258475 OR16�NAL TO CITY CLERK 25�4'�'V . ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F�UNCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED�BY . COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS� The City of Saint Paul, acting through its Model Cities Department, has entered into Agreements with Community Retreat Corporation pertaining to the operation of the Model Cities Program entitled "The Retreat"; and WHEREASs Both parties now wish to amend the Model Cities Operating Agreement so as to increase the amount of Model Cities contribution; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 does hereby approve Amendment to Agreement between the City and Community Retreat Corporation, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same on beha.lf of the City. FORM A R V D: Asst C ati unse MAY 3 19�2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Naya Butler 4 1972 �� MAY ls- Levine `� T� Favor Mer�- J Mayor Sprafka �J Tedesco A8'Ainst Y, _:��4 w�, PUBLI3HED MAY 6 1972 ��: Mr. Vice President Merec�ith �� i ' ������J A,.�ENDMENT TO AGR�EZ�'IENT � THIS AMENDMENT TO AGREENiENT, Mad� and entered into this � day of , 197`L, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, acting on behalf of its MODEL CITIES DEPARTMENT, hereina.fter referred to as 1°Model Cities Department", and COMM[7NITY RETREAT CORPORATION, a non.profit corporation crganized under th.e Zaws Qf the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "Agency"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS , Model Cities Departtnent and Agency have entered into a certain Agreement wlzereby AGency will conduct a program identi- fied as "The Retreat" ir� the Saint Pau1 Model Cities area in str.ict accord with the Scope of Services, Bud�et, Timetable and general terms and conditions contai.ned in said Agreement; and WHEREAS , Model Cities Department and ggency desire to amelzd said Agreemen.t so as to rev:i.se th. ?3��dget to permit Agency to acid additianal staff; now, therefore, I. Model Cities Department a��d Agency do mutually agree that the above-referred to Agreement betw�en the parties, approved k�y City Council Resolution, C. F. 256449, dated Novemb�r 19, 1971, be and the same is hereby amer�ded so as t� i?:�.creasA Lhe tnaximum tot:al tc� be pa.id Agency by the Model Cities Depar_tme�.t for. perfarmance thereof by the sum of Fi.ve Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) or a new total sum of Fifty�-Nine Th�usand Tour Hundred Eighty-I'our pollars ($59,484.00), an.d that the Agency be nermitted to emplay the services of a resourc� Pr_ograan D�velopmezit Specialist and pTsrchase books, supplies, etc. p in accardaxic� with the revised Rudg�t, which revised Budget is attachP�. l�.ereto, made a part or the original Agreement, as aniencl.ed her�by� a.r.d which is marke� "Exhibit A" . . � II. Except as modified above, a11 remainin� terms and conditions contained in the original Agreement by and between Mode1 Cities Department and Agericy sha11 continue in full force and effec� for the term therein specified. IN WITNESS WHER�OF, The parties have caused this Amendment to Agreement to be e�ecuted the day and year first above written. CITY 0� SAINT PAtiL Approv as tQ Fozm: MODEL CITIES DEPARTMENT t' � -� BY' -- . Spec.�i�.�: Assist1arit (� j� Mayor Corpora �ion C�unsel � � k � ,-c�� ° Director_ � C AFproETed as to Form and Execution: ��ty er • pecia ssistant City Gomptroller ' Corporation � In the Presence of: COi�IUNITY RETREAT CORPORATION By• • Its , Its _ Approved by Council Resolu�ion C. Fo No. ' Dated: 2 . ,i .....