258489 � 25���� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK f CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE55NTED BY' COM M I551 ON E G ATF WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to change, modify and amend certain portions of the plans and specifications heretofore approved for the proposed grading and surfacing and construction of concrete curb and gutter on Conway St. from Luella St. to Jayne St. and Luella St. from Conway St. to Cul-de-sac, under Pubiic Works Contract No. 72-G-1618A, G-1606, as approved April 12, 1972 ' by Council Resolution C. F. No. 258�99�now, therefore, upon the recornmendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, be it RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as app�oved by the Council , be and the same are hereby changed, modified and amended in accordance with Addendum No. 1 , which is attached to and made a part of this resolution and of the aforementioned plans and specifications; and, fu�ther, all interested parties be notified of this Addendum. V S� f��. �le���� \'\��>�� . �`�� _ ���, c•�" Mpy 4 �912 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler �x � �� �SXi���i CONWAY rove� 19� Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUB�.ISHEU MAY 61912 �� . . , . � ���`���� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS May 3, 1972 Grading, surfacing and construction of concrete curb and gutter on Conway St. from Luella St. to Jayne St. and Luella St. from Conway St. to Cul-Oe-Sac under Public Works Contract No. 72-G-1618A; G-1606 ' ADDENDUM N0. 1 Qua�tities shown on Approximate Quantity sheet for Excavatlon, Embankment and Borrow shall be changed as follows: *Excavation cu. yds. 443 *Embankment cu. yds. 4992 *Borrow cu. yds. 4549 *Inplace Volumes The following shall be added to the Approximate Quantities: Construct 6" sewer service connections each 2 �? o�.,�,n,��� 258485 y CITY OF ST. PAUL fl uNC�� NO. 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRBiNTED'SY" COMMISSIONE� DA� MHEREAS, It has bNa famd nsc�:sary to e��. �odlfr and a�nd �rtatA po�tie�ns of th� p i a�s and spsai f i ut t o�s hsntofarn apprewd for the pr_:c�pos�d gradln9 rwd su�faciny and e�onstr�ction of ooncr�t� curb and �utt�r on G�rap St. fr�ow Lusi la St. Ro Ja�m� St. and Lwl la St. fro� Ca�wa�r St, to C�1-de-sac, u�dsr Publ ic M�►rks Ccntraet No. ?2-6-i618J1, a-1606, as a�prowd Aprt l i�, 197Z b�► Counal i Ivsoldtion C. F. Ib. 358099 now, thenfon, upoa ths n��at�on of ths Cow�lsston�r of Public Mvrks, bs lt . II�SOLYED, That d� plans and speclfications for ths abow naw�d I�prow�ent as approwd by the Councf 1. � and tl�s saas aro han�y ahan�sd, woditT�d �d are�d�d i n aiaootd�ne� Mi th Ad�dw� No. 1, wih i ch t s attuh�d to aad � a part of this nsotutton and of th� afor�tion�d plans ayd spscific�tlaas; and, furthsr, a11 inb�ast�d parti�s bs noti fisd of this A�fisndw�. MAY 41972 COLTNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�c>> 19_ Y� xa� �AY 41972 Butler � ��Y Approved 19` Levine �In Favor Meredith {c 1 , Sprafk� v �'� A gaiust Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��