNFJVCUMBQt6D BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN TME ABOV6 STATED ARROPRIATIONf TO �CAL IMPROVEMENT NO � COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE P02MANENT IMPROVEMO�IT REVOLVINCi FUND PUBLIC WORK8 IN TN6 ABOVB AMOUNTB. PURCHASING DAT6 PiNAL ORDFR ADOP*�^- COMP'TROLL.E - "�-,��'l . ev yC, OUNCILMEN MAY � •��Z Y�S Bu41BI.' NAyg � ADOPT�BY TNE COUNCIL . • COISW� �N FAVOR �evine MAY 5191 Meredith �/ ,�o� sprafka -G�`"'� Mr. resi ent, MC�i� � o 4/26/72,/dc/Bmith p�gL1SHED MAY 13 """~°R