__._.....___ _ ; . : , I� . l • ` , "EXHIE.IT A" ,. .------��—�-. ;i z• , , E i . . , , i'. NOTE. These forms are intended to illustrate the furmat for the standard I�Iodei Cities Operating A�ency Budget. AdditionaY items appropriate to your praject should be added to the Cost Cate�ory shept. �nappropriate ite�ns should be deleted. PROGRANI ADMINISTkATTOI�d BUIYuET i � j'I � i 1, h;:;:E CF AGE?7CV : RE7'REAT CORP. . . . . . . _ .. _ . _ _. .. . 2. BLTDGET Revision 4�1 . l � A. COST CATECGRY �S. FSTIMATED COST FOR yEAR �F P:O�r`�?°I .___,-- QRIGZNAI. BUA�ET R��'ISED _, T�i7D�,ET R.FVISION 33UBGET (1� Personnel Salaries Employee Benefits • � 38,000 2,731 40,731 : (2) Co.t�sul.�an�s ar.�' �ont�act Services _ (3) Travel - (�) Space 16,484 I6,4$4 (5) C�nsursable Supplies a�d Services , 2,269 2,269 �6) RenLal, iease, or Purchaue �i Equip�er.t �7) Other - TOTAL 54,4£4 5,000 59 ,484 C. Mode1 Cities Supplemental Funds i4,484 5,000 � 59,484 D. Other E�:hibz.i. A ` , . , ' • kyTl�,H: P:�OJECT BUDGr'r R�:VISION A. PERSO1d:�EL , MODEL CITIES rEAA TOTAL Di-r.e.ctor 14,000 yr. 10,000 . 2,762 12,762 Adiainis�ratxve Ass�. �.?.,(?00 yr. 7,OOQ 3,01.7 10,��7 Kzsource Specialist 11,500 yr. 2,731* 3,905 ,. 6,636 Senior Counselor 11,000 yr. 7,000 2,522 9,522 Counselor (5) 7,800 yr. 9,OOU 19,889 28,�8° Secretary 7 ,500 yr. . 5,000 1,503 6,503 Ui.et�itian (Part-�ime) �,160 yr. 2,i�32 2,432 Cook 6,50U yr. _ 4,375 �+,375 Cook Ass'.s�:.ant(part-'time) 3y250 ym. 2,]_87 2,�8'1 :otals 40,i31 • 42,592 83,323 , Employee Bene�its 10,£380 1U,890 Total Saiary& EmploS�ee Benefits 1�0,731 53,472 94,203 *Added staff position. . Exh�_b:i I� A . , •.+. , BUllGET LIPdE (�) Consumable Suti�lics �nd Ser�ices . Office Supplies and Miscellaneous S00 : Postage Maintenance and Repair of Office E�uipment Printin6i Duplicating, and Sinding � 269 Books and Publications , - 1,500 Advertising . � � 'I�?TAI, COId:�Ut�iABLE SUI'r�LIES 1iIdD SFr�VICES 2,269 � i ° Exhib7_t A £ -f « - �! �, . � . . . . ' , �. r�. � . . �• . . i"1 . . . . . . . .. �. .. , , � �,t� . � . : - . .. . . .. ; .. � .. �. , � . ' � PRGG�Ahi RwSGURC�S A\'D 'JEVELOF:�Eiti'� SP�C�ALTST � �" , _ � . :;r ' . ,' -,�.,---,c. a, ._._y- , ,� .,, � , ;..Vc•...'�:c::c� �'�,i�Gil"�� �:^OoY'a��.S 1I': 1'2:13ii�.1'rc'�'t1V2 service r�.eld. Coordinates , =.:':C'�::.u::� G� OT:�,Gi:l� eu�:ca��.or.cl, VOCa.'t10:1d�� `COUr.s2iing progra�. OrganizeS _�' �:'_^"�_�,cC� 5�1Si:�;�t �02'' :�i'_�OY'i;:oi.i0i. c�ssenination�• ASJ1Sl.J in des].�Il Of T12W and/or '� _� . �:::.:.'�':_i�l'�C.... ���OQ��G:�.S QJ T:@cuC:G'� . f':T?c1'�/S25 dT:�. GCGi;!;f.�.^.'�S �XlS't1I1�,T work s;rs�em ; �c:. c:�::�:^�:.�r.e e��i�ie�cy. Rev_et�rs a:�d evalua�es ex�stin� program for possi:�ility c_ _. :���•�:�::.e;.;:. i::s�r.LC;-s ar_c. •trGi.s personnel i: �:se of systems an� forrr.s. ' .:,^.Vc:,:._odt25 aT1G Ti.df.eS i^6C0.^.:�i.@::dations regarding organizationa�. S"CY'UC'tliY'2S� T:���:.c�� �r,� �rc.:edures. Establ�shes ongoing �roj ect activities and priorities. ; ::v�:.t:ates an� coorci:�ates re�evant o�erat�ons o} educational, vocational, � cu::.�u_^a? an� socayl agencies witn object�ves and funct�ons of the program :+. ! anc acts as a liaisor. with ;.r:e:e progr�r.�s. �evelcps and imolemen�s a�propriate ' ' co;.::�:u:�ica�:.or.s so t'�at a�l i:.tereste� personnel are in�ormeC of proj ect activities. Se�s u� �ne4..s o� ir,terviewing resource p.erson;�el and aoencies for tae purpose ; of o��a_:ing and givir.o ap�rop�^iate obj ective inrormation. Nakes recor��me:zdutions �^e�a•r.:ino aeed, feasibility, �re�aratiori an� ti.ming of aew programs. ; - . . , ,r, .. � LJ�IGa'J11SI�1 dT1Ci maintain CCiii,^„i?i�iC.:x�.1.C7'i 4di'��'1 �].1 ��Y�o�rar�,S 1T'iVO�.VOG� in develorr,ent Of :lUi!ta:l Y'r?S011Y'C2S. �8V@?0�5� �2Si�riS imp'lements syster;�s for progr�xm ac�iv].��T �:���lsi.s. Deveicp., ar.d i*.;�T?er.,zr..�s in�ividual train�ng and development program ' �or s�ta=�, i�akzs �recor:�mer.da�ions to foi�nu��te pol:;.cy. Initiates on�;oing proce- � �u-r_es {c�^ d.e;.errr.i;.�ng if p-rcgra;� objec�tives are being met. Analyses ar.c: �.nterprets ,� =T,�O`'��'1c.��G:1 03�:78red fro� 'L'HSOU1`C�S. jUY'V2JS a�er.C�� iLiriC�IOnS ciTiQ (j.E'tc•Y'r��i.zS :���,ic'c, age�;cies provide needed services to clients, Orgaaizes, adminis�ters, and COO:'�i��d'1:2S 'CYtd':�ir;�� VGCB�::,Gi':c�:.� E:C'tUC.c 4�:i.UY;cA�, uL'C CU�.'tUY'c1� progxams i0x' Cl.i.zT1'CS. .,,'�. ; CGriiC2^S W1't:1 manager„ent rto dete'r::�ine OLl'C�.ine and SCOD2 of programs. Orgar.izes lectt�res � ? t�^G_`.:�ir:b mGauals, exa�s, v�sua?. aids, re�erences, resources and other train;r.g r.eeds. Coordinates training w�.tn. techriical ar,d pro�essional programs o�fEred ir. scr�a�s an� universi�ies. Collects, organyzes, and analyses �nformat�on yor use in p•rogram. . Ca:.d�cts studies cf �=t�nct�or.s o{' a�;er�c�:es,, dE�err.��nes their effectiveness, and , kee:s� c:.�oir.g ��le o� �the�r purposes �ai�d 'prograns. Respons�.ble ior developin� E_:�;Ci._V� wcrki.-�� Y'(.'.�Li��OiiS:'?1.�iS *n 1Ti: Oi.i7Er ao�ncy .JE'.'�sonnel. �2esponsl.'J�.O :�0:' ins�.:^�.r.�, ^;ax::,�un u��l�zation o` e:cistin� comr,�uni�y resources by ciients. Desi�:�s s�s-e„�s �or �,ro�;r�ar:� ir„ple.,�er.�a;.ion . � _ � , . �:-�::� �'�_Cy':I�';S: , . . . � . _ . � _.__ . . .:: - . , ��:;or.str::.e� a�ili�y, �hrough aa�d or unpa_� work to rela�e �to ex.-of�er.ders; �?e:,;o:_;;;.�r•�te� k::or._1.ECge o� syste�s �esign and :.r�pl.err�er.tat.i:on. De�r:ons�rated u�ii��y �r� coardinate soc�ai se•rvice activities. � , � � , ' , �. . , � . � � ;�� , , � Exhibit A f - � - � � . . . . � � �•. . . • . . � . `�.. . I� � .. . _ . . . . , . �� .. . � ' � . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . t. . - � � � . . . . . . . .. - . . .. .; ' . ' . . . � . � . ' _- . . . . ;��.;� ���CATIO�S CG;�,'D , ; � 1 - _ �. ; � : , ' . . : .,c:r�ons.ra�ted ,cnowledge of and ability to reach interdisciplinary social ; SCiEr,CP.. l�r.,ons�rate4' &�'��:.�y 1T1 con�munity G@Vu��.GLr:eTl't an� CO]Lr�uni�3l ' ' cr�ar.�i�a�iona': ':tior;:. Le:r�cr.s�ra�teC kr.o�a'ledge and ability to dea? wi�n � � 3G».c�a.. i:.S'�_�Ui.i0I1S aI'.� �:121Y' representatives. DeMOns�tra-te� c'lbllw't3% �Tl • c�v_yGr.T.'.Pi�_ Oi �r..:ori;,a�tia. syste�r�s. Demonstrated ability of designing � . � � y:��c-r:na��o.-. sys;.e�:s. ; , � _ ' • i : � . . . ; ' 3 • : _ , .. �. . ' . . .. , � , . , , , . . . ,, . _.. • . i . . . � ; � , . . ; ' ��. , , . , ' . . . . .. ' .. � R. - . � . . � . . . ' � � ' . � .,'i ' - . � . . . ' . .. . � . , .. - � . . . .. . . ,. - . . .. � . . . ' . • � . .�. . . . ... �. . .. � ' . � � . � . . � i . � . ' . . . . . r . I � . . ... . . . ' ' . . . . . �' � . � 1 . � ' . . . � .. ' .' . ., . . � � � . .. . r . . .. ' , ' '. _ . . . .... . . . . .. -.. ' . . � ... ; . . . . .. .:. . ' - . �:.� � ..�....... ........ .. .�.� .�, �. :.4 .. -. ' . ' .. ' '� . . � . . . . � .. ' ' . . . � . . . . . , � - . � . � . . . . . . . . ..j . . . ' � .. ' . . . .. � . � ' . .. . . . . ` . ' . . . i , . .. . . . .. . ' .. . � j . . . � - . . .'I � . . . , . , ' , , ' . ( �/- , � . ' . . .. . . . . ' . . , . . . .. . . , ' . . ' , � . , , � , . , . . ; � - . . . . ' , � Exhibit A